Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Part V: Myrtales to Caryophyllales (Malvids)

Copyright @A.lalithamba.
MYRTALES Reichenbach
COMBRETACEAE R. Brown, nom. cons.
Evergreen, trees or shrubs; bark flaking, leaves simple, opposite, entire; pellucid dots, and surface glands present; hairs unicellular, pointed, thick-walled, with a basal internal compartment. Flowers small, massed in spicate inflorescence, 4-5(-8)-merous; Corolla often small or 0; stamens obdiplostemonous, alternate with or opposite sepals; less than15, inserted below or at the hypanthial apex;  carpels 2-5, inferior, alternate with sepals or odd member, ovary unilocular, stigma capitate, ovules 2-7, fruit indehiscent, dry; seed single, large, inflated or winged. 5-desoxyflavonoids, flavonoid sulphates +; tropical in distribution. 
ANOGEISSUS(A.P.de Candole)Guillemin & Perrottet,(Etymology: Towards-the-top-tiled (refers to tail like fruit-tip), 
Anogeissus acuminata (Roxb. ex DC.) Guill.(with acuminate apex of the leaf)(In North coastal districts)  bhuchakramu,భూచక్రము, paachi chettu,పాచిచెట్టు,pachimanu, పాచిమాను ,pashi, పాశి    
Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb. ex DC.) Wall. ex Bedd.,(with broad leaves) chirumaanu,చిరుమానుelama,,ఎలమ, shirimaanuశ్రీ మానుthirumaanuతిరుమాను
COMBRETUM L.f.,(Etymology:a name used by Pliny for an undetermined climbing plant
Combretum albidum G.Don,(white, refers to flower colour) banda teega బండతీగ, putangiపూతంగి,yaada teegaయాదతీగ, రంపమారేడు, 
Combretum decandrum Jacq.,(having 10 stamens)arikota,అరికోట  bontatige,బొంతతీగ,  mandratiga,మండ్రతీగ, nallapippindatheega,నల్ల పిప్పిందతీగ, పెయ్యరొయ్య బద్దు,  peyyarutheega,పెయ్యారు తీగ, rampamaredu రంప మారేడు , vadalam, వదెలం 
Combretum indicum (L.) DeFilipps (from India) raadhaa maadhava teegaరాధ మాధవతీగ,rangoon-malli,  రంగూనుమల్లె ,erraguttilathivva,  ఎర్ర గుత్తితివ్వ/లత, thigegannaeru, తీగ గన్నేరు 
Combretum ovalifolium Roxb., (refers to oval(egg )shaped leaves) putangi,పూతంగి, yada teega యాదతీగ, shiratalboddiశిరతలబొద్ది   
CONOCARPUS L.,(Etymology:Cone like fruit bearing plants)
Conocarpus lancefolius ; (leaves are lance  shaped) cherimanu చేరిమాను,yellamaddi యెల్లమద్ది    
GETONIA Roxb.,(Etymology:from Greek geton-neighbour
Getonia floribunda Roxb.,(florum-abundus, abounding in flowers, freely-flowering, )
 adivijaama,అడవి జామ,banda puvvuluబండపువ్వులు,bontathige బొంత తీగ, banda teegaబండ తీగ,kalikatige, కలికతీగ, bandimurugudu, బండి మురుగుడు తీగ,gaddaputike,  గెడ్డ పుటిక, karravedala, కర్ర వెడల  kattavedala, కట్టె వెడలె pippindatheega, పిప్పింద తీగ pottengi, పొట్టెంగి          
LUMNITZERA Willd.,(Etymology: having lamp like fruits)
Lumnitzera racemosa Willd.,(with racemose inflorescence)  kadivi,కడివి, tanduga తండు, podapa పొదప  
TERMINALIA L.,(Etymology: terminus-apex, the leaves are frequently crowded at the ends of thebranches/ flowers always at the terminus of branches
Terminalia alataRoth,(winged, refers to winged fruit) nallamaddiనల్లమద్ది, inumaddiఇనుమద్ది,
 Terminalia arjuna (Roxb. ex DC.) Wight & Arn.,(from Sanskrit vernacular name, meaning white, refers to white bark) tellamaddi,తెల్ల మద్ది, maddi chettu మద్దిచెట్టు,erramaddi,  ఎర్రమద్దిmaddi, మద్ది , kakubhamu,  కకుభంtittumaddi తిట్టుమద్ది, 
Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb.,  bhutavasamu,భూత వాసము,thaani తాని, kattu-olupoe,కట్టు-వులిపె, tandraతాండ్ర,taadi తాడి,thaadigottu chettu తాడిగొట్టు చెట్టు    taaniతానిvibheethakamu,విభీతకము   , 
Terminalia catappa L.,(from a native E Indian name for olive-bark tree)
 badam,బాదము,  ingudi,ఇంగుడి,naatu baadam నాటుబాదంthaapasatharuvu,తాపస్తరువు,
Terminalia chebula Retz.,(from Kabul of Afganistan) karakaకరక,karakkaayaకరక్కాయలు  alisi kaayaఅలిసికాయ, haimavati,హైమవతి,  haritaki,హరితకి, nalla karakaనల్ల కరక,shringitiga, శృంగితీగ,rechaki రేచకి,  
Terminalia coriacea Wight & Arn.,(having leather like thick leaves) inumaddiఇనుమద్ది,nallamaddi నల్లమద్ది  Terminalia gella Dalz., (VSKP, Srikakulam dist.,),
Terminalia crenulata Roth, (with crenulate margins, refers to leaves)nallamaddi నల్లమద్ది
Terminalia pallida Brandis,(light or pale coloured, refers to leaf and flower colour)  tellakarakaతెల్లకరక, velama karaka,వెలమకరక  
Terminalia paniculata Roth,(with flowers in panicles)
 chirimanu,చిరుమాను,  neemari, నీమీరి,nerali, నెఱలి,pillamaddi పిల్లమద్ది,pudi maddi పూడి మద్ది, putamanu పూతమాను, pulamaddi పూలమద్ది, puligiపులిగి,putakarakkaaya పూతకరక్కాయ
ONAGRACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
Herbs to shrubs; leaves usually opposite and quite often toothed; with small stipules. Inflorescence spike or raceme, axillary.  Flowers 4-merous, small, with an inferior ovary and a well-developed floral tube. calyx rather thin, reflexed, and deciduous; petals deciduous, not clawed; stamens 8, pollen clumped. ovary alternating with K, (placentation parietal), stigma capitate. Fruit a loculicidal capsule. 
 Flavonoid sulphates and raphides are present
LUDWIGIA L.,(Etymology:for Christian Gottlieb Ludwig (1709–73), German botany professor at Leipzig)
 Ludwigia adscendens (L.) H.Hara,(curving up from a prostrate base, half-erect, ascending),neeru bachhali,నీరుబచ్చలి, neeti theegalu నీటితీగలు; 
Ludwigia  hyssopifolia (G.Don)Exell., (with Hyssopus-like leaves,)
Ludwigia octovalis(Jacq.)Raven,(having a 8-valved fruiting body)
 neeruagnivendramu, నీరుఅగ్నివేండ్రముnirubaccalaనీరుబచ్చలి, 
Ludwigia perennis L.,(perennial or throughout the year) lavangakaaya లవంగ కాయ , 
Ludwigia prostrata Roxb.,(lying flat on the ground,without rooting at nodes)(Nallamala)
LYTHRACEAE Jaume Saint-Hilaire, nom. cons.
Herbs to trees; bark flaky; leaves opposite, entire. Inflorescence variable; Flowers usually 4-6 merous; heterostyly common; hypanthium/K often strongly ribbed,thick; appendages alternating with sepals, petals clawed, crumpled in bud, (0); stamens 10 or more of unequal length; basically obdiplostemonous, inserted just below C to near ovary, filaments of unequal length; G superior, [2-6(-many)], or inferior, orientation variable, (placentation parietal), stigma capitate to punctate,ovules 1 per carpel. fruit a capsule, dehiscence often irregular, also circumscissile, loculicidal  or indehiscent; or berry, K often ± enclosing fruit; seeds usu. flattened   quinolizidine alkaloids +; mucilage cells common; mostly tropical.
AMMANIA L.(in honour of Paul Ammann(1634-1691) Germanh botanist and professor at Leipzig University)
 Ammannia baccifera L., (bearing berries); agnivendramuఅగ్నివేండ్రము, 
Ammannia multiflora Roxb.,(bearing many flowers) 
Ammannia octandra L.f.,(flowers with 8 stamens)
LAGERSTROEMIA L.,(Etymology:for Magnus von Lagerström of Göteborg (1696–1759), friend of Linnaeus)
Lagerstroemia indica L.,  chinnagoranta, చిన్న గోరంట
Lagerstroemia lanceolata Wall,(with lance shaped leaves)  chennangi,చెన్నంగి ven-teku,వెంటేకు ; 
Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.)Pers.,(most attractive)వారగోగు   
 Lagerstroemia parvifloraRoxb.,(with small flowers) chennangiచెన్నంగి, dhaathaki kusumamధాతకి కుసుమము, sinangi సినంగి venteku వెంటేకు      
Lagerstroemia tomentosa C.Presl.,(having matted hairs on all plant parts)
LAWSONIA L.,(Etymology: for Dr Isaac Lawson, eighteenth-century Scottish botanical traveller)(henna plant, Lawsonia inermis)
Lawsonia inermis L., (unarmed, spine or thorn less)gorinta, గోరింట, kuravakamu,కుర్వకము, pachchapeddagoranta, పచ్చపెద్దగోరింట; mahendi,/ maidaaku (This is the distorted form of Mehindi) మెహిందీ/ మైదాకు ,      
NESAEA (EtymolgyNamed after a sea-nymph)
Nesaea brevipes Koeh.,(short stalked)
Nesaea lanceolata (Heyne ex Clarke)Koehne,
PUNICA L.,(Etymology: from a Latin name, malum punicumCarthaginian apple; many seeded apple)
Punica granatum L.,(many seeded) daanimmaదానిమ్మ, daadimiదాడిమీ, pulla daanimmaపుల్లదానిమ్మ, tiyya daanimmaతియ్య దానిమ్మ    
ROTALA L.,(Etymology: like a small wheel)
Rotala densiflora ( Roth ) Koehne,(flowers densely arranged) 
Rotala verticillaris L., (having whorls (several leaves or flowers all arising at the same level on the stem)  
Rotala indica (Willd.) Koehne, 
Rotala rosea (Poir.)Cok, (with rose coloured flowers)
Rotala rotundifolia (Buch-Ham. ex D.Don) Koehne, (with rounded leaves) 
SONNERATIA L.f.,(Etymology:for Pierre Sonnerat (1749–1841), who collected in several areas of the tropics)
Sonneratia apetala Buch. -Ham., (- flowers are without petals); peddakalinga పెద్ద కళింగ, 
Sonneratia caeseolaris (L.)Engl., (with bluish-grey appearance)chinna kalingaచిన్నకళింగ, kaandla కాండ్ల  (Rare in Coringa estuary)
TRAPA L.,(Etymology: Said to be from the Latin calcitrapa, Greek kalkitrapa, a four-spiked iron ball thrown to maim horses in battle; alluding to the 4-horned fruits)
Trapa natans L., (floating on water)water chestnut(Eng.) parike gaddaపెరికె గడ్డ, kubjakam,కుబ్జకము, kubyakam కుబ్యకం , pandi gadda, పంది గడ్డ,  
WOODFORDIA Salisb.,(Etymology: Named for Emperor John Alexander Woodford, 18th century botanist and natural history collector)
Woodfordia fruticosa (L.)Kurz,(shrub like habit) are puvvuఆరెపువ్వు,dhaathaki,ధాతకిgedda putika, గెద్దపుటిక, godari గొడారి, jaji జాజి, jeguru maanu  జేగురుమాను, reyya manu రెయ్యమాను,pagadamపగడం, shirinjiశిరింజి , gaddapisiniki,గడ్డ పిసినికి  errapuvvuఎర్ర పువ్వు         
MYRTACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
Trees or shrubs, often aromatic; bark flaky; leaves often opposite, entire, punctuate, with well-developed intramarginal vein ; flowers perfect, 4-5(-8)-merous; sepals calyptrate or circumscissile, petals 0 or 4-5, often deciduous; stamens many, conspicuous, in fascicles opposite to petals; anthers with an apical gland; G [2(-18], ovary inferior,stigma capitate; fruit baccate; while another large group of genera has ± superior ovaries and capsules.
CALLISTEMON R.Br.,(Etymology: cal-beautiful, stemone- stamens;with beautiful stamens)
Callistemon viminalis (Sol. ex Gaertn.) G.Don ex Loudon, (with long slender shoots suitable for wicker or basketwork, of osiers, osier-like, with pliant twigs,) 
weeping bottle brush
EUCALYPTUS  (Etymology:  From Greek eu- (good) and kaluptos, (covered) the operculum of the calyx conceals the floral parts at first)
Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm., (with cylindrical horns, refers to fruit)jaamail chettuజామాయిల్ చెట్టు , 
Eucalyptus citriodora Hook,(with lemon odour) talanoppi aaku తలనొప్పిఆకు,neelagiri tailam chettuనీలగిరి తైలం చెట్టు  
 EUGENIA L.,(Etymology: Named for Prince Eugene of Savoy, 18th century Austrian general)
Eugenia roxburghii DC.,(named after William Roxburgh) aramandaఅరమంద,arvithaఅర్విత, gaarimottu గారిమొత్తు, goragamoodiగొరగమూడీ, kunti neredu కుంటి నేరేడు,rodda రొడ్డ  ,   
PSIDIUM L.,a Greek name, psidion (formerly for the pomegranate, for the similarity of
the fruits) now given to gua.  
Psidium guajava L., (S American Spanish name, guayaba, for the guava,)
jaamaజామ, goyya panduగొయ్య-పండు, erra jaamaఎర్రజామ, tella jaama తెల్లజామ,    
SYZYGIUM Gaert.,(Etymology: Paired, su-zugoj(yoked together) (from the form of branching and opposite leaves; formerly applied to Calyptranthus)
Syzygium alternifolium (Wight) Walp.,(with alternate phyllotaxy, one leaf at each node) mogi,మోగిmanchi mogi, మంచిమోగి,manchi movi,మంచిమోవి, movichettu మోవి,   
 Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels,(bunch or clustered, refers to fruiting) naereduనేరేడు, allanaeredu అల్లనేరేడు, jamboo జంబూఫలం,peddanaeredu పెద్దనేరేడు, raacha naereduరాచనేరేడు;  
Syzygium jambos  (L.) Alston,(from a Malaysian name, shamba, for rose-apple)
 gulabjamu గులాబ్జాము, alanereduఅల్లనేరేడు, panneeru pandu పన్నీరుపండు, jambu neredu జంబు నేరేడు (Cultivated), 
Syzygium salicifolium (Wight) J.Graham(leaves resemble Salix leaves)(Syn. Syzygium heyneanum (Duthie) Gamble, 
Syzygium heyneanum Wall. ex. Duthie, (for Dr Benjamin Heyne (1770–1819), German botanist, missionary and collector near Travancore, Kerala, SW India)
 chinna naereduచిన్ననేరేడు , jinnu జిన్ను, jenu జేను  ; 
Syzygium aromaticum (L.) MERRILL & PERRY ,(with fragrant flower buds) devakusumamu,దేవకుసుమము  kaaravallu,కారవళ్ళు  lavangalu,లవంగాలు  lavangamuలవంగము (Not found in A.P); 
Syzygium samarangense (BL.) MERR. & PERRY, gulaabijaamichettuగులాబ్జామిచెట్టు   
MELASTOMATACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
Herbs to shrubs and trees. Leaves opposite, entire, exstipulate, 2 or more strong veins ascending from at or near the base. Flowers 4or 5 merous, usually terminal, purple or blue; K quincuncial, C contorted; stamens twice the number of petals, carpels opposite petals, stigma punctate; Fruit berry. 
MELASTOMA L.,(Etymology: melano-Black- stoma-mouth,  (the fruits stain the lips black)
Melastoma malabathricum L.,(from Malabar)
. nekkare,నెక్కరి, nekkaresaelya,నెక్కరిసెల్య pathudu పాతుడు , pattudu పట్టుడు,   
MEMECYLON L.,(Etymology: meme-mimic or Imitation, from the Greek name for the fruits of Arbutus, which are similar)
 Memecylon edule Roxb.,(edible) alli,అల్లి, manchialli మంచిఅల్లి, peddalliపెద్దల్లి, 
Memecylon grande Blume,(large, spectacular) alli,అల్లి,
Memecylon jadhavii K.N.Reddy, C.S.Reddy & V.S.Raju, 
Memecylon lushingtonii Gamble, 
Memecylon madgolense Gamble, (from Madgole hills of A.P)  
Memecylon royenii Blume, (for Adrian van Royen (1704–99), Professor of Botany at Leiden)
Memecylon umbellatum Burm.f.,(flowers in umbel inflorescence) kukkalliకుక్కల్లి,alli అల్లి, peddalliపెద్దల్లి,  
 OSBECKIA L.,(Etymology:Named for Pehr Osbeck, 18th century Swedish explorer and naturalist)
Osbeckia chinensis L.f., 
Osbeckia  muralis Naud.,(growing on walls) 
Osbeckia  stellata Buch-Ham. ex Ker.Gawl., (with stellate hairs) 
Osbeckia zeylanica Steud. ex Naudin,(from Ceylone) burada alliబురదఅల్లి   
 SONERILA Roxb.,(Etymology:from Malayalam name Soneri-ila by Van Rheede (1689) and the same was adopted by Roxburgh (1814). The literary meaning Sunnari (Soneri) refer to a beautiful girl and ila means leaf, a reference to the two coloured leaves as most of the species in the genus are with beautiful foliage and attractive pink or red flower. 
Sonerila tenera Royle, (delicate, stems and stalks delicate)(Kurnool, VSKP)
SAPINDALES Berchtold & J. Presl
Interesting secondary compounds, ethereal oils, myricetin +; (secretory cells/tissue +); mucilage cells +, with swollen layered inner periclinal walls [position in plant varies]; branching from previous innovation, petioles leaving a prominent scar; leaves spiral, odd-pinnately compound, leaflets opposite, vernation conduplicate; A 2x K, (± obdiplostemonous); tapetal cells polyploid; (pollen exine distinctly striate); nectary well developed; G = and opposite petals, or 3, odd member adaxial, stigmatic head from postgenitally united free carpel tips; ovules few/carpel, epitropous, nucellar cap [?all]; exotegment not fibrous; (embryo chlorophyllous). 

Trees or shrubs; exudates black and/or rather resinous-smelling; leaves simple odd-pinnate and the leaflets are opposite to alternate. The flowers are small, 5 merous, andro/ gynophore present, ovule 1 per carpel.stigma capitate, and the fruits often have an excentric style or styles (e.g. Spondias!) and are often more or less flattened and single-seeded drupes. funicle often long.
ANACARDIUM L.,(Etymology: Name used for the heart-shaped fruit of an Indian tree, but applied to the cashew by Linnaeus;ana-above or upon, cardium-heart shaped -heart shaped above)
Anacardium occidentale L.,(from west, from Westren south America) muntha maamidiముంతమామిడి,jeedi pappu జీడిపప్పు,jeedi maamidi జీడిమామిడి, mokka mamidiమొక్కమామిడి,                      
BUCHANANIA Spreng.,(Etymology: In honour of Francis Buchanan-Hamilton (1762-1829), surgeon in the East India Company (Bengal Medical Service), naturalist and fellow of the Royal Society and of the Linnean Society.)
Buchanania axillaris (Desr.) Ramamoorthy,(from axils, refers to axillary inflorescence) saara pappuసారపప్పు, chiranjiచిరంజి,  peddamoralliపెద్దమొరలి morali మొరాలి      
Buchanania lanzan Spreng.,(lana-wooly,refers to wooly inflorescence axis)  Leaves broadly ovate; pubescent below; panicle with copious branches villous. Found in deciduous forests., chaarumamidi చారుమామిడి, saara/saarapappuసారపప్పు, jarumamidi జారుమామిడి, chinnamoralli చిన్న మొరలి, jarugu జరుగు   
LANNEA A.Rich., (Etymology:From the Latin lana "wool", referring to the woolly hair on young parts or on the roots of some species.)
Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr., (from the Coromandel coastal area, SE India,) 
gumpenaగుంపెన,dumpena/dumpini దుంపెన దుంపిణి, oddimaanuఒద్దిమాను,ajasrungi అజ శృంగి,aathopu chettu ఆతోపుచెట్టు, appiriyadaఅప్పిరియద       ,
 MANGIFERA L.,(Etymology:Mango-bearer, from the Hindu name, mangu, or Tamil, man kai, for the mango fruit, and fero-wild)
Mangifera indica L., mamidiమామిడి,chuta చూత  
NOTHOPEGIA Blume,(Etymology: nothos-false/bastard- false, fountain 
Nothopegia heyneana (Hook.f.)Gamble;
Nothopegia colebrookiana Bl. kokkuturamu, కొక్కుటురము,nalla alli నల్లల్లి ,
RHUS L.,(Etymology: The Greek name for Sumac)
Rhus mysorensis G.Don, sundari సుందరి, seethaసీత,  
Rhus paniculata wall. Ex. Hok.f., (flowers in panicles)
Rhus succedanea L.,(following) karkatasringi కర్కటశృంగి  
SEMICARPUS L.f,(Etymology: From the Greek sema, semeion "a sign, a mark" and karpos "fruit", in reference to the juice of the nuts used as an ink to mark clothes or linen.)
Semicarpus anacardium L.f.,(fruit resemble Anacardium fruit) marking nut, nallajeedi   నల్ల జీడి, jeediజీడి, bhallatamu భల్లాటము, thummeda mamidi తుమ్మెద మామిడి     
SPONDIAS L.,(Etymology: From the Greek spondias or spodias "ashes", the classical name for the wild plum tree (Theophrastus).
Spondias pinnata (L.f.)Kurz, (having pinnate leaves) adavimamidiఅడవిమామిడి, ambaalamuఅంబాలము, ampilepichettuఅంపిలేపిచెట్టు, aamrathakamuఆమ్రతకము ,ivuru mamidi ఇవురుమామిడి, konda mamidiకొండమామిడి, peetha vrukshamu పీతవృక్షము            
BURSERACEAE Kunth, nom. cons. 
 Trees or shrubs; bark often flaky, light grey; exudate colorless to white, resinous, scented (myrrh, frankincense). Leaves compound, odd-pinnate; leaflets opposite, long-petiolulate, pulvinate. Dioecy common. Flowers small; 5 merous; calyx connate; C valvate; ovules 2/carpel;style short. Drupes angled or septifragal capsule.
BOSWELLIA Roxb. ex Colebr.,(Etymology: Named for John Boswell, 18th century Scottish botanist and fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh)
Boswellia ovalifoliolata N.P.Balakr. & A.N.Henry,(leaflets egg shaped) konda guggilamuకొండగుగ్గిలం 
Boswellia serrata Roxb. ex Colebr.,(leaflet margin saw like) andugaఅందుగ, dhupamధూపం, guggilamగుగ్గిలం,guggilapuchettu గుగ్గిలపు చెట్టు, tellaguggilamతెల్లగుగ్గిలం, parangi sambraniపరంగి సాంబ్రాణి ,
CANARIUM (Etymology: the Malayan vernacular name, canari, for Canarium commune)
Canarium strictum Roxb.,(straight, inflorescence sarujaసరుజ, nallarojanamనల్లరోజనం  
COMMIPHORA Jacq., (Etymology: From the Latin commis and Greek kommi "gum" and phoros "bearing", in reference of the gum, oil and resine extracted from the plant.)
Commiphora  berryi (Arn.)Engl.,(In honor of Edward Willard Berry (1900–1968) United States palaeobotanist)
 chillakampaచిల్లకంప,guggilam గుగ్గిలం,konda ragi కొండ రాగి    (Rare), 
Commiphora caudata (Wight & Arn.) Engl.,(tail, refers to tail like apex of leaves) konda raviకొండరావి, konda mamidi,కొండమామిడి  kondamukkadi,కొండముక్కడి  nettamamidi నెట్ట మామిడి 
Commiphora mukul (Hook.ex. Stocks)Engl.,(From Mukulu, Zaire/ another version from Arabic vernacular name, MoqlMoqle-arzaqi or Urdu name Muqil -mukul is derived)
 gugguluగుగ్గులు,  maisakshiమయిసాక్షి  
 GARUGA Roxb.,(Etymology: From the vernacular name in Telugu garugudu)
 Garuga pinnata Roxb.,(having pinnate leaves) garuguduగరుగుడు, garuumaanuగర్రుమాను, garugaగారుగ    
 PROTIUM Burm.,(Etymology: proto=first (may be for the fragrant best wood)
Protium serratum (Colebr.)Engl., (leaves with serrate/saw teeth like margin)busi బూసి, chitrekaచిత్రిక indian red pear  
SAPINDACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
Trees or shrubs; leaves spiral, odd pinnate, leaflets alternate, articulated, margins serrate; The base of the petiole is quite strongly swollen and the stem is ridged. inflorescence paniculate, the flowers often in clusters, imperfect; flowers 5-merous, C clawed; nectary extrastaminal; A 8, hairy; carpels 3, superior; fruits loculicidal capsule; only one or two seeds per carpel and are often deeply lobed, or a single carpel only may develop, the other one or two carpels persisting at the base; samaras of various types are common.

quebrachitol [cyclitol], toxic saponins, cyclopropane amino acids present.
ALLOPHYLLUS L.,(Etymology: From the Greek allos "different" and phyllon "a leaf", different leaves.)
Allophylus cobbe (L.)Raeusch.,(from the Singhalese vernacular name, kobbae)
 eravalu ఎరవలు, chevitibukka చెవిటి బుక్క,other names same as A.serratus
 Allophylus serratus (Hiern)Kurz, eravaluఎరవలు,guvvagutti గువ్వగుత్తి,juttika జుట్టిక, sallikumkuduసల్లికుంకుడు, chavitibukka,చవటిబుక్క,tangutamటంగుతం, tantisaతంటిస, tavatikiతవటికి              
CARDIOSPERMUM L.,(Etymology: heart seed (refers to the white, heart-shaped aril
on the black seeds)
Cardiospermum corindum L.,(cori-leathery,indutum- dressed refers to bladder like leather fruit wall)  budda boocharaబుడ్డబూచరతీగ, budda kakara బుడ్డకాకర,pedda buddaపెద్దబుడ్డ, chinnabudda boosaraచిన్నబుడ్డబూసర             Cardiospermum halicacabum L.,(Halicacabum is derived from the Latin word halicacabus, a plant with inflated fruits )
 allenaఅల్లెన, budda boosaraబుడ్డబూసర, buddakakaraబుడ్డకాకర, budduva బుడ్డువ, ekkuduteegaఎక్కుడు తీగ, kaasariteegaకాసరి తీగ,kashకాశ,nallagulisindaనల్ల గులిసింద,patalitivva పాటలి తివ్వ ,tella guruvinda తెల్ల గురువింద,vupparinthaవుప్పరింత, vullinga teegaఉల్లింగతీగ            
 DODONEA P.Miller,(Etymology:For the Flemish physician and herbalist Rembert Dodoens (1517-1585).)
Dodonaea viscosa Jacq.,(with sticky nature) bandaruబండారు,bandedu బందేడు,bandikampa బండికంప,golla pulleda గొల్లపుల్లెడ,pullena పుల్లెన, pulivaviliపులి వావిలి   
LEPISANTHES Blume.,(Etymology: From the Greek lepis, lepidos "scale" and anthos "flower", referring to the scale of the petals.)
Lepisanthes rubiginosum Bl.,(having reddish brown hairs on plant parts)ishikarasi ఇశికరాసి,unduguruవుందురుగు, tavatiతవటి 
Lepisanthes tetraphylla Radlk.,(leaves with 4 leaf-lets) bodda mamidiబొడ్డమామిడి,ekkudu busi ఎక్కుడుబూసి, konda kunkuduకొండకుంకుడు, salikunkuduసాలికుంకుడు, koriviకొరివి, murumamidiమురుమామిడి         
SAPINDUS L.,(Etymology:Indian-soap, from the Latin sapo, saponis and indicus, in referrence of the use of the fruit.)
Sapindus emarginatus L.,(leaflets notched at apex) kunkuduకుంకుడు, phenilamuఫేనీళము, rittaరీట/రిత్త    
 SCHLEICHERA Willd.,(Etymology:in honour of the German Botanist Johann Christopher Schleicher 1768-1834)
Schleichera oleosa (Lour.)Merr., (greasy/oily, refers to oil yielding seeds) busi బూసి, karaka-booshiకరక-బూశి, kosangiకోసంగి     kodalipulusuకోడలిపులుసు,maavithavitikiమావితవిటికి,madakapulusuమడకపులుసు, posuku ,  పొసుకు,pulisari పులిసరి, pullakaaya పుల్లకాయ, paarparthiపారపర్తి  saagadipusukuసాగడిపుసుకు          
SIMAROUBACEAECandolle, nom. cons. 
Trees; leaves odd-compound, leaflets have coarse, blunt, teeth and flat glands on the lower surface. The flowers are rather small, the petals usually barely exceeding the sepals. The fruits are often separate drupelets or samaras. Branchlets tomentose with persistent leaf scars. The bark is bitter, even when dry
AILANTHUS Desf.,(Etymology:Tree-of-heaven, from a Moluccan vernacular name, aylanto)
Ailanthus excelsa Roxb.,(tall, eminent, refers to very tall trunks of the tree)  gaulivepaగౌలివేప,pedda maanuపెద్ద మాను,peddavepaపెద్ద వేప, peyyavepaపెయ్య వేప     
PICRASMA Blume,(Etymology:bitterness (the bitter-tasting bark)
Picrasma javanica  Bl.,(from Java) (Rare in VSKP)
SIMAROUBA Aubl.,(Etymology:from the Carib name for bitter damson )
Simarouba amara Aubl.,(amaros- bitter) lakshmi taruvu లక్ష్మీ తరువు cultivated plant
RUTACEAEJussieu, nom. cons.
Trees or herbs rarely herbs. Leaves compound and leaflets opposite, punctuate; usually articulated, entire or serrate. Flowers perfect, 5-merous, petals free; stamens obdiplostemonous, often arranged in a ring, filaments flat, disc conspicuous at the base of the ovary, and stigma expanded. Fruits variable, many posses glandular-punctate pericarp, while others are dry, deeply lobed, and dehisce to reveal the black and shiny seeds. uranocoumarins, distinctive limonoids +; tropical.
Acronychia pedunculata (L.) Miq.,(with the inflorescence supported on a distinct stalk, pedunculate)Rare in VSKP dist.
AEGLE Correa,(Etymology:In Greek mythology Aegle was one of the Naiads (nymphs of the fresh water, rivers, springs and lakes).
Aegle marmelos (L.)Corrêa,(Etymology:From the Portuguese vernacular name marmelo for marmalade.) bilvamuబిల్వము,maredu మారేడు,shriphalamu శ్రీఫలము, shailushamuశైలూషము,shandilyamu శాండిల్యము, maalaaramuమాలారము. 
ATALANTIA Correa.,(Etymology:Named in honor of Atalanta, the renowned and swift-footed huntress of Greek mythology.)
Atalantia monophylla (L.) DC.,(with 1 leaflet leaves) adavinimmaఅడవినిమ్మ,erranimma ఎర్రనిమ్మ, kaarunimmaకారునిమ్మ, erramunukuduఎర్రమునుకుడు,kondanimma కొండ నిమ్మ ,murikinimma మురికి నిమ్మ 
 Atalantia racemosa Wt.&Arn.    
 CHLOROXYLON DC.,(Etymology: Green wood, from the Greek chloros "green" and xylon "wood".)
Chloroxylon swietenia DC.,(In memory of Gerard van Swieten (1700-1772), a Dutch botanist and writer.) billuduబిల్లుడు,billakarra బిళ్లకర్ర   
 CITRUS L.,(Etymology: from the ancient Latin name, citrus, from Greek)
Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle,(with Citrus like leaves)  nimmaనిమ్మ,
 Citrus aurantium L.,(golden, refers to fruit colour)jambiramu, జంబీరము, budda chinee బుడ్డచీనీ , eda pandu ఇడపండు, naarinjaనారింజ, kitchiliకిచిలీ,
Citrus medica L.,(curative or medicinal, for the fruit is reputed to be used in Ayurvedic medicine) madiphalamమాదీ ఫలం,naara dabba నారదబ్బ,beejapooramu బీజపూరము  
Citrus limetta Risso,(smaller fruited little sweet orange) battaiబత్తాయి,gajanimma గజనిమ్మ,
Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr.(with larger fruit than other species of the genus) pullapamparapanasa పుల్ల పంపరపనస pamparapanasaపంపరపనస(All cultivated), 
Citrus limon (L.)Osbeck, (from the Persian name, limoun, Arabic, limun, for the lemon
and other Citrus fruits) dabba kaayaదబ్బ కాయ ; 
Citrus reticulata Blaco,(with conspicuous reticulations) narinja నారింజ
Citrus sinensis (L.)Osbeck., (from China)sweet orange,tiyya naarinja తియ్య నారింజ  kamala కమల 
CLAUSENA N.L.Burman (EtymologyNamed after the Norwegian clergyman, author and historian, Peder Claussen (1545-1614).   
Clausena heptaphylla WT. & ARN.,(leaves with 7 leaflets)in VSKP hills 
MELICOPE J.R. Forster and G.Forster (EtymologyHoney parts, refers to 4 nectaries on the disk at the base of ovary in the flower)
Melicope lunu-ankenda ((Gaertn.) T.G. Hartley.,(lunu-crescent moon shaped, /a Sinhalese vernacular name of the plant) (Rampa hills)vanashampange వనసంపంగి 
GLYCOSMIS Correa,(Etymology; From the Greek glykys "sweet" and osme "odour, perfume". The flowers of the species are very fragrant.)
Glycosmis  mauritiana (Lam.)Tanaka,(from Mauritius) golugu గొలుగు
Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC., giluguగిలుగు,golugu గొలుగు,konda golugu కొండగొలుగు, gonjiగొంజి,godugu గొడుగు
LIMONIA L.,(Etymology: from the Persian name, limoun, Arabic, limun, for the lemon
and other Citrus fruits)
Limonia acidissima L., (for the acidic taste of the fruits) velagaవెలగ,yelaga ఎలగ,kapitha కపిత్థ,pulivelaga పులి వెలగ  pushpaphalamu,పుష్పఫలము  tollivelama,తొల్లి వెలమ  yhorrivelaga వెర్రివెలగ     
MICROMELUM Blume,(Etymology: micro-small melum- quince like, refers to the fruit) 
Micromelum pubescens  Bl., (Rare in VSKP),
MURRAYA Koen. ex L. nom.cons.,(Etymology: Either for Johan Andreas Murray (1740-1791), Swedish pupil of Linnaeus and Professor of Botany at Gottingen (Germany), or for Stewart Murray (1789-1858) of Glasgow Botanic Garden (Scotland).
Murraya koenigii Spreng.,(for Johann Gerhard König (Koenig) (1728–85), Latvian student of Linnaeus, missionary and botanist in India) karivepaakeకరివేపాకు, 
Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack, (flowers in panicles)puvelagaపూవెలగ , naga goluguనాగ గొలుగు   
NARINGI Adans,(Etymology: uncertain explanation; probably from an Indian vernacular name of Narinja, for the strong smell)
Naringi crenulata ( Roxb.) Nicolson,( leaf margin crenulate, round toothed)kukka velagaకుక్కవెలగ  torra velagaతొర్రవెలగ   
PAMBURUS Swingle,(Etymology: pam-entirely or quite, burs- leathery ; refers to entire leathery leaves)
Pamburus missionis (Wight)Swingle,( from Latin to send, refers to the belief that after consuming the fruit animals go mad) verrikitchiliవెర్రికిచిలీ    
Paramignya monophylla Wight.,(Rare in Rampa hills) 
Paramignya scandens (Griff.) Craib., (Rare in Madgol hills)
PLEIOSPERMUM Swingle, (Etymology: pleio-many, sperma-seed, refers to fruit with numerous seeds.)
Pleiospermium alatum (Wight&Arn.)Swingle, ( winged. The petiole of the leaves of Pleiospermium alatum has protruding ridges which are wider than thick.) munukuduమునుకుడు,nallamunukudu నల్లమునుకుడు,kondanimma కొండ నిమ్మ   
 TODDALIA Juss. nom.cons,(EtymologyFrom the Malayalam name of the species Kaka-toddali (kaka "crow" and toddali "waist chain").
Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam., (of Asiatic origin)erra kasinda ఎర్రకసింద,  mirapa kaandra మిరపకాండ్ర  konda kasindaకొండకసింద, konda mirapa కొండ మిరప , verrigokiri వెర్రి గోకిరి,mullakorinda ముళ్ళ కోరింద      
ZANTHOXYLUM  L.,(Etymology: zantho-yellow, xylon wood, ; It refers to a yellow dye made from the roots of some species.)
Zanthoxylum armatum Dc.,(thorny ) gandhalu గంధాలు konda kasimiకొండకసిమి, konda kisimda,కొండ కసిమింద  (VSKP), 
Zanthoxylum ovalifolium Wight., (leaflets ovate)rijayiరిజాయి (Chittoor), 
Zanthoxylum rhetsa (Roxb.)DC., (from a Telugu vernacular name of the tree) rachchamaanu,రచ్చ మాను, rattsa manuరెత్స మాను,  reshtamaanuరెష్టమాను (E.Godavari, VSKP)
RUTA L. (Etymology: Unpleasantness, the ancient Greek name for rue,probably for the strong smell) 
Ruta graveolens L.,(gravis- strong/heavy, oleo-smell, heavily scented) aruda అరుద , sadaapaku (సదాపాకు) దీన్ని అలంకరణ కోసం , మందు మొక్క గా పెంచుతారు 
MELIACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
 Usually trees. Leaves spiral and odd-compound; leaf bases are swollen and elongated vertically; leaflets are often opposite, dry, thin and brittle; tertiary venation evident. Bark odoriferous; gives out exudates. Flower buds longer than broad; flowers 5 merous, petals much longer than sepals; stamens 10, the mouth of staminal tube is blocked by the large stigma. The fruits and seeds are usually quite large.
AGLALIA Lour.,(Etymology: Means "splendor, beauty, brightness" in Greek. Aglaia was one of the Three Graces in the Greek mythology (with Euphrosyne and Thalia).
Aglaia elaeagnoidea (Juss.)Benth., (resembling Elaeagnus)
 yerraduguఎర్రఅడుగు, errandugaఎర్రఅందుగ, kondandugaకొండందుగ ,
Aglaia odorata Lour., (with pleasant fragrance)anghriparni,ఆంఘ్రిపర్ణి   jibiliki జిబిలికి , nakkatokaponnaనక్కతోక పొన్న, kolukuponnaకొలుకుపొన్న       
 APHANAMIXIS Blume,(Etymology:It is combination of the Greek adjective aphanés- invisible, inconspicuous and of the substantive mixis - mixture, with reference to the inconspicuous flowers)
Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.)Parker,(with many spikes);  chevamaanuచేవమాను, rohithakiరోహీతక   
AZADIRACHTA A. Juss.,there are several versions (From the Persian azaddhirakt meaning "excellent tree or noble tree"; referring to the usefulness and the considerable economic importance of the genus.) another version: 1. Persian. Azad means “free”; dirakht means “tree”; literally means “the free tree of India” 2.Azad-free, rakht-blood for it liberates/purifies blood from pathogenic microorganism; as it is reputed to be a medicinal plant, a blood purifier to manage many diseaces)
Azadirachta indica A.Juss., vepaవేప,ఏప/yepaయేప    వేప చెట్టు, nimbamu నింబము   
CHUKRASIA A.Juss.,(Etymology: From the Hindi vernacular name chikrassy.)
Chukrasia tabularis A.Juss., (flattened, probably refers to flat seeds) chittigaangukarra చిట్టిగానుగ కర్ర errapogadaఎర్రపొగడ  kondavepaకొండవేప,godla vepa గొడ్లవేప, madagirivembuమదగిరివెంబు      
CIPADESSA Blume, (Etymology:Latin: cipus -tomb, adese -to be present; alludes to plant's tendency to grow in waste places and around burial grounds)
Cipadessa baccifera(Roth) Miq.,(bearing berry type fruits) chandu beeraచండు బీర, hanumantha beeraహనుమంత బీర, pottuvepaపొట్టువేప, thaviteguతవిటేగు, purudona     పురుదోన, ranabillaరణబిళ్ళ,ranaberi రణ బేరి   
MELIA L.,(Etymology: from the Greek name, for Ash tree; it was used by Theophrastus for Fraxinus ornus, which has similar leaves)
Melia azedarach L.,( from the French 'azédarac' meaning free tree)  thurakavepaతురకవేప, konda vepaకొండ వేప, verrivepaవెర్రివేప, vettivepaవెట్టివేప, kalivepaకలివేప  
Melia  dubia Cav. Diss.,(doubtful) munnatikarakaమున్నటికరక, malabar vepa,మలబార్ వేప,  konda vepaకొండ వేప    
SOYMIDA A.Juss., (Etymology:  The Sanskrit name soymida is Latinized)
Soymida febrifuga (Roxb.) A.Juss.,(fever-dispelling, refers to medicinal properties of the tree) chevamaanuచేవ మాను, somiసోమి, somidaసోమిద, sumidhaసుమిధి,somitha సోమిత,sumi సుమి   
SWIETENIA L.,(Etymology: for Gerard van Swieten (1700–72), Dutch botanist and writer)
Swietenia mahogani L.,(from a S.American vernacular name)(Cultivated) mahaaganiమహాగని, maganimaanuమగనిమాను  
TOONA (Endl.)Roem.,(Etymology: from an Bengali vernacular name for Cedrella toona (Toona ciliata ; another version the Sanskrit name of the plant is toon or Tunna which means prickles, refers to thorns on the tree) 
Toona ciliata Roem.,(having long hairs on margins)(VSKP) gaaliగాలి, nandiనంది  
TRCHILIA P.Brow.,(Etymology:Three-partite,refers to the three celled ovary)
Trchilia connaroides(Wight&Arn.),pedda guruguduపెద్ద గురుగుడు 
 WALSURA Roxb.,(Etymology: Latinized form of  Telugu and Tamil name of the plant (valasiri).
Walsura trifoliolata (A.Juss.) Harms,(leaves with 3 leaflets) vaalasiriవాలసిరి, vaadavalasa వాడ వలస, valarasi వాలరసి,  erravaaluduఎర్రవాలుడు,chinnavaalarasi చిన్న వాలరసి     
XYLOCARPUS Koening,(Etymology: Xylo-wood, carpus -fruit; refers to woody fruits of the genus)
Xylocarpus granatum Koening,(many seeded)(Rare in Krishna swamps)chenuga చెనుగ 
MALVALES Berchtold & J. Presl 
BIXACEAE Kunth, nom. cons.
Plants shrubs or small trees with secretory canals; lamina margins serrate, a single vein proceeding to opaque deciduous apex of tooth; inflorescence terminal; flowers large; flowers 5 merous, calyx imbricate;  stamens many clustered in the centre of flower; anthers dehiscing by pores; stigma at most slightly lobed; ovules many per carpel on parietal placentation. Hairs glandular, not stellate.  Pantropical in distribution.
BIXA L.,(Etymology: from the aboriginal Taino word, "bixa", 
Bixa orellana L.,(in honor of , Francisco de Orellana. (1511-1546), Spanish conquistador and explorer of the Amazon) jaffraజాఫ్రా,jaabura జాబర,sindhooramu సిందూరం
Bixa orellana సింధూరం  
COCHLOSPERMUM Kunth ex de Candolle nom.cons,(Etymology: cochlo-twisted +spermum=seed (refers to twisted shape of the seed)from the Greek words "kochlos" which means snail and "sperma" which means seed and they refer to the shape of the seeds. 
Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alston,(Species religiosum means sacred and of religious rites ; refers to the flowers of this plant are used in temple offerings.) adaviburugaఅడవి బూరుగ, adavigoguఅడవి గోగు,konda burugaకొండబూరుగ,konda goguకొండగోగు,akshothamu అక్షోతము, adavipatti అడవిపత్తి     
Trees; leaves spiral and two-ranked, coriaceous, with strong, parallel, if not particularly close, secondary veins and scalariform tertiaries; the hairs are often fasciculate or stellate. The inflorescences are axillary, branched, monochasial cymes, and flowers are small, pointed in bud and have a conspicuously contorted corolla; anthers versatile, connective distinctive. Fruits with strongly accrescent unequal sepals surrounding single-seeded nuts.
SHOREA  Roxb. ex Gaertn.,(Etymology: named after Sir John Shore (1751 – 1834), the Governor General of the British East India Company during 1793 – 1798;)  
Shorea roxburghii G. Don,(in honour of William Roxburgh) jaalariజాలారి,himsra హిమ్సర 
Shorea tumbuggaia Roxb.,(it is aLatinised form of Telugu vernacular name of thumba or thambagam/thambguggilam ) jaalari,జాలారి  thambajalariతంబ జాలారి, thambaతంబ,guggilamu  గుగ్గిలము,nalladammara నల్ల దొమ్మర, nalla guggilamuనల్ల గుగ్గిలము, 
Shorea robusta Roxb. ex Gaertn. f., (robusta in Latin means robust, strong or hard. refers to the size if the tree) ; guggilamuగుగ్గిలము,jalariజాలారి,salavrukshamu సాలవృక్షము,himsaraహిమ్సర, inumadi,ఇనుమద్ది  sarjakamu,సర్జకము  veginaవేగిన        
MUNTINGIACEAE C. Bayer, M. W. Chase & M. F. Fay,
Trees; leaves two-ranked, base asymmetrical, margin serrate, stipules 0; flowers extra-axillary,  fasciculate, 4 or 5-merous; sepals valvate, basally connate,  persistent. Corolla imbricate, shortly clawed, crumpled in bud; stamens many; G (5-7), with  many ovules , style stout; fruit berry. Ellagic acid present. 
MUNTINGIA L.,(Etymology: after the Dutch botanist Abraham Munting(1626-1683).) 
Muntingia calabura L.,(possibly a Malayan vernacular name of unknown meaning") nakkareguనక్క రేగు 
MALVACEAE Jussieu nom.cons.
Shrubs to trees or herbs; leaves spiral or two-ranked, stipulate, margins entire or toothed, single vein running to the non-glandular apex, secondary venation palmate; indumentum stellate; inflorescence made up of modified cymose units ; epicalyx +, Calyx valvate, connate with a nectary at the base inside ; Corolla  contorted; the stamens are often numerous or 5 and variously connate and/or fasciculate;  androgynophore +; extrorse; pollen spiny, G (3-5-∞), variable in orientation, fruit a capsule or berry, schizocarp;the inside wall of the fruit and/or the surface of the seed is often hairy. 
ABELMOSCHUS Medik, (Etymology: probably originated from Arabian abul-l-mosk meaning “father of musk, source of musk” referring to the seeds of the genus)
Abelmoschus crinitus Wall.,(with a tuft of long fine hairs, refers to hairs on plant parts) 
Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench,;(edible) benda kaayaluబెండ కాయ, 
 Abelmoschus ficulneus (L.) Wight & Arn.( from ficula-fig; adj. ficulneus  refers to small broad fruit) nela bendaనేలబెండ,parupu benda పరుపుబెండ, 
Abelmoschus moschatus Medic.,(musk-like, musky-scented, refers to the fragrance of flower and fruit)
 kasturibendaకస్తూరిబెండ; karpoora benda కర్పూరబెండ
ABUTILON Gaertn.,(Etymology: The name is a unique combination of Arabic and Greek. Abutilon, an Arabic word, meaning a mallow like plant was probably coined around 900 B.C. by Avicenna )
Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet,(having bristly hairs) nela bedaనేబెండ, paalabendaపాలబెండ;
Abutilon persicum (Burm. f.) Merr.;(from Persia) 
Abutilon pannosum (G.Forst.) Schlect.,(wooly, refers to hairs on the fruit) 
Abutilon indicum (L.)Sweet, tutturu bendaతుత్తురుబెండ,mudrabenda ముద్ర బెండ,duvvena kaaya దువ్వెన కాయ,paapidi kaaya పాపిడి కాయ,adavibenda  అడవిబెండ, muttava chirubendaముత్తవచిరుబెండ  
A.indicum ssp. guineensis; atibalaఅతి బల 
 ADANSONIA  L.,(Etymology:refers to the French explorer and botanist, Michel Adanson (1727–1806), who observed a specimen in 1749 on the island of Sor, Senegal)
Adansonia digitata L.,(refers to the digits of the hand.)   brahma aamlikaబ్రహ్మఆమ్లిక,maggimaavu మగ్గిమావు,      
 Alcea rosea L.,(Cultivated);hollyhock  
BOMBAX L.,(Etymology: From Greek Bombyx=silk-refers to silky hairs around the seeds.From Latin Bombyx= silk or any fine fibre (refers to cotton plant or tree)
Bombax ceiba L., (Ceiba is of American origin , it is the Latinized Vernacular name of the cotton tree;) boorugaబూరుగ, kond buruga కొండబూరుగ, mulla/mundla burugaముళ్ల/ ముండ్ల బూరుగ, erra burugaఎర్రబూరుగ, pinna burugaపిన్న బూరుగ, shalmali శాల్మలి  
BYTTNERIA  L.,(Etymology:named after David S. Aug. Buettner, 1724-1768, German botanist,)
Byttneria herbacea Roxb.,(not woody/low growing) kamarajకామరాజ్ 
CEIBA Mill.,(Etymology:From Spanish  vernacular (S American) name for silk-cotton tree)
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.;(with 5 anthers) burugaబూరుగ,tella buruga తెల్లబూరుగ    
CORCHORUS L.,(Etymology:Greek name for jute;Greek korchoros (Theophrastus) applied to a poor pulse (legume) growing wild.) 
Corchorus aestuans L.;(becoming hot, glowing )budda nalitha,బుడ్డనాలిత  kajati,కజతి  kalasa కలాస , nela beraనేల బీర , pattaపట్ట 
Corchorus capsularis L.;(capsule-fruited)janumu, జనుము parintaపరింత  
Corchorus depressus  (L.) Stocks;(flattened downwards, refers to prostrate habit) 
Corchorus olitorius L.;(of garden or used in culinary) janumu,జనుము parinta,పరింత, parintakuraపరింతకూర 
 Corchorus tridens L.;( 3 pronged) 
Corchorus trilocularis L.,(fruit with 3 locules) bankitutturu బంక తుత్తురు ;
 DECASCHISTIA R. Wight & Arnott,
Decaschistia crotonifolia Wight & Arn., Konda gogu కొండ గోగు .
Decaschistia rufa Craib ; 
Decaschistia cuddapahensis T.K.Paul & M.P.Nayar;
ERIOLAENA DC.,(Etymology: From Greek erio= wooly, laina =cloak or blanket (refering to the leaves and calyx)
Eriolaena hookeriana Wight & Arn.,(for either Sir William Jackson Hooker
(1785–1865) or his son Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817–1911), both directors of the
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew)
(Rare)barybityjy,బారిబిత్తియా  narabotuku, నార బతుకు  
Eriolaena lushingtonii Dunn ;(Endemic to Nalla mala) 
Eriolaena quinquelocularis Wight ,(with 5 angled locules in fruit) botukuబతుకు 
FIRMIANA Marsili,(Etymology:for Karl Joseph von Firmian (1716–82), Governor of Lombardy)
Firmiana colorata (Roxb.) R.Br.,( coloured  refers to bright orange inlorescence) gudilapuగుడిలాపు , kaaruchincheకారు చిచ్చు , kaarupaayuకారు పాయు , karakaకరక , kondatthaamaraకొండ తామర 
GOSSYPIUM L.,(Etymology: Soft (botanical Latin from an Arabic name, goz, for a soft substance)(cotton)gossypion ,gossympinus are Latin names for Cotton in Pliny.)
Gossypium arboreum L. Var. Obtusifolium,(with tree like habit) doodhiదూది , karpasamuకర్పసము , paminda prattiపమిడి పత్తి , patthi, pratti పత్తి /ప్రత్తి ;
Gossypium barbadense L.,(from Barbados Island, West Indies, or the Barbary coast of
N Africa) errapatti,ఎర్ర పత్తి   paidipattiపైడి పత్తి , pamidipatti,పమిడి పత్తి 
Gossypium hirsutum L.,(covere with rough long hairs, refers to seed hairs) pattiపత్తి
Gossypium herbaceum L.,  edudi, ఎరుడి, karpasamuకార్పసము, patti, పత్తి, peculamuపెకులము;pinja patti,పింజ పత్తి pishulamu, పిశులము   
GREWIA L.,(Etymology: for Nehemiah Grew (1641–1712), British physician, plant anatomist and pioneer microscopist, author of The Anatomy of Plants (1682)
 Grewia abutilifolia Vent. ex A. L. Juss.,(leaves resemble Abutilon) gubbadara,గుబ్బదార,  guvvadada, గువ్వ దడ peddatadakiపెద్దతడకి, peddataraki,పెద్దతరకి, potuchaamanti, పోతుచామంతి  potushalmali;పోతుశ్యామలి  
 Grewia asiatica L.,(from Asiatic region) jana,జాన nallajana,నల్ల జాన  peddajana, పెద్దజాన   phalsa ఫలాశ , putikiపుటికి ,
 Grewia bracteata Roth, (with conspicuous bracts)
Grewia damine Gaertn.,adavipagari,అడవిపగరి  kondacheepuru కొండ చీపురు 
Grewia flavescens A.L.(turning pale yellow, refers to fruit colour) Juss., bankajana,బంకజాన  pilbot,పిల్బోట్  kukkabudda,కుక్కబుడ్డmedakava,మెదకవ  nalliనల్లి  
Grewia glabra Blume, 
 Grewia hirsuta Vahl, bidaracheepuru, బీదర చీపురు bontur chettu,బొంతురుచెట్టు    chimachipuru,చీమచీపురు chipri, chipuru,చీపిరి/రు  chitti jana, చిట్టిజాన  jibilike,జిబిలికి  kaduru pandluకదురు పండ్లు , kukka buddaకుక్కబుడ్డ, muvalaku, మువ్వలాకు   navri,నవ్రి  tadikiతడికి , thellajaanaతెల్ల జాన 
 Grewia laevigata Vahl, (not rough, refers to leaves)
Grewia orbiculata Rottler; (rounded, refers to leaf shape)jaana,జాన  jaana chettu, జాన చెట్టు , nulithadaనులి తడ 
 Grewia orientalis L., (from East coast )
Grewia rhamnifolia Heyne ex Roth,(having leaves similar to that of Rhamnus, bampudu,బంపుడు  tegalaతేగల , duddurotta దుడ్డురొట్ట, pengarottaపెంగరొట్ట 
 Grewia rothii DC., chipuru,చీపురు jaana,జాన jibilika chettuజిబిలికి, kolupu,కొలుపు   muvanchi,మువంచి  peddachipuru,పెద్దచీపురు  putiki,పుటికి , shirinjaana, శిరిజాన   thadika chuvvaతడికచువ్వ;  
Grewia serrulata DC.,(leaf margin shortly saw edge like) pegala,పెగల, potrikiపొత్రికి   
 Grewia tiliifolia Vahl,(having leaves similar to that of Tilia.) baddi bodda,బద్దిబొద్ద   charachi,చరచి, chamanthichettuచామంతి చెట్టు   erratada, ఎర్రతడ   inupatada,ఇనుపతడ   jaana,జాన  kada,కాడ  nacudu నచుడు , nulijaana, నులి జాన  pedda jaana, పెద్దజాన   tada, tada chettu,తడ/తడ చెట్టు   thadajana,తడ జాన, udupai, ఉడుపై
 Grewia tenax (Forsskal) Fiori,(tenacious, strong, refers to hard branches)  gundukadira, గుండు కదిర kadadari,కడదారి    kaladari,లదారి  kaladi,కలది,  kattekolupuకట్టెకొలుపు  
 Grewia villosa Willd.,(having long hairs on plant parts) banta,బంత, chenulu చేనులు 
GUAZUMA Plum.,(Etymology: the Mexican vernacular name for bastard cedar (Guazuma ulmifolia)
Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.,(Elm-leaved (ulmus-leaved). rudraaksha,పిచ్చి రుద్రాక్ష/ రుద్రాక్ష( it is called as pichchi rudraksha)ఇది పిచ్చి రుద్రాక్ష)   thene-chettu,తేనెచెట్టు   udrikpattaఉద్రికపట్ట  
HELICTERES L.,(Etymology: From the Greek heliktos "twisted, a spiral or rolled", referring to the twisted fruits.)
Helicteres isora L.,(from a Malabar vernacular name isora, or isora-murri) goobatada, గూబతడ, aadasamanthi, ఆడసామంతి aadasyamali,ఆదశ్యామలి, adavichamanthi,అడవిచామంతిchamanti,చామంతి    kavanci,కావంచి, nulikaaya,నూలి కాయ  nulitada నులితడ, nulitadu, నులితాడు  nulithi, నులితి, peddasamanti,పెద్ద సామంతి  peddashamala,పెద్ద శ్యామల, sadala,సడల, shyaamali,శ్యామలి, thada,తడ, uttrasi,ఉత్రాసి,valambirikaya,  వలంబిరి కాయ 
HERISSANTIA Medik,(Etymology: for Louis Antoine Prospere Herissant, 1745–1769, a French physician, naturalist and poet.)
Herissantia crispa (L.) Brizicky,(wrinkled or with wavy margin)
HIBISCUS L.,(Etymology: From the Greek name from Virgil, hibiscum
 for "marsh mallow" (Althaea officinalis), hibiskos (Ancient Greek).
Hibiscus aculeatus Roxb.,(having prickles) Adavi gogu,అడవిగోగు, Konda gogu,కొండగోగు   Danasonigogu.), 
Hibiscus cannabinus L.,(looks like Cannabis, wild hemp) goguగోగు, gongoora, గోంగూర, guluguగులుగు , gulungu, గులుంగు,  pundikuraపుండి కూర
Hibiscus furcatus Roxb. ex DC.(forked, refers to forked bracteoles) kondagogu,కొండగోగు, kondagongura  కొండగోంగూర 
 Hibiscus hirtus L., adavinityamalle,అడవినిత్యమల్లె   chalabharatha,చలభరత erracalabharata, ఎర్రచలభరత,nityamalle,నిత్యమల్లె salla budatha, సల్ల బుడత,  sooryamani,సూర్య మణి thellachala bharatha,తెల్ల చల్లబరత   
 Hibiscus lobatus (Murray) O. Kuntze, (with lobes, refers to lobed leaves)
Hibiscus micranthus L. f.,(micro-small, anthos-flowers, with small flowers than other species) challabharatha,చల్లబరత
 Hibiscus mutabilis L., (Changeable, refers to changes in colour of the flower) muddamamdaaramముద్దమందారం  
Hibiscus platanifolius (Willd.) Sweet, (having leaves resembling those of Platanus,) 
kondabenda,కొండబెండ   kondagogu,కొండగోగు kondajana,కొండజాన, punaraపునార  
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.,(rose of China) chimabarathamu,చింబరతం, dasanie,దాసాని  japapushpamu,జపా పుష్పము, javapushpamuజావాపుష్పము,  mandara, మందారం 
Hibiscus sabdariffa L., (from a W Indian vernacular name for Hibiscus sabdariffa)
erragomgura,ఎర్రగోంగూర,  ettagongura,ఎత్తగోంగూర  pundicura,పుండి కూర seemagoguసీమగోగు, shima-gomgura, సీమ గోంగూర/  
 Hibiscus schizopetalus (Masters) Hook. f.,(with deeply cut petals) rekkamandaaramuరెక్కమందారం  
 Hibiscus surattensis L., (from Surat of India)mullugoguముళ్లగోగు 
Hibiscus tiliaceus L. (resembling Tilia)cherigogu, చేరిగోగు  erragogu,ఎర్రగోగు   ettagoguఎట్టగోగు
Seema gangareni,సీమగంగరేణి , chettugoguచెట్టుగోగు     
Hibiscus vitifolius L.,(having leaves resemble that of Vitis) (syn. Kosteletzkya vitifolia ( L. ) M.R.Almeida & N.Patil)adavi patthi,అడవిపత్తి   isuka ravi,ఇసుకరావి   kaarupatthi,  కారుపత్తి 
HILDEGARDIA Schott &Endl.(Etymologyfor Hildegard of Bingen (Saint Hildegard) (1098-1179), German polymath and writer, )
Hildegardia populifolia(Roxb.) Schott & Endl. (poplar-leaved);, dalibuda,దాలిదుబ  galibuddaga,గాలి బుడ్డగ, pichipoliki పిచ్చి పొలికి , budda polikiబుడ్డపొలికి 
KYDIA Roxb.,(Etymology: for Robert Kyd (1746-1793), Scottish military officer and horticulturist in India, founder and first superintendent of the Calcutta Botanical Garden.) 
 Kydia calycina Roxb., (with a conspicuous persistent calyx) rare; botka, బొత్క /బతుకు, eruku tada,ఎరుకుతడ,  konda patti,కొండపత్తి   konda-podari, కొండపొదరి, pachabotuku,పచ్చబతుకు  pandiki,పండికి peddakunji, పెద్ద కుంజి , peddapotri,పెద్దపొత్రి, pothadu,పోతడు,   pothari,పోతరి  potri,పొత్రి 
MALACHRA L.,(Etymology: Ancient name, perhaps from Greek malache, mallow(flora of North America)From Greek malkos-soft/ maloche= mallow)
Malachra capitata (L.)L., (flowers in head like congested inflorescence)Brazilian jute, Yellow Leaf bract, Malachra (Eng.); Vana benda వన బెండ  
 MALVASTRUM A.Gray,(Etymology: Malva-like)
Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke;(from coramandel coast of India)
MALVAVISCUS L.,(Etymology: Malva glue/ the wax of malva)
Malvaviscus arboreus Cav. var. arboreus ;(tree like) Mirapa mandaaram మిరపమందారం 
MELHANIA Forssk.,(Etymology: After mount Melhan in Yemen)
Melhania hamiltoniana Wall.(named after Buch-Hamilton) Krishna-guntur dist.
Melhania hamiltoniana
Melhania incana Heyne ex Wight & Arn.;(hoary, or quite gray)Kadapa, nellore dist.
MELOCHIA L.,(Etymology: From Arabic name Mulukhiyah,) 
Melochia corchorifolia L.;(leaves similar to that of Corchorus)
 sitnata kuraశిత్నాటకూరchittentakura, చిట్టెంతకూర,   ganugapindikura,గానుగపిండికూర  tutturubendaతుత్తురుబెండ  
PAVONIA Cav.,(Etymology: for Don José Antonio Pavón y Jiménez(1790–1844), Spanish botanist in Peru, author with H. Ruiz Lopez of Flora Peruviana et Chilensis prodromus
Pavonia glechomifolia (A. Rich.) Garcke ex Schewin. f.,(leaves similar to that of Glechoma) 
Pavonia odorata Willd.,(with pleasant fragrance) adavibenda, అడవిబెండ,  chirubenda,చిరుబెండ chittibenda,చిట్టిబెండ, errakooti,ఎర్రకూటి,  muttavapulagam, ముత్తవపులగం,   pudubodapu,పూడుబోడపు, tigebenda తీగబెండ  
Pavonia zeylanica (L.) Cav. (from Ceylone);
 karubendaకారుబెండ, chinamuttam,చిన్నముత్తెం, chinamuttavapulagamచిన్నముత్తవపులగంchinnamutennu,చిన్నమూతెన్ను, chirubenda,చిరుబెండ, peramuttiపేరముత్తి 
PENTAPETES L.,(Etymology: flowers with with 5 petals)
Pentapetes phoenicea L.,(scarlet red with little yellow, refers to flower colour)Makina chettu మంకెనచెట్టు, bandhuka pushpamuబంధూక పుష్పము
 PTEROSPERMUM Schreber,(Etymology: From Greek, ptero-wing, sperma-seed; refers to winged seeds of the genus)
Pterospermum diversifolium Blume,(with variable or different types of leaves) 
Pterosprmum suberifolium (L.) Lam.,(leaves similar to that of Suber,(the ancient Latin name for the cork oak, Quercus suber) Lolagu,లోలగు Chinna tada,చిన్న తడ  Naruduనరుడు,kumpudi, కుంపిడి, 
Pterospermum xylocarpum (Gaertn.) Santapau & Wagh;(xylo-woody, carpus-fruit; refers to woody fruits)Tadaతడduddika,దుద్దిక  lolugu chettu,లోలగుచెట్టు, nolika,నొలిక, thogarika తొగరిక 
SIDA L.,(Etymology: from a Greek name,  used by Theophrastus for a water-lily and a pomegranate tree. Akkadiun  sedum-red; probably Linneus adopted it)
Sida acuta Burm. f.,(with sharp pointed leaves) chittemu,చిట్టెము,chittimuti చిట్టిమూతి, gaayapaaku, గాయపాకు  muttava pulagam chettu,  ముత్తవ్వపులగంచెట్టు,  nelabendaనేలబెండ  , sahadevi సహదేవి, thella antisa తెల్లఅంటిస , vishaboddi, విషబొద్ది  
Sida cordata (Burm. f.) Borss.;(with heart shaped, refers leaf)  gaayapu aaku, గాయపాకు, tirunala benda, తిరునాళ్లబెండ  
Sida cordifolia L. (with heart shaped leaves)anthisa, అంతిస,chirubenda చిరు బెండ , chitimuttiచిట్టిముత్తి ,  mutthavapulagamuముత్తవ్వపులగం, muttuva,ముత్తువ,  suvarnamu సువర్ణం , tellaantisaతెల్లంటిస, tellagorraతెల్ల గొర్ర, tutturabendaతుత్తురుబెండ  
Sida cunefolia Roxb., (with wedge-shaped leaf)Syn. Sida schimperiana Hochst. ex A. Rich.;
Sida glabra Mill., 
Sida mysorensis Wight & Arn.,Syn. Sida glutinosa kundivelaga కుండి వెలగ 
 Sida ovata Forsskal, 
Sida rhombifolia L., atibala అతిబల, gubatada గూబతడ,  mayilumanikyamuమెయిలుమాణిక్యం, muttavapulagamuముత్తవ్వపులగంpulagamuపులగం
 Sida spinosa L.,(with spines) chinamuttam,చిన్న ముత్తెం, cinnamuttavapulagamu చిన్నముత్తవ్వపులగం, mayilu-manikyam,మెయిలుమాణిక్యం, mayirumanikyam,మెయిరుమాణిక్యం, nagabala నాగబల  ,  thernallabenda, తిరునాళ్లబెండ   
STERCULIA L.,Dung, (Etymology: stercus (the evil-smelling flowers of some species) (naother version: for Sterculius was a heathen god)
Sterculia foetida L., (with bad or unpleasant smell, the smell of flowers is unpleasant )gurrapubaadamuగుర్రపుబాదం,gurapa,గురప,  guttapubadamu గుత్తపుబాదం,  karaka,కరక  manchipoliki, manchiponaku, మంచిపొలికి/పొనికి  pitipolikiపీతి పొలికి, piyyathiponaku, పియ్యతిపొనకు; 
Sterculia urens (Roxb.) Raf., (stinging, refers to stinging hairs on mature fruit) errapolikiఎర్రపొలికి, erraponukuఎర్రపొనుకు, erraponiki,ఎర్రపొనికి, errapunishi chettu,ఎర్రపునిశిచెట్టు,  kavili,కవిలి   konda tamara,కొండతామర,   kovila chettu,కోవిలచెట్టు,  ponaku, pooliky, పొణుకు/ పొనికి/పొలికి     tabsu, తబసు,   tanuku,తణుకు,  tapasi, తపసీ   
Sterculia villosa Roxb. ; (with long rough hairs, refers to hairs on fruit)gogai, గోగాయి  kavile, కవిలి  kummara ponaku కుమ్మరపొనకు ,  kummari poliki, కుమ్మర పొలికి,  naaraponakuనారపొనకు , narapolikiనారపొలికి,  polelliపోలెల్లి , polikiపొలికి, ponaku,పొనకు, vakkunaraవక్కునార  
THEOBROMA (Etymology: God's food(Aztec, cacahuatl, cocoa bean)
Theobroma cacao L.,(Aztec name, kakahuatl, for the cacao tree, Theobroma cacao (cognate with the Nahuatl vernacular, xocoatl, cocoa and chocolate) cultivated ;coco chettu కోకోచెట్టు   
THESPESIA Sol.,(Etymology: Divine( because it is commonly cultured round temples)
Thespesla lampas (Cav.) Daiz. & Gibs., (lamp like, refers to fruit)adavi benda, అడవిబెండ,  adavi pattiఅడవి పత్తి   bharadvaji,భరద్వాజ, kondapatti,  కొండపత్తి  pagadipatti,పగిడి పత్తి,  papidiపాపిడి,, pattinga; పట్టింగ
Thespesia populnea (L.) Sol. ex Correa;(poplar-like, refers to leaves) gangaraavi,గంగరావి, gandareni,గండరేణి,  gangareni గంగ రేణి, gangaregu,గంగ రేగు, munigangaraviముని గంగరావి
TRIUMFETTA L.,(Etymology: for Giovani Battista Trionfetti (1658–1708), Italian botanist)
Triumfetta pentandra A. Rich; (with 5 stamens)
Triumfetta pilosa Roth, theega bendaతీగ బెండ 
Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. (Leaves in rhombus shape) chiru sitrika, చిరుసిత్రిక  dekki, డెక్కి thuthuru benda, తుత్తురుబెండ ;
Triumfetta rotundifolia Lam.,(leaves rounded/circular in shape) banki-tuthuru, బంకితుత్తురు
URENA L.,(Etymology: from the Malabar vernacular name, aramina, for the fibre plant Urena lobata)
Urena lobata L.,(refers to lobed leaf) nallabenda, నల్లబెండ  padanikaada, పడనికాడ   pedda benda, పెద్ద బెండ , piliyamankena పిల్లిమంకెన, vana benda వనబెండ  
 Urena sinuata L.,(with a wavy margin)nallabenda, నల్లబెండ padanikada పడనికాడ, piliyamankena పిల్లిమంకెన 
 WALTHERIA L., (Etymology: for Augustin Friedrich Walther (1688–1746), German physician and botanist)
Waltheria indica  L., (from India) nalla benda నల్లబెండ 
MORINGACEAE Martynov, nom. Cons
Woody, often quite stout-stemmed deciduous trees; bark exudes gum when wounded. Leaves spiral, odd-pinnate, 1- to 3-compound leaves that have conspicuous glands at the articulations and at the base; often smells unpleasantly when crushed. Flowers monosymmetric, 5-merous, papilionoid; median petal is adaxial; stamens 5; ovary oblong, style as long as stamens. Capsule woody, elongate, tricarpellate, three-angled. Seeds woody, globose, winged.
MORINGA Adanson,(Etymology:Latinised from of a Malabar vernacular name, moringo/murungo, for the horse-radish-tree)
Moringa concanensis Nimmo ex Dalzell & A.Gibson,(from the Concan region of India) adavi munaga, అడవిమునగ,  kaarumunaga, karu munaga, కారుమునగ,  konda munaga, కొండమునగ
Moringa oleifera Lam.,(oil bearing, refers to seeds)(Cultivated) munagaమునగ, munakkayaluమునక్కాయలు, mulakkadaluములక్కాడలు  
CARICACEAE Dumortier, 
Stems stout, with flowing latex-like exudate; leaves spiral, lamina strongly lobed or palmately compound. Plants di or monoecious; flowers imperfect, in axillary, cymes. Staminate flower: calyx connate, small; corolla connate, contorted or valvate; stamens adnate to corolla, 10, of two lengths, whorled, the longer opposite the sepals, or equal and opposite to sepals, connective often developed; nectary on pistillode. Carpellate flowers: Corolla often free; nectary 0; G [5], placentation axile, style branches separate, stigmas flabellate or almost petal-like. The fruit is large berry and contains numerous seeds borne on five parietal placentae and each surrounded by mucilage. Benzyl glucosinolates  are present. 
CARICA L.(Etymology: From the Greek karike, a kind of fig - given to the papaya or paw-paw because of the fig-like leaves); 
Carica papaya L.,(from a Caribean vernacular name for pawpaw, or from Spanish name papaya ) (Cultivated) boppayi బొప్పాయి, boppasakaaya బొప్పాసకాయ, pappaaya పప్పాయ    
SALVADORACEAE Lindley, nom. cons.
Small trees  or shrubs; with opposite, small, rather leathery leaves; plant dioecious or polygamous, or flowers bisexual; floral orientation oblique; 4-merous, sepals and petals contorted, corolla-staminal tube  present, short, stamens equal and opposite to sepals, free, basally connate, or adnate to corolla tube; nectar glands alternating with or abaxial to stamens or 0; ovary 1-4 locular, ovules 1-2 per carpel, style short, stigma at most slightly lobed; fruit a fleshy berry or drupe. 
AZIMA Lam.,(Etymology: From the Malagasy name azmena or from an ancient city of Thmce Azimus, whose swords are straight like the spines of Azima.)
Azima tetracantha Lam.,(with 4 spines at each node)mundla kampa,ముండ్లకంప, puttu, పుట్టు,  tellavuppi,తెల్ల ఉప్పి, telluppi, తెల్లుప్పి, uppara ఉప్పర 
SALVADORA L.,(Etymology: from El Salvador, Central America)
Salvadora persica L.,(from Persia) nallavuppiనల్లఉప్పి, chekkera-chettu,చెక్కరచెట్టు,  chinnavaragogu చిన్నవారగోగు , ghooria,ఘోరియా ,goniya,గోనియ gonni,గొన్ని,gunnangiగున్నంగి  karugogu, కారు గోగు pedda gogu,పెద్ద గోగు  peddavaragoguపెద్ద వారగోగు, peddavaragoki,పెద్ద వారగోకి   peddavarajuvenki,పెద్ద వారజువెంకి , pinnavaragogu పిన్నవార గోగు , varagogu,వార గోగు,  varagoki వార గోకి , warangu-wenkiవరంగు -వెంకి, 
CAPPARACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons. 
Plants woody, leaves simple, compound in Crateva; the inflorescence is racemose, the flowers 4 merous, have a long gynophore, and monosymmetric; and often many stamens with long filaments, and the fruit is indehiscent.
CADABA L.,(Etymology: the Arabic name of one of kadhab  for Cadaba rotundifolia collected in Yemen)
Cadaba fruticosa (L.) Druce,(shrub like habit) chavukkuttiyanku,చెవికుట్టుకాయ, aadamorinika,ఆడమొరినిక, chekonadi,చేకొండి  chemudu చెముడు , chimurudu poola చిమురుడుపూలు, polumorinika,పోలుమొరినిక. vutharasi chettu ఉత్తరాసిచెట్టు
Cadaba trifoliata (Roxb.) Wight & Arn., (with 3 foliate leaves) chekondi చేకొండి  kodikaalu,కోడికాలు   nallagara,నల్లగార   peddachikonadi, peddacikonadi,పెద్దచీకొండి   peddasivakonitaపెద్దశివకొణిత 
CAPPARIS L., (Etymology: From the Greek kapparis or kappari used for the caper plant and its fruit.)
Capparis aphylla Roth,(a- without, phyllum-leaf; refers toabscence of  leaves ) enugadanta,ఏనుగుదంత  kariramu,కరీరము  mumudatu ముముదాటు; 
Capparis brevispina DC.,(brevi-small/short, spina-spines, refers to very short spines on the plant) 
Capparis decidua (Forssk.)Edgew.,(falling off , refers to early fall of leaves)apatra,అపత్ర   kantaki,కంటకి  kariramu,కరిరము  karimullu కరిముళ్ళు  
Capparis divaricata Lam., (wide spreading or straggling)ambaramvalli,అంబరంవల్లి   badaraeni,బాదరేణి   budaroni,బూదరేణి  remidi,రేమిడి,  remmaniరెమ్మాని;
Capparis floribunda Wight, (abounding in flowers or freely flowering)  
Capparis grandis L.f., (large or showy, refers to showy flowers) aridonda, అరిదొండ duddupi, దూదుప్పి, goolee గూలీ,gullem chettuగుల్లెమ్ చెట్టు , gullenguli గుల్లెన్గులి , nalluppi నల్లుప్పి ,  ragota రగోట, rayguttiరేగుత్తి, 
Capparis rotundifolia Rottler, (with rounded leaves)
Capparis roxburghii DC., (in honour of William Roxburgh) abooba,అబూబ, agooba,ఆగూబ,    chittigara, చిట్టి గార; 
Capparis sepiaria L., (growin on hedges)nalla uppi,నల్లుప్పి   puyyi,ఫుయ్యి  uppiఉప్పి
Capparis spinosa L.,(having conspicuous spines)   
kokilakshamu,కోకిలాక్షం  kokithaకొక్కిత 
 Capparis zeylanica L.,(from Ceylone) aadonda,ఆదొండ  adavinima,అడవినిమ్మ  adonda, aradondaఅరదొండ ,  aridondaఅరిదొండ, , chilli garaచిల్లి గార , chittigaraచిట్టి గార , cittigara, doddiదొడ్డి , paalakiపాలకి , pallikeపల్లికె,  sabbi,సబ్బి  todaku,తోడకు  uppi,ఉప్పి  vamintaవామింట 
CRATEVA L., (Etymology: derives from Crataevus, a Greek botanist in Hippocrates time);
Crateva religiosa G.Forst.,(venerated, of religious rites, for the leaves are used in the worship of Lord Shiva )usikaman, వుసికమానుbilvaram,బిల్వరము, cinnavulimidi,చిన్న ఉలిమిడి  magalingamu,మో/మాగలింగం, maredu,మారేడు, peddamogalingam,పెద్ద మోగలింగం   peddavulimidi,పెద్దఉలిమిడి, tella ulimidiతెల్లఉలిమిడి, tellavoolemeraతెల్ల ఉలిమిరిulimidi, ఉలిమిడిurimidi,ఉరిమిడి, voolemeri, ఉలిమిరి  
MAERUA Forssk.,(Etymology: from an Arabic vernacular name, meru)
Maerua apetala Dunn,(flowers without petals)pilliaduguపిల్లిఅడుగు  
Maerua cylindrocarpa Hadj-Moust., (fruit shape cylindrical)bhoochakra gadda,భూచక్రగడ్డ bhoochakramu/భూ చక్రం, maenikathige,మెనిక తీగ,  merupu theega,మెరుపుతీగ, morinika మొరినిక , pattathige, పట్టతీగ  
CLEOMACEAE Berchtold & J. Pres.,
Herbaceous or shrubby plants with palmately compound leaves, the inflorescence is racemose, the flowers are monosymmetric, have four clawed petals, stamens six or many, and two carpels; the gynoecium has a gynophore, the stamens have long filaments, and the dehiscent fruit has a thin, persistent, loop-like woody placenta that remains on the plant after the fruit valves have fallen off.
CLEOME L., (Etymology: a name used by Theophrastus (spider flower); derivations unclear,from Greek kleomai- to become famous ( by Linneus)
Cleome aspera J.König ex DC.,(rough, refers to leaf texture) 
Cleome chelidonii L.f.,(probably the flowers resemble Chelidonium or the flower colour resemble chelidon -a swallow)
Cleome chelidonii L.f. var. pallai V.S.Raju&C.S.Reddy,  
Cleome felina L.f. (relating or affecting to cats)erravamintaఎర్రవామింట ,
Cleome gynandra L., (having filaments and styles fused into a column)
thella vamita,తెల్ల వామింట, vaaminta, వామింట,velakura,వెలకూర  yetakooraయేటకూర 
 Cleome monophylla L., (with 1 leaf)gaddi vointaగడ్డివామింట  
 Cleome rutidosperma DC.,(rytido-wrinkled,sperma-seed, refers to wrinkled seeds which have prominent  concentric and transverse ridges and open cleft,  
Cleome simplicifolia Hook.f. & Thomson, (with simple leaf)
Cleome tenella L.f.,(very slender, the entire  plant is slender)
Cleome viscosa L.,(syn.) Arivela viscosa (L.) Raf., (sticky, plant is sticky)kukha-avalu, కుక్కావాలు, kukkavaminta,కుక్కవామింట, naelavaminta నేలవామింట
Cleome viscosa L. var. nagarjunakondensis Toth.,
BRASSICACEAE Burnett, nom. cons.//CRUCIFERAE Jussieu, nom. cons. et nom. alt.
BRASSICA L., (Etymology: Brassica’ is Pliny's name for several cabbage-like plants)
Brassica nigra (L.) K.Koch, (black, refers to seed colour)aavaaluఆవాలు
Brassica campestris L.,(of the pasture or plain land) nallaavalu నల్లావాలు  
Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.,(oleracea-of cultivation, aromatic; botrytis- bunched, refers to inflorescence) cauliflowerకాలీఫ్లవర్,kosu puvvu కోసుపువ్వు     , 
Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L., (capitata- head like, refers to head like apical bud)kosu gaddaకోసుగడ్డ,cabbage కాబేజీ  , 
Brassica oleracea L. var. gongylodes L.,(gongylodes- swollen or turnip shaped, aerial tem swollen) knol-kholనూల్కోల్  (Cultivated)
CORONOPUS Zinn.,(Etymology: Theophrastus’ name, for crowfoot,  (leaf-shape)
Coronopus didymus (L.)Sm.,(double or equally divided in pairs, refers to fruit)
CARDAMINE L.,(Etymology: Dioscorides’ name, for cress)
Cardamine africana L., (from Africa)
Cardamine hirsuta L., (Seshaachalam hills)
 LEPIDIUM  L.,Little-scale, Dioscorides’ name, lepidion, for a cress,
refers to the fruit)
Lepidium didymium L.,(double or equally divided in pairs, refers to fruit)
RAPHANUS L. (Etymology: the Latin name, raphanus, for a radish,) 
 Raphanus sativus L.,(cultivated) mullangi ముల్లంగి 
RORIPPA Scopoli ((Etymologyfrom the old Saxon name, rorippen)
Rorippa indica (L.) Hiernaaku mullangiఆకుముల్లంగి,
 Rorippa madagascariensis (DC.)Hara., (from Madagaskar ) 
NASTURTIUM (Etymology: Nose-twist- for the mustard oil smell)
 Nasturtium officinale W. T. Aiton,water crest(sold in pharmacies)
 SCHOUWIA DC.,(Etymology:For the Danish Botanist Joachim Frederik Schouw 1789-1852)
Schouwia purpurea (Forssk.) Schweinfurth (with purple flowers)(Weed in Ananthapur dist.)
SANTALALES Berchtold & J. Presl 
 Visit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/140231536@N03/albums/72157666200695442
Scandent shrubs, axillary thorns+ in Ximenia; lamina venation palmate; inflorescence ± umbellate; C 4, 5, 8, 10, free; A (= and opposite C), 2 (3) x C, (adnate to C), nectary 0; G superior, style short to long; ovules "strikingly linear";Distribution Pantropical, warm temperate 
XIMENIA L.,(Etymology: Named for Francisco Ximenez (also spelled Jimenez), 17th century Spanish monk)
Ximenia americana L.,(from America) bili nekkera బిలినక్కెర, billa kakira,బిళ్ళకక్కిర, kaliva,కలివ,
kondanakkera,కొండనక్కెరnagari,నగరి,  nakkeera,నక్కెర, ooranakkera, ఊరనక్కెర
OLACACEAE R. Brown, nom. cons
Plant parasites; leaves distichous, margins entire; flowers small in cymes; K small,  persistent, accrescent in Olax , cupular, teeth ± inconspicuous, C valvate,-3 in Olax large and protecting bud, with adaxial hairs; stamens opposite C, fertile-3, staminodes 3-6, anthers basifixed; nectary+, flowers heterostylous; G [3], style +, stigma small; ovule 1/carpel fruit 1-seeded drupe ; seed coat crushed.
OLAX L.,(Etymology: Furrow(the appearance given by of the two-ranked leaves)
Olax imbricata Roxb., (overlapping like tiles, refers to calyx)
Olax scandens Roxb.,( climbing) baapanamushti, బాపనముష్టి,boodanakkiri,బోదనక్కిరి   elka-nakira ఎలక నక్కిరి , kogitatigeకోగిట తీగ, kotikiకోతికి , kurpodur కురిపొదురు , kurposur కుర్పోసుర, muriki malle, మురికి మల్లె  nalla duradaనల్లదురద , nallavudathaనల్లుడత/నల్ల ఉడత  , nurikimalleనురికిమల్లె  tharagavepa,తరగవేప   thige nakkera,తీగ నక్కెర, udupunakkeriఉడుపు నక్కేరి , uduthanekkeraఉడత నక్కెర 
 LORANTHACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
Stem parasites whose own stems form secondary points of attachment along the host stem. Leaves opposite, often rather thick and brittle (especially when dry) margin entire, venation inconspicuous. Flowers 4-5 merous; narrowly tubular and brightly colored - often red and/or orange - and lack much in the way of a calyx; Corolla lobes connate into tube, often split on 1 side; inflorescences of umbels, racemes, or spikes.the ovary is inferior and the fruits are fleshy. The flowers often have a bract/bracteole at the base and immediately to one side of the ovary. 
DENDROPHTHOE Mart.,(Etymology: Dendro-tree +phthitis of death or decay; refers to its parasitic habit on trees, that ultimately kills the host tree) 
Dendrophthoe cuneata (B.Heyne) G.Don,
Dendrophthoe glabrescens (Blakely) Barlow, bajana భజన , 
 Dendrophthoe falcata (L.f.) Ettingsh.,(with sickle shaped inflorescence) badanika, బదనిక bajinika,భజానిక jiddu,జిడ్డు  vajinika,వజినికా  velagabadanika,వెలగబదనిక, yelingaఎలింగ  
SCURRULA L.,(Etymology: Little-dandy, diminutive feminine of scurra,)
Scurrula cordifolia (Wall.)G.Don.,(with heart shaped leaves) 
Scurrula parasitica L., (growing as parasite)
Scurrula pulverulenta Wall.,(Rare)(plant parts covered with powder or full of dust)
Scurrula parasitica
TAXILLUS Van Tieg.,(Etymology:  Little dice, refers to leaves)
Taxillus heyneanus Danser, (in honour of Dr Benjamin Heyne (1770–1819), German botanist, missionary and collector near Travancore, Kerala, SW India)
badanika, బదనిక
 OPILIACEAE Valeton, nom. cons.
Root parasites, trees/ scandent shrubs; leaves, two-ranked, lack much in the way of venation, and may have small bumps because of the cystoliths. The flowers are small in almost catkin-like when young; axillary; there is only one perianth whorl. K very small, C free to ± connate The ovary is superior. nectaries alternating with A); G [2-5] (half inferior) stigma ± capitate.  
CANSJERA A.Juss.,(Etymology: abbreviation of the Malabar plant name, Tsieru cansjeram 
Cansjera rheedei J.F.Gmel.,(In honor of Heinrich van Rheede tot Droakenstein (1637–1692) Governor of Dutch possessions in Malabar, India)
balikomma,బలికొమ్మ   malli madugu,మల్లిమడుగు   nalla udatha,నల్లఉడత   naragonji, naragonjithige, నారగొంజితీగ 
OPILIA Roxb. (Etymology: from Greek ope- opening eilo to be shut (refers to concealing of flower buds by imbricate bracts; the racemes in bud cone like)  
Opilia amentacea Roxb., (having catkin inflorescence)baleekoma, balikomma,బలికొమ్మ korukuduthivva,కొరుకుడుతివ్వ   nalla udatha, నల్లఉడత patcha papati,పచ్చపాపటి   thellavudatha తెల్ల ఉడత, udatha chettuఉడతచెట్టు 
SANTALACEAE R. Brown, nom. cons.
Plants stem parasites; flowers small, 4-5-merous; hypanthium + or 0; calyx 0, usually a patch of hairs on corolla where stamens are inserted; nectary on inside of corolla; pollen various; G [2-5], inferior, odd member abaxial,  or placentation free central, stigma often capitate or lobed; ovules straight  oranatropous, or not distinguishable; fruit baccate 
OSYRIS L.,(Etymology: Dioscorides’ name,for much branched plant) 
Osyris quqdripartita Salz ex Decne,(four partite, refers to usually 4 flowers in umbels )(Rare in VSKP, Chittoor dist.)
SANTALUM L.,(Etymology: from the Persian, shandul, for the sandal-wood tree/From the Greek santalon, which is derived from the Sanskrit chandana,) 
Santalum album L.,(white, refers to white heart wood) bhadrasri,భద్రశ్రీ  chandanamu, చందనము gandhamu, గంధము harichandamu,హరిచందనము  manchigandhamu,మంచిగంధము 
shreegandhamu శ్రీ చందనముmalayajamu మలయజము  patiramu,పాటీరము  
VISCUM L.,(Etymology: Latin name for birdlime, a sticky substance made from the plant's berries and smeared on branches to catch birds/the ancient Latin name, viscum, for mistletoe or the birdlime from its berries)
Viscum articulatum Burm.f., (jointed, refers to jointed stem)badanika,బదనిక chettu bajiniki,చెట్టు భజినిక karra badanika,కర్రబదనిక, kattabadanikaకట్టె బదనిక  
Viscum monoicum Roxb. ex DC., (separate staminate and pistillate flowers on the same plant, of a single house, monoecious)(Rare), badanika,బదనిక bajanika,భజినిక   kadisebadanika కడిసెబదనిక, kodisibhajinika,కొడిసెభజినిక  pulluriviపుల్లురివి 
Viscum orientale Willd.,(from East or from India) bajinika, భజినిక chandrabadanika,చండ్రబదనిక   kammi badanika,కమ్మి బదనికsundara badanika,సుందర బదనిక  
Viscum ramosissimum Wall. ex Wt., (much branched)(Rare)
BALANOPHORACEAERichard, nom. cons.
Echlorophyllous yellow to red or brown root parasites; aerial stem arises from a collar-like structure borne at ground level.  Inflorescence ± capitate or spicate, terminal, axis racemose, inflorescence bracts peltate or clavate, subtending fascicles of flowers; flowers small, (monosymmetric); staminate flowers: bracts peltste-clavate or 0; P 0,or 34; stames equal, opposite to perianth lobes; carpellate flowers: P 0 or minute; staminodes 0; G [2, 3(-5)].
BALANOPHORA Forster,(Etymology: Acorn-carrying (the nut produced by these total parasites of tropical trees)
Balanophora dioica R.Br. ex Royle (having separate staminate and pistillate plants)
(In VSKP dist.)
CARYOPHYLLALES Berchtold & J. Presl
PLUMBAGINACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons. 
Perennial herbs or shrubs, rarely climbers. Leaves simple, with broad bases and are frequently only shortly petiolate and with entire margins; flowers bisexual, regular, which have a relatively large, persistent, connate, ribbed, calyx; corolla contorted; stamens equal and opposite to petals; G [5], stigmas capitate or not; ovules single, funicle long and curled. 
PLUMBAGO L.,(Etymology: Leaden, feminine suffix on plumbum (Pliny’s name refers to a plant also called for the lead coloured flower)
Plumbago capensis L., (from Cape Colony, or Cape of Good Hope, S Africa)
nallachitramulam, నల్ల చిత్రమూలం  (Cultivated);
Plumbago indica L., erra chitramulamu, ఎర్రచిత్రమూలం 
Plumbago zeylanica L., agnimatha,అగ్నిమాత  chithramoolamu, చిత్రమూలం, tellachitramulamతెల్ల చిత్రమూలం
POLYGONACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
ANTIGONON Endl.,(Etymology: anti-opposite gono-angled (refers to the zig-zag stems of coral vine)  
Antigonon leptopus Hook. & Arn.,(lepta- slender, opus-looking, refers to weak habit) Coral vine, Honolulu creeper, Mexican creeper, Bride's tears, Chain-of-love, Hearts on a chain, Love-vine (Eng.); Pitchi bataani,పిచ్చి బఠాణి bataani puluబఠాణి పూలు 
PERSICARIA (L.) P.Miller.,(Etymology: Peach like(Rufinus’ name refers to the leaves)
Persicaria barbata (L.)H.Hara,(Bearded , refers to long hairs at nodes)Knotweed, water milkwort (Eng.); kondamalleకొండమల్లె,, neeruganneru నీరుగన్నేరు .
Persicaria glabra ( Willd. ) M.Gómez, (without hairs) Burada gogu బురదగోగు,neeru ganneru నీరుగన్నేరు.
Persicaria chinensis (L.) H. Gross;(from China)
 Persicaria hydropiper (L.)Delarbre;(water pepper)
 Persicaria nepalensis (Meisn.) Miyabe, (from Nepal)
Persicaria pulchra (Blume) Soják ;(beautiful in appearance)
 Persicaria strigosa (R.Br.) Nakai (plant with short thick hairs)
POLYGONUM L.,(Etymology: poly-many-gonum joints, (Dioscorides’ name may have referred to the fecundity, of docks, but others suggest a reference to the swollen nodes ) (Polygonaceae)
Polygonum plebeium R.Br., (veined)Common knot weed (Eng.).chimatikuraచిమటి కూర
RUMEX L.,(Etymology: A name in Pliny for sorrel)
Rumex vesicarius L.,(inflated or bladder like-refers to fruit)(Cultivated)chukka kuraచుక్కకూర, chukkakuచుక్కాకు  
CARYOPHYLLACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
Mostly herbs with opposite, entire leaves; geotropic adjustments occur at the swollen nodes. Flowers arise in cymes; with clearly distinguishable calyx and corolla; corolla bilobed or clawed or absent; stamens 5 or 10; fruit 1-seeded indehiscent capsule.   
DRYMARIA Willd.,(Etymology: of wood-lands)
Drymaria cordata (L.)Willd. ex Roem.&Schult., (Araku)
POLYCARPAEA Lam.,(poly-many, carpus-fruit refers to fruiting repeatedly (by Hippocrates). 
Polycarpaea aurea Wight & Arn., (golden yellow, refers to sepal colour)Bommasariబొమ్మసారి
Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam.,(flowers in corymbs)Oldman’s cap (Eng.); Bommasari బొమ్మసారి, Rajuma రజుమ
POLYCARPON L.,(Etymology: many fruited )
Polycarpon prostratum (Forssk.)Asch.&Schweif.,(lying flat on ground)
AMARANTHACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
Succulent, herbs or shrubs; they prefer dry or saline habitats. Nodes often swollen. Leaves often opposite; serrate. Flowers are small; have 1-3 carpels and 1-2 basal ovules. Perianth persistent, subfleshy. Stamens equal to the number of perianth segments. G [1-3(-6)], (subinferior). Fruits a circumscissile capsule, surrounded by scarious bracts and bracteoles; or drupe or berry closely invested by fleshy bract or perianth.

Presence of betalains, anthraquinones, (isoquiniline alkaloids), 6-7-methylene-dioxyflavonols, isoflavonoids +, soluble oxalate accumulation are common.  
ACHYRANTHES L.,(Etymology: From the Greek achyr (chaff) and anthos (flower)Chaff-flower,)
Achyranthes aspera L.,(rough, refers to inflorescence)Prickly Chaff Flower, Chaff-flower, Crocus stuff, Crokars staff, Devil's horsewhip (Eng.); antisa,అంటిస  antisha,అంటీశ apamaargamu, అపామార్గము  dubbinachettu,దుబ్బిన చెట్టు,  pratyukpushpi,ప్రత్యుక్పుష్పి,Uttareni ఉత్తరేణి
 Achyranthes aspera var. pubescens (Moq.) M.Gómez,Bur weed, Chaff flower (Eng.); Pedda Vuttareniపెద్ద ఉత్తరేణి  
Achyranthes bidentata Blume, (double toothed, refers to staminodes)
Achyranthes longifolia (Makino) Makino, (wilt long leaves)(New record); 
AERVA Forssk.,(Etymology: Latinized form of the Arabic name for this plant)
Aerva javanica (Burm.f.) Juss. ex Schult.,(from Java)maga beera, మగబీర,  pedda pindi, పెద్దపిండి  pindi kondaపిండికొండ
Aerva lanata (L.) Juss.,(wooly, the entire plant is wooly) guanabana,గౌణబాణ   kondapindiకొండపిండి,  pindi kura,పిండికూర   pindichettuపిండి చెట్టు , pindidonda,పిండిదొండ,pindikunda పిండికుండ  , pindipoolu,పిండిపూలు  thelaga pindi konda,తెలగపిండికొండ    thelaga pindikundaతెలగపిండికుండ,     
Aerva sanguinolenta (L.) Blume,(bloody, refers to ???) purititige,పురిటి తీగె  thelagapindiతెలగపిండి
ALLMANIA R. Brown ex Wight-(Etymology: Named for Lucas Alamán, 19th century Mexican statesman)
 Allmania nodiflora (L.) R.Br. ex Wight,(flowering at nodes) gurugu kooraగురుగు కూర 
ALTERNANTHERA Forssk.,(Etymology: with alternating anthers, alternate fertile ones and barren.)
Alternanthera bettzickiana (Regel) G.Nicholson, (a weed cultivated to make garlands)
 Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze,(from Brazil) 
 Alternanthera ficoidea (L.)Sm., (fig like, probably leaves of some figs) 
Alternanthera paronychioides A.St.-Hil., (resembling Paronychis)
Alternanthera  philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.(probable derivation: from Greek philo- liking or loving, xero-dry land, oides-allied, resembling ; the plant is aqutic, but survives in dry lands also; because it is looking like dryland related species) ponnaganti koora పొన్నగంటికూర ,
Alternanthera pungens Kunth, (ending with a sharp point like spine; refers to spiny bracts) mullga gutti,ముళ్లగుత్తి mullu ponna gantiముళ్లపొన్నగంటి    
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. ex DC.,( stalk less, refers to stalk less inflorescences) madanaganti, మదనగంటి  ponnaganti kooraపొన్నగంటికూర,
 AMARANTHUS L.,(Etymology: Unfading, a-marainw (Nicander’s name, amaranton, for
the ‘everlasting’ flowers.)
Amaranthus blitum L.,(An ancient Greek name for some Spinach) erratotakura,ఎర్రతోటకూర   pedathotakura,పెద్దతోటకూర  thellatoakura,తెల్ల తోటకూర,thotakuraతోటకూర, 
 Amaranthus caudatus L., (tailed, refers to inflorescence)netakooraనేతకూర 
Amaranthus dubius Mart. ex Thell.,(doubtful)
Amaranthus gangeticus L.,(from River Ganges surrounding areas) dantu , దంటు kamulu,కములు  tota kuraతోటకూర; 
Amaranthus graecizans L.,(Wide spread) chirikooraచిరికూర  
Amaranthus hybridus L.,(half-breed or a hybrid)dantu kooraదంటుకూర 
Amaranthus polygonoides L.,(resemble Polygonum)chiri koora,చిరికూర,
Amaranthus polygamus L.,(the flowers having various combinations of the reproductive
structures,) doggali kura దొగ్గలికూర   
Amaranthus roxburghianus H. W. Kung,(In honour of William Roxburgh )
 Amaranthus spinosus L., (having spines)erramullugoranta,ఎర్ర ములుగోరింట  ettamulugoranta,ఎట్టములుగోరింట   mulla thota-kura, mundlatotakura, ముళ్ల/ముండ్ల తోటకూర   nalla doggali,  నల్ల దొగ్గలి yerra mullu-gorintaఎర్రములుగోరింట 
 Amaranthus viridis L., (fresh green)chilakathotakuraచిలక తోటకూర
Amaranthus tricolourL.,(with 3 coloured leaves)bhadara, భద్ర dantu koora,దంటు కూర  doggalikoora,దొగ్గలి కూర  erra doggali koora ఎర్ర దొగ్గలి కూర, kamulu,కములు koyyatotakoora,కొయ్య తోటకూర  perugu thotakoora,పెరుగు తోటకూర  sirukoora,సిరు కూర  thotakooraతోటకూర
ARTHROCNEMUM Moq.,(Etymology: Arthro-jointed, cnema-thread  From Greek Jointed thread)
Arthrocnemum indicum Thw., (syn. Halosarcia indica (Willd.) Paul G.Wilson); barillakoyalu బారిల్లకోయలు,eelakura ఈల కూర,
 koyalu, కోయలు  quoioo కొయ్య , saakantipusaluసాకన్తి పూసలు
koyyapippali కొయ్యపిప్పలి, pagadal chettu పగడాలచెట్టు  
ATRIPLEX L.,(Etymology: the name used by Pliny for black and intertwined herb.)
Atriplex repens Roth,(creeping, refers to its habit)
Atriplex hortensis L.,(cultivated) mattubachaliమట్టు బచ్చలి, konda bachchali కొండ బచ్చలి  
BETA L.,(Etymology:  Perhaps from the Celtic bett, red, because of the red roots (Latin name for beet)
Beta vulgaris L. subsp. maritima (L.) Arcang.,(vulgaris-common; maritima-growing by sea side) palakపాల కూర , 
Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris beetroot బీట్రూట్ (Cultivated)
CELOSIA L.,(Etymology:celosia- Burning-for dry flowers of some species)
Celosia argentia var. spicata L.,(silvery)erra kodi juttuthotta koora,ఎర్ర కోడిజుట్టుతోటకూర    gulugkura,గలుగుకూర   gunugu,గునుగు  gurugu,గురుగు  guruvu kura, గురువుకూర,kodi juttu chettu,కోడిజుట్టు చెట్టు, panchechettugurugu పంచ చెట్టు గురుగు , gurugu aaku,గురుగాకు  panchhettu పంచట్టు 
Celosia cristata L.,(With beautiful crest like a cock )ettakodiyuttatotakuru,ఎర్ర కోడిజుట్టుతోటకూర   kodijuttutotakura కోడిజుట్టుతోటకూర
Celosia polygonoides Retz., (resemble Polygonum)Eluka vuttareniఎలుక ఉత్తరేణి  
CHENOPODIUM L.,(Etymology: cheno-gees, podium-foot; Goose-feet; regarding the leaf shape)
Chenopodium album L., (White, refers to white powder on plant parts))chakravarthi koora,చక్రవర్తికూర, pappukura పప్పుకూర   
Chenopodium murale L. (growing on walls);
CYATHULA Lour.,(Etymology:With the shape of a small wine cup(fruit)
Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume (lying flat on the ground)(Rare in VSKP)
DIGERA Forssk.,(Etymology: from the Arabic vernacular name of some species of Digera collected from Yemen)
Digera muricata Mart.,( rough with short superficial tubercles, refers to seed)
DYSPHANIA (EtymologyFrom the Greek word dysphanis (dark or obscure), in reference to the inconspicuous flowers)
Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants (similar to Ambrosia)(Rare); 
Dysphania pumilio (R. Brown) Mosyakin & Clemants,(very small than remaining species of the genus)(An exotic weed)
GOMPHRENA L.,(Etymology: the ancient Latin name used by Pliny, for an Amaranth;another derivation from Greek gomphos-club, refers to flower head shape of some species)
Gomphrena celosioides Mart., ( Celosia like; inflorescence resemble Celosia)gaddi poolu, గడ్డి పూలు
Gomphrena globosa L.,(Latin ‘globosa’ / ‘globosus’ meaning ‘globe-shaped’, refers to globe like flower heads) bandu malli,బొండుమల్లి   erra pagada banti, ఎర్రపగడ బంతి rudraakshi,రుద్రాక్షి  thella pedda gorantaతెల్ల పొగడ గోరంట  
Gomphrena serrata L., (with serrate margins)Gaddi poolu గడ్డిపూలు.
NOTHOSAERVA Wight,(Etymology: From Greek Nothos- false +Aerva)
Nothosaerva brachiata (L.) Wight,(with conspicuous bracts) pashaanabedi పాషాణబేది  
PSILOTRICHUM Blume, (Etymology: From Greek Psilo- smooth/slender +tricho-hairs, plants with slender hairs) 
Psilotrichum  ferrugineum (Roxb.)Moq.,(rusty brown in colour, refers to hairs) (Rare in Godavari),
Psilotrichum sericeum (J. König ex Roxb.) Dalzell, (with silky hairs)
PUPPALIA A.Juss.,(Etymology: from the Malabar name for this plant, pupalvalli ... (Nomenclator botanicus)
Pupalia lappacea ( L.) A.Juss.,(lappa- bur like, refers to bur like hairs on fruiting calyx) Antreetha,అంత్రీత,   adavi vuttareni అడవిఉత్తరేణి ,  thella utthareni,తెల్లఉత్తరేణి  
 Pupalia lappacea var. lappacea, Unknown.erra utthareni,ఎర్రఉత్తరేణి   yerri chithramoolamయెర్రిచిత్రమూలం  
SUAEDA Forssk. ex. J.F.Gmel.,(Etymology: from the Arabic, suwed-mullah,vernacular name of Suaeda baccata)
Suaeda fruticosa Forssk. ex J. F. Gmelin, (shrub like habit)
Suaeda maritima (L.) Dumort., (growing near by sea) ila kura,ఇలకూర, vuppu chettu, ఉప్పు చెట్టు , revu kaadalu రేవు కాడలు  
 Suaeda monoica Forssk., ((separate staminate and pistillate flowers on the same plant, of a single house, monoecious) goilakuru,గోయిలకూర , ila kuraఇలకూర     goligura dubbuగోలిగూరదుబ్బు , goyyalakura, koyyalakoora,గొ/కొయ్యలకూర 
TRICHURIELLA Bennet,(Etymology: The term 'trich' is originated from the Greek word 'trichoma' meaning 'hair' or 'thread' (trichome) that may relate to the hair-like leaves in the plant.
Trichuriella monsoniae ( L.f.) Bennet,(for Lady Ann Monson (c. 1714–76), who corresponded with Linnaeus)
Herbs; lamina not bifacial; K/P quincuncial; staminodes corolla like, many; A many, centrifugal; pollen trinucleate; obturator of hairs, fruit achene or loculicidal capsule.
CORBICHONIA Scop.,(Etymology: From Greek like a basket)
Corbichonia decumbens (Forssk.)Exell (prostrate with tips turned up,)
(Prostrate purslane)rare
AIZOACEAE Martynov, nom. cons.
 Prostrate herbs; leaves opposite, fleshy, leaf base membranous and usually surround the stem. The flowers 5-merous, perianth members green outside and coloured inside; stamens 5 or 10, inferior and ovary is septate. Fruit opens on moistening as septal or other tissue swells. Distributed in tropical, sub-tropical, arid areas.  
SESUVIUM L.,(Etymology: From the area inhabited by the Sesuvii, a Gallic tribe mentioned by Caesar; the application to this plant is obscure)
Sesuvium portulacastrum (L.) L., (similar to Portulaca) vangaressi koora వంగరేసికూర   
TRIANTHEMA L.,(Etymology:Triple flowered)
Trianthema decandra L., (flowers with 10 anthers)galijeru, గలిజేరుtella-galijeru,తెల్ల గలిజేరు
 Trianthema portulacastrum L.,(Portulaca like) ambatimaadu, అంబటిమాడు galijaeru, గలిజేరు tella-galijeru, తెల్ల గలిజేరు yerragalijeru ఎర్రగలిజేరు 
Trianthema triquetra Rottler & Willd., (with 3 angled , refers to 3 sided leaves)
Prostrate herbs; leaves opposite; flowers white in  leaf-opposed, dichasial cymes; perianth lobes 5, quincuncial;  stamens 5-15, alternating with perianth; carpels 5, ovary superior, pseudapocarpous, opposite to perianth, styluli  present; fruit muricate achene.  
GISEKIA L., (Etymology: for P.D. Giseke (or Gieseke, according to Sonder in FI. Cap.) 1746-96, a German naturalist "who published figures of plants in 1777".)
Gisekia pharnaceoides L., (similar to Pharnaceum)Isuka daari kuraఇసుకదారికూర (Tel.)
NYCTAGINACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
Annual herbs to shrubs, or weak-stemmed trees, or lianas; leaves opposite; flowers 5 merous,  in cymose clusters; perianth connate, petal-like, valvate or contorted; stamens5, connate at base, ovary 3 celled, superior; fruit surrounded by perianth, achene or nutlet; covered by glands that produce a very sticky secretion. Isoflavonoids  present. Tropical in distribution.   
BOERHAVIA L.,(Etymology: Named for Hermann Boerhaave, 18th century Dutch botanist)
Boerhavia chinensis (L.) Rottb. Syn. B. repanda, theega mamidi,తీగమామిడి  atukumamidi అటుకమామిడి  , kannekomaliకన్నెకోమలి  
 Boerhavia diffusa L., (loosely spreading) ambati madu,అంబటిమాడు    attukamaamidi,అటుక/అటికమామిడి, punarnava,పునర్నవ  yerra galijeruఎర్రగలిజేరు  
 Boerhavia erecta L., (with straight or erect branches)adavi maamena,అడవి మామెన  ataka maamidi,అటక మామిడి  punarnava, పునర్నవ thella attikimaamidi తెల్ల అటికమామిడి, 
Boerhavia repens L.,
BOUGAINVILLEA Comm. ex Juss., (Etymology: Named for Louis Antoine de Bougainville, the first Frenchman to cross the Pacific Ocean)
Bougainvillea glabra Choisy, (without hairs)bogana malli,బోగన మల్లి kagithala puvvuకాగితాల పువ్వు 
Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. (spectacular, good-looking,)
 MIRABILIS L.,(Etymology: Wonderful, extraordinary, astonishing (Mirabilis jalapa,marvel of Peru)
Mirabilis jalapa L., (from Jalapa, Veracruz (Mirabilis jalapa false jalap);
 bhadrakshi,భద్రాక్షి  batharachi,బాథరాచి   bhandrakanta, భద్రకాంత  chandrakaantha, చంద్ర కాంత   chandramalliచంద్ర మల్లి   
PISONIA L.,(Etymology: Possibly named for Willem Piso, 17th century Dutch traveller and pioneer physician in Brazil)
Pisonia aculeata L., (having prickles or thorns) embuddi, ఎంబుద్ది  kankiputri, కంకిపుత్రి  konkara putri,కొంకర పుత్రి   konki,కొంకి  kunkupootri,కంకు పుత్రి  lanja mundaku,లంజముండాకు   pisangiపిసంగి 
MOLLUGINACEAE Bartling, nom. cons.
Herbs or subshrubs with pseudo-verticillate leaves that often have scarious stipules; flowers that may be quite showy but which generally lack any corolline whorl; stamens 5-10, filaments connate basally; G(5), placentation axile, style short or 0; ovules 1 per carpel; fruit loculicidal capsule and seeds that lack an obviously long funicle.
GLINUS L., (Etymology: from Greek Greek: glinos (sweet juice)
Glinus lotoides L.,(-resembling Lotus )-chadrasi koora, చాదరాసికూర   thella poraku,తెల్లపొరకు   thella puniతెల్ల పుని 
 Glinus oppositifolius (L.) Aug.DC., (with opposite leaves)chayuntarashiaku,చేయుంత రాశిఆకు   chetarasikoora,చాదరాసికూర pilaka saareపిలక సారె 
MOLLUGO L.,(Etymology:Tender, mollis with feminine suffix -ugo (a name in Pliny) refers to tender herbs/An old name for the Galium genus, transferred to this genus in the Aizoaceae family (reclassified into its own family by Jepson)
Mollugo disticha Ser., (in two alternately opposed ranks,refers to floral arrangement)
Mollugo cerviana (L.) Ser.,(from Cervia, N Italy; of the hind or stag,refers to branching, is like stags horns )
parpaataka, పర్పాటక parpadagum,పర్పడగం, parpatakamu,పర్పాటకము,   pichhu kaalu,పిచ్చుకాలు   verri chatarasiవెర్రి చాతరాశి 
 Mollugo nudicaulis Lam., (naked stemmed )verrichaatharaashiవెర్రిచాదరాసి 
 Mollugo pentaphylla L.,(with 5 leaves at each node)
BASELLACEAE Rafinesque, nom. Cons  
Succulent vines or lianes; flowers small, inflorescence racemose; perianth 5, connate, stamens 4-9, often equal and opposite perianth members, adnate to them, basally connate; stigma capitate or lobed; ovule single; fruit an utricle, surrounded by persistent perianth.            
BASELLA L.,(Etymology: Latin form of Indian name for plants/the Malabar vernacular name)
Basella alba L.,(white, refers to corolla) allu-batchhalla,అల్లు బచ్చలి  bachhali koora,బచ్చలి కూర  bachhalitheega,బచ్చలి తీగ  erraalubachhali,ఎర్ర బచ్చలి kaarubachhaliకుర్ర బచ్చలి,pedamattu,పెదముట్టు,   pedda bachaliపెద్ద బచ్చలి, polambachhaliపొలం బచ్చలి 
bachali,బచ్చలి  bachchali-kura,బచ్చలి కూర  karubachali,కూరబచ్చలి  
Herbs to shrubs, underground parts often tuberous;  leaves simple, entire, flowers perfect, corolla quincuncial, stamens 15-25; G [3], ovary at least initially septate. Fruit baccate, mucilaginous.   
TALINUM Adanson, (Etymology: from an African vernacular name;)
Talinum fruticosum (L.) Juss., (shrub like habit) ceylone batchali సిలోన్ బచ్చలి 
PORTULACACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
Succulent, annual, herbs; leaves opposite; leaf axils with hairs, bristles, and/or slender scales, sometimes short and inconspicuous;  flowers axillary, solitary or in terminal cymes. Tepals 4-8, connate; bracts and tepals deciduous, stamens twice the petals, G(5), semi inferior, and capsule circumscissile; seed with hilar aril.  
PORTULACA L.,(Etymology: from a name, porcilacca, in Pliny (cognate with porcelain and purslane)/carries milk (Daves Garden)
Portulaca grandiflora Hook., (with large or showy flowers) gaddi roja గడ్డి రోజా
 Portulaca oleracea L., (used as vegetable)  boddupavilikoora, boddupavilikura,బొడ్డు పావిలి/పాయలి కూర   gangapavilikura,గంగపావిలి/పాయలి కూర, pappukura,పప్పుకూర   pedda pavali kura, పెద్దపావిలి/పాయలి కూర  
Portulaca pilosa L., (with long rough hairs at nodes)boddakoora బొద్దకూర  
Portulaca quadrifida L., (divided into 4, involucre divided into 4) goddupaavili koora, గొడ్డు పావిలికూర pavili,
పావిలి  payalaaku, పాయలాకు  peddapaavili, పెద్దపావిలి   sannapayal aaku,సన్నపాయలాకు    saunapappu, సన్న పప్పు saunapavili, సన్న పావిలి sunapailkuraసన్నపాయలి కూర  
 Portulaca tuberosa Roxb.,(with tubers, tap root modified into tuber) boddi kura బొడ్డికూర, 
Portulaca umbraticola Kunth,(occupying shaded habits; lounger)(Exotic, cultivated) 
Portulaca wightiana Wall. ex Wight&Arn.,(in honour of Robert Wight) 
Droseraceae are insectivorous herbs usually with adaxially coiled or folded leaves and moderate-sized flowers; there are three carpels usually terminated by branched styles.
DROSERA L.,(Etymology: Dewy (the glistening glandular hairs of the apothecaries’ ros solis, the sundew) 
Drosera burmannii Vahl, (in honour of Nicolaus Burmann (1733–93), Professor of botany at Amsterdam) kannara moggaకన్నరమొగ్గ ,  
Drosera indica L., 
Drosera burmanii
TAMARICACEAELink, nom.cons
Woody, also xeromorphic; inflorescence racemose ; with small leaves and flowers; stamens = or 2x C or more, most connate at base into 5 bundles; fruit capsule; seeds hary.
TAMARIX L.,(Etymology: Ancient Latin name for this plant tamariscus, for the Spanish area of the River Tambo)
Tamarix aphylla (L.)Karst., (without leaves) ettashirisaru,ఎట్టసిరసరయ  ettaverusaru,ఎట్ట వెరుసరు  farash,ఫరశ   lal-jhau,లాల్-ఝా   sarruసర్రు 
Tamarix dioica Roxb.,((having separate staminate and pistillate plants) palivela,పలివెల,  palligi,పల్లిగి,   penpa పెంప 
Tamarix ericoides Rottl., (heath like) dzane,జానె  pabbasa, పబ్బస pempaపెంప
Tamarix indica Roxb. erraisirusaru,ఎర్రియెరుసరు  errayerusaru,ఎర్రయెరుసరు  erusaru
యెరుసరు ,  pakkiపక్కి , paliviపలివి , palligiపల్లీగి , prakke,ప్రక్కె  sirasarauశిరసార   
CACTACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons
Plant woody; stems stout and very fleshy, green, axillary areoles of spines and hairs present, and flowers that usually have an inferior ovary and many stamens and "petals"; the fruits are fleshy.
C3/CAM cycling; rays wide and tall; calcium oxalate as whewellite [CaC2O4.H2O]; 
CEREUS Mill.,(Etymology: Torch- for the flower shape)
Cereus pterogonus Lem.,(ptero-wing, gonous-angles, refers to winged angles of the phylloclade/stem) Sepoyjemudu,సిపాయిజెముడు   Brahmajemuduబ్రహ్మ జెముడు  (Tel.).
Cereus grandiflorus Mill.,(with large floweres) cemmarakasiచెమ్మరాకాసి    
HYLOCEREUS (A. Berger) Britton & Rose, (Etymology: From the Greek hyle (forest, woods, thicket) and Cereus, referring to the native habitat)
Hylocereus undatus (Haw.) Britton & Rose, (wings of phylloclades waved)Brahma kamalamబ్రహ్మకమలం 
 NOPALEA Salm-Dyck,(Etymology: From the Nahuatl word nopalli, meaning cactus")
Nopalea cochenillifera (L.) Salm-Dyck,(bearing Cochneal,(a scarlet dye used for colouring food, made from the crushed dried bodies of a female scale insect.) 
 OPUNTIA Mill.,(Etymology: Tournefort’s name for succulent plants from Opous, Boeotia/Named after Opus (Greece), an area where other cactus-like plants were grown(Daves garden)
Opuntia dillenii (Ker Gawl.)Haw., (in honour of Johann Jacob Dillen (Latinized to Dillenius), 18th century German botanist and physician) naga-dali, నాగ దళి, nagajemuduనాగజెముడు,   nagamalliనాగమల్లి ,  nagamullu,నాగ ముళ్ళు  papasalli పాపసల్లి   
Opuntia elatior Mill.,(taller than other species of the genus)
Opuntia monacantha Haworth,(with single spine)  nagajemudu,నాగజెముడు 
Opuntia vulgaris Mill., (common, a very common species) nagajemudu,నాగజెముడుnagadali,నాగ దళి 
Opuntia stricta(Haw.) Haw., (erect or stiff) nagajemudu,నాగజెముడుnagadali,నాగ దళి,nagamullu,నాగ ముళ్ళు 
visit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/140231536@N03/albums/72157666200789642  
It is under construction; To be continued .....

The authors are A.Lalithamba Rtd.Lecturer in Botany(Her other bloglist is given below) and D.C.S.RAJU. FLS.;For his works and history of plant taxonomy please visit http://robertkyd.blogspot.in/