CORNALES Dumortier
CORNACEAE Berchtold & J. Presl, nom. cons.
Trees and shrubs; leaves two ranked, often with entire margins, actinodromous venation. Flowers small, aggregated into compact inflorescences, all flowers open together. Flowers 4-10 merous, calyx small, connate, petals valvate, stamens opposite to sepals, anthers oblong, ovary inferior, crowned by a disc, 1-2 locular. Fruit 1-seeded drupe.
ALANGIUM Lam., (Etymology: Latinized form of alangi the Malabar name of the plant)
Alangium chinense (Lour.)Harms-(from China); rare in Visakhapatnam district;
Alangium salviifolium (L.f.) Wangerin, - (having leaves like Salvia) ankolamu,అంకోలము nallankolamu, నల్లఅంకోలముnallauduga,నల్లఊడుగ, uduga/ udugachettu,ఊడుగ /ఊడుగచెట్టు urgu,ఉరుగు uruఉరు (it is a medicinal plant)
Alangium salviifolium (L.f.) Wangerin, - (having leaves like Salvia) ankolamu,అంకోలము nallankolamu, నల్లఅంకోలముnallauduga,నల్లఊడుగ, uduga/ udugachettu,ఊడుగ /ఊడుగచెట్టు urgu,ఉరుగు uruఉరు (it is a medicinal plant)
ERICALES Dumortier
BALSAMINACEAE A. Richard, nom. cons.
Fleshy glabrous, herbs with more or less translucent stems; mucilage canals present; leaves simple, spiral, toothed. The flowers are strongly, vertically monosymmetric, inverting during growth [resupinate];sepals 1-3, functionally abaxial sepal with prominent nectariferous spur, petals 5, when sepal 1, adaxial petal often with a sepaloid keel, lateral petals connate in pairs ; anthers connate and forming cap over stigma, filaments stout. Carpels 4, opposite to petals, style short, stigma fairly broad; ovules 1-several per carpel. The fruit is usually an explosively-dehiscent capsule with the walls inrolling from the base.
non-hydrolysable tannins, naphthoquinones present.
HYDROCERA Blume ex Wight & Arnott, (Etymology: hydro-water, cera-horn Water horn (the nectar filled spur)
Hydrocera triflora (L.) Wight & Arn., marsh henna (three flowers at each node)
IMPATIENS L.,(Etymology: Impatient (Touch sensitive fruits; on contact blasts)
Impatiens balsamina L.,(an old generic name of Impatiens)Lingaakshipoolu, లింగాక్షి పూలు chilaka mukku pooluచిలక ముక్కు పూలు,kasi tummi,కాశి తుమ్మి mudda gorintaముద్దగోరింట (cultivated as ornamental)
Impatiens chinensis L.,(from China)
Impatiens diversifolia Wall. ex Wight & Arnott,(with different types of leaves)
Impatiens chinensis L.,(from China)
Impatiens diversifolia Wall. ex Wight & Arnott,(with different types of leaves)
Impatiens leschenaultii Wall., (for L. T. Leschenault de la Tour (1773–1826), French botanist) konda chilakamukku pulu కొండచిలక ముక్కు పూలు,
LECYTHIDACEAE A. Richard, nom. cons.
Trees; leaves spiral, in tufts at the ends of the branches, or the leaves are two-ranked and scattered along the stem; minutely stipulate, margins are serrate. The flowers are often large and have free petals. Stamens numerous (up to 1200) free to connate; when connate, they may form a complex, cochleate structure that obscures the style and top of the ovary. The ovary is inferior and crowned by the often persistent valvate calyx. Fruit berry.
Trees; leaves spiral, in tufts at the ends of the branches, or the leaves are two-ranked and scattered along the stem; minutely stipulate, margins are serrate. The flowers are often large and have free petals. Stamens numerous (up to 1200) free to connate; when connate, they may form a complex, cochleate structure that obscures the style and top of the ovary. The ovary is inferior and crowned by the often persistent valvate calyx. Fruit berry.
BARRINGTONIA J.R. Forster & J.G.A. Forster nom.cons,(Etymology: Named for Daines Barrington, 18th century English judge and naturalist)
Barringtonia acutangula (L.) Gaertn., (with sharp angles,refers to angled fruit) kadmi కడిమి, Kadam,కదం Kurpa,కూర్ప kadapa కడప kanigi chettu,కనిగిచెట్టు(timber and fruits are useful)
CAREYA Roxb., nom. Cons,.(Etymology: for Reverend William Carey (1761–1834) of Serampore,a botanist.)
Careya arborea Roxb., (tree or tree like habit) Kumbhiకుంభి, gadava,గాడవ , dudippaదూదిప్ప , araya అరయ, budada naedi బుడత నేడి, budda dharmiబుడ్డధర్మి (timber and fruits are useful) ,
COUROUPITA Aubl.,(Etymology: Latinised form of vernacular name of the tree kouroupitoumou(a local language of French Guiana)
Couroupita guianensis Aubl., ( derived from Guiana country); Nagalingam, నాగలింగం shivalingam puluశివలింగం పూలు (cultivated for the flowers)
SAPOTACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
Shrubs or trees with milky latex; terminal buds small, naked with adpressed, brownish, hairs. Leaves simple, two-ranked, entire, secondary veins often rather close; exude copious gutta. Flowers anisomerous, in cymes or axillary fascicles; sepals connate at base, persistent; petals 4-18, stamens equals petals in number, and opposite to petals, introrse to extrorse, staminodes opposite to sepals; carpels with hairs on the inside of the ovary, placentation axile, style short, stigma punctate or minutely lobed, ovules 1-2 per carpel; fruit a berry or drupe; seeds large, hard, shiny, hilar scar large, white.
CHRYSOPHYLLUM L.,(Etymology: Chryso-golden, phyllum-leaf, Golden leaf)
Chrysophyllum roxburghii G.Don, (In honour of William Roxburgh)
ISONANDRA Wight,(Etymology: Equal stamens (Equal number of fertile and sterile stamens)
Isonandra villosa Wight,(with long soft hairs , refers to floral parts)(Critically endangered) inVelugonda hills of Nellore dist.,and Kambakkam hills of Chittor district)
MADHUCA Ham. Ex Gmel.,(Etymology: Derived from the Sanskrit word Madhu, which means honey; refers to the honey tasted fleshy corolla )
Madhuca longifolia(J.Koenig ex L.)J.F.Macbr,(with narrow, long leaves) ippa,ఇప్ప pinaynippa, పిన్నయిప్పsannaippa,సన్నిప్ప sannayippa, సన్నయిప్ప voorooippa ఊరూరిప్ప, (cultivated as avenue tree)
Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia (Roxb.) A.Chev., (With broad leaves) syn. Bassia latifolia Roxb., Ippa,ఇప్ప,vippa విప్ప,adavi yippa అడవిఇప్ప madhukamమధూకము, a advippa,అడవిప్ప peddayippa,పెద్దఇప్ప yeppaయెప్ప(timber, flowers fruits useful)
Madhuca neriifolia (Moon)H.J.Lam., Syn. Bassia malabarica Bedd., (leaves Neerium like) aare,ఆరె peddaare, పెద్దఆరె pullaare,పుల్లారె pullagoddukura,పుల్ల గొడ్డుకూర pullandanda,పుల్లందండ pullanintaపుల్లనింట
MANILKARA Adanson,(Etymology: Latinized form of the Malayalam vernacular name for Manilkara kauki(CRC dictionary) ; Malabar Manil, from Portuguese Manilhas Insulas (Manila, Philippines), and kara, edible fruit(Flora of North America)
Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dubard, (with 6 stamens) Nimmi chettu,నిమ్మి చెట్టు paala chettu,పాల చెట్టు paala pandlu పాల పండ్లు, manchi paala మంచి పాల, putta paala పుట్ట పాల (fruits edible)
Manilkara roxburghiana (Wight) Dubard (In honour of William Roxburgh)(Chittoor Dist)
Manilkara zapota (L.) P.Royen,from the Mexican name, cochil-zapotl, for the chicle tree,
Seema ippachettu, సీమ ఇప్ప చెట్టు sapota సపోటా(cultivated for fruits)
MIMUSOPS L.,(Etymology: From the Greek mimo (ape, mimic) and opsis (resembles); imaginary resemblance of the corolla and the shape of the flowers to monkey face)
Mimusops elengi L.,(Malayalam common name of the plant) vakula, వకుళ pogada/bogada పొగడ, kaesara కేసర (cultivated as ornamental or avenue tree)
XANTOLIS Raf.,(derivation not found/unclear)
Xantolis tomentosa (Roxb.) Raf., (North coastal dist.)bejjurenబెజ్జురెం,(fruits edible)
EBENACEAE Gücke, nom. cons.
Trees, bark is black, hard; leaves simple, two-ranked, lamina margins entire; flat, dark-colored glands on the lower surface of the blade are common. Pedicels articulated; flowers imperfect, sepals connate, corolla contorted. Staminate flowers: stamens adnate to corolla, in two series, basifixed, anthers long, connective prolonged, pistillode present; carpellate flowers: staminodes present, style divided; ovules 2/carpel, pendulous, apotropous; fruit a berry, Calyx persistent,accrescent; Naphthoquinones are common in the family.
Trees, bark is black, hard; leaves simple, two-ranked, lamina margins entire; flat, dark-colored glands on the lower surface of the blade are common. Pedicels articulated; flowers imperfect, sepals connate, corolla contorted. Staminate flowers: stamens adnate to corolla, in two series, basifixed, anthers long, connective prolonged, pistillode present; carpellate flowers: staminodes present, style divided; ovules 2/carpel, pendulous, apotropous; fruit a berry, Calyx persistent,accrescent; Naphthoquinones are common in the family.
DIOSPYROS L.,(Etymology: Fruit of the Gods/divine food (Jove’s-fruit, date plum’s(Diospyros lotus) edible fruit)
Diospyros chloroxylon Roxb., (chloro- green , xylon -wood) Illindra యిలింద్ర,vullinda వులింద tellavulimidi,తెల్ల వులిమిడి thogarika,తొగరిక
Diospyros ebenum J.Koenig ex Retz., (ebony-black, refers to wood colour) Karimara,కరిమెర nallavaaludu, నల్ల వాలుడు Nallauti, నల్లవూటి thumiki, తుముకి tuki తూకి (wood is useful)
Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb.,(melano-dark coloured, xylon-wood, refers to dark brownish black wood)Beedi Aaku, బీడీ ఆకు Tuniki,తునికి, tooki,తూకి thumida,తుమిద manchigata,మంచి గట manchi tumiki,మంచి తుమికి nallatumiki,నల్ల తుమికి;(leaves collected to make bidis)
Diospyros malabarica (Desr.)Kostel, (from Malabar)elosu, ఎలోసు etithummika,ఏటి తుమ్మిక gaabu, గాబు neelithumiki,నీలి తుమికి thinduki,తిందుకి thubiki,తుబికి thumiki chettu,తుమికి (fruits yield dye)
Diospyros montana Roxb., (related to mountain habitat)erragata,ఎర్ర గాత jacadakondi, జగడ కొండి kakavulimidi, కాకి వులిమిడి kakiulimera, కాకి వులిమెర muchi-tunki, మంచి తునికి mullatunki,ముళ్ల తుమికి poodoomaddi,పూడూమద్ది yerrigoda ఎర్రి గోడ
Diospyros malabarica (Desr.)Kostel, (from Malabar)elosu, ఎలోసు etithummika,ఏటి తుమ్మిక gaabu, గాబు neelithumiki,నీలి తుమికి thinduki,తిందుకి thubiki,తుబికి thumiki chettu,తుమికి (fruits yield dye)
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Diospyros malabarica |
Diospyros neilgerrensis (Wight) Kosterm.,(from Neilghirs of Tamilnadu)
Diospyros ovalifolia Wight,(leaf ovate) Kukka tumiki కుక్క తుమికి;
Diospyros sylvatica Roxb.,(wild or of woods, not cultivated)
Diospyros vera (Lour.) A.Chev.,(of Spring time, refers to flowering time) uti, వూటి yerrutiయెర్రూటి
Diospyros sylvatica Roxb.,(wild or of woods, not cultivated)
Diospyros vera (Lour.) A.Chev.,(of Spring time, refers to flowering time)
PRIMULACEAE Borkhausen, nom. cons.,
Herbs to trees; leaves spirally arranged, inflorescence racemose; C and A from common primordia; A = C [5], opposite C, staminodes +, opposite K , ovary with several to many ovules and free-central placentation, style short, hollow, stigma ± capitate;
Herbs to trees; leaves spirally arranged, inflorescence racemose; C and A from common primordia; A = C [5], opposite C, staminodes +, opposite K , ovary with several to many ovules and free-central placentation, style short, hollow, stigma ± capitate;
AEGICERAS Gaertn.,(Etymology: From the Greek aigos -Goat, and ceras-Goats horn (The shape of fruit)
Aegiceras corniculatum (L.)Blanco, (curved like a horn, refers to fruit shape)) Dudumara డుడుమార, guggilam గుగ్గిలం (it is a mangrove)
ANAGALLIS L.,(Etymology: From Greek delightening)
Anagallis arvensis L.(found in cultivated fields (as weed))
ARDISIA Sw.,(Etymology: Pointed (the anthers are shaped like spear-heads)
Ardisia solanacea Roxb.(resembling Solanum, the flower) adavi mayuri, అడవి మయూరం kaashineraedu, కాశీ నేరేడు chilukarekka, చిలుక రెక్క konda bhogada,కొండబొగడ konda mayur, కొండ మయూరం kuntena chettu, కుంటెన చెట్టు pagada mulakaపగడ ములక
EMBELIA Burm.,(Etymology: from a Cingalese (Sri Lanka)vernacular name)
Embelia ribes Burm.f.(from the Persian, ribas, for the acid-tasting Rheum ribes)
vaividungalu,వాయువింగడాలు/వాయు విడంగాలు vayi-vitangamu,వాయు వితంగము vyivilangamu వాయువిలింగము (fruits are medicinal)
Embelia tsjeriam-cottam (Roem. & Schultes) DC.;(from the Malayalam Vernacular name)
Embellia villosa Wall. Ex. Roxb.;
SYMPLOCACEAE Desfontaines, nom. cons.
Shrubs or trees; leaves simple, alternate, serrate, exstipulate, often dry yellowish; inflorescens racemose; flowers small; pedicels articulated. The petals are only basally connate, there are often many stamens, and the ovary is inferior - indeed, the flowers look superficially rather like those of Rosaceae-Spiraeoideae-Pyrinae. The fruit is drupaceous and the stone has germination pores.
Shrubs or trees; leaves simple, alternate, serrate, exstipulate, often dry yellowish; inflorescens racemose; flowers small; pedicels articulated. The petals are only basally connate, there are often many stamens, and the ovary is inferior - indeed, the flowers look superficially rather like those of Rosaceae-Spiraeoideae-Pyrinae. The fruit is drupaceous and the stone has germination pores.
SYMPLOCOS Jacq.,(Etymology: From the Greek symploke (inter twined or inter-connected)/ (the connected stamens)
Symplocos cochinchinensis (Lour.) S. Moore (from Cochinch-Vietnam)( VSKP) budigane, బూదిగానె, thellalodduga తెల్ల లొద్దుగ ;
Symplocos racemosa Roxb., (flowers in racemes) erralodduga, ఎర్రలొద్దుగ lodduga,లొద్దుగ,sapara సపర (This species is not found in A.P. But widely used in Ayurveda) (both species are medicinal)
Symplocos thaefolia D.Don (leaf like tea leaves)found in Vijayanagaram dist.
Symplocos thaefolia D.Don (leaf like tea leaves)found in Vijayanagaram dist.
ICACINACEAE Miers, nom. cons.
trees or vines; tendrils are not strictly axillary; leaves opposite,
entire, exstipulate. The flowers are small; pedicel articulated; K free to
connate basally, C ± free; A free, filaments shorter than anthers; 1 carpel
fertile. Fruit a drupe, compressed, ridged, longer than broad, the stones
are variously ribbed or pocked.
NATSIATUM Buch.-Ham.,(Etymology:
from natsiat a Javanese plant name)
herpeticum Buchanan-Hamilton ex Arnott, ,rare in E.Godavari
PYRENACANTHA Hook., (Etymology:
From Greek Pyreno -stone or kernal +acantha thorny (because the
endocarp is spinous)
volubilis Wight in Hooker, (spinning or entwining,
refers to the habit) rare in Nellore dist.
GENTIANALES Berchtold & J. Presl.
RUBIACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
Plant woody; herbs to trees; stipules interpetiolar, two pairs; toothed ±;leaves simple, opposite or whorled; inflorescences often thyrsoid, flowers often aggregated; flowers 4- or 5-merous; calyx small, aestivation open, corolla with early tube formation, (valvate); ovary inferior, nectary on top, placentation axile (to parietal), style usually well developed; fruit baccate, drupaceous or capsular. seeds 1-many. Tannins, anthraquinones from shikimic acid.
Plant woody; herbs to trees; stipules interpetiolar, two pairs; toothed ±;leaves simple, opposite or whorled; inflorescences often thyrsoid, flowers often aggregated; flowers 4- or 5-merous; calyx small, aestivation open, corolla with early tube formation, (valvate); ovary inferior, nectary on top, placentation axile (to parietal), style usually well developed; fruit baccate, drupaceous or capsular. seeds 1-many. Tannins, anthraquinones from shikimic acid.
List of species:
ARGOSTEMMA Wall.,(Etymology: From Greek argo-white, stemma -crowned or wreath, refers to inflorescence)
Argostemma verticillatum Wall. In VSKP
BENKARA Tirvengadam,(Etymology: From the Malayalam vernacular name used in Kerala Ben-kara)
Benkara malabarica (Lam.) Tirveng., (from Malabar) Pedalli,పెదల్లి pedamalli పెడమల్లి
CANTHIUM L.,(Etymology: Latinized form of the Malabar vernacular name kantankara, refers to spiny shrub)
Canthium coromandelicum (Burm.f.) Alston,(from Coramandal coast of S.India)
Canthium parvifolium Roxb.,(with small flowers) Carray cheddile (Eng.);Balusu,బలుసు china balusu,చిన్నబలుసు nakkeri నక్కేరి , nalla balusu నల్లబలుసు
CATUNAREGAM Wolf.(Etymology: Catu-naregamis a Malayalam name used in Kerala for a species of Randia, from katu "forest" and naregam"citrus".,refers to citrus like forest fruit)
Catunaregam spinosa (Thunb.) Tirveng., (having spines) Mountain Pomegranate, Spiny Randia, False guava, Thorny Bone-apple, Common emetic nut (Eng.); Manga, మంగ /మంగ చెక్క madanamu chettu మదనము చెట్టు,mandaa, మండ, mangaara మంగార (fruits medicinal)
CERISCOIDES Tirveng.,(Etymology: Resembles Ceriscus)
Ceriscoides turgida (Roxb.) Tirveng., (swollen or inflated) kokkita,కొక్కిట kukka elaka కుక్క ఎలగ, mullukokkitaముళ్లకొక్కిట, thella elaka తెల్లఎలగ,thellakokkita తెల్లకొక్కిట, tuddumunga తుడ్డుమంగ , vettibikki,వెట్టి బిక్కి yerrabikki ఎర్ర బిక్కి , yerribikkiఎర్రి బిక్కి
CHASSALIA DC.,(Etymology: Open-mouthed, botanical Latin from /another derivation: named in honour of D. Chasal (de Chazal) of Mauritius ... Verba nominali
Chassalia curviflora (Wall. ex Kurz) Thw. var. ophioxyloides (Wall.) Deb & Krishna;(with curved flowers)
COFFEA L., (Etymology: from the Arabic name, qahwah, for the drink made by infusing the dry seeds)
Coffea arabica L. (from Arabia) kaapivittulu, కాఫీ/ కాఫీవిత్తులు kafi, kapi,కాఫీ/ కాపీ are same,kapi it is a distorted wordఇది వికృతి (cultivated in Visakha, manyam, Araku areas)
DECCANIA Roth.,(Etymology: for Deccan plateau or Deccan states of India (it is endemic to Peninsular India)
Deccania pubescens var. candolleana (Wight & Arn.) Tirveng., Konda manga,కొండ మంగ pedda manga పెద్ద మంగ (Tel.).
DENTELLA Forst. & Forst.,(Etymology: Diminutive of the Latin dentos= teeth (refers to the shape of corolla lobes)
Dentella serpylifolia Wall.ex Craib.,(thyme leaved) (Rare in Srikakulam)
Dentella repens (L.) J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.,(creeping, refers to its habit)
GALIUM L.,( Etymology: Milk, Dioscorides’ name(the flowers of G. verum were used to
curdle milk in cheese making)
curdle milk in cheese making)
Galium asperifolium Wall., (rough leaved)
GARDENIA Ellis.,(Etymology: for Dr Alexander Garden (1730–91), Anglo-American botanist,
correspondent with Linnaeus)
correspondent with Linnaeus)
Gardenia gummifera L.f., (having gum in plant parts)White emetic nut (Eng.)bikki, బిక్కి, chinnabikki, చిన్నబిక్కి chittamatta,చిత్తమట్ట ,chittimitta,చిట్టిమిట్ట chirubikki, చిరు బిక్కి cittamalli,చిత్తమల్లి, gaaraga, గారగ , gaggaru,గగ్గురు garagamoduga, గరగ మోదుగ, garagamutiగరగ ముట్టి , kaaringuva, కారింగువ manchi bikki, మంచి బిక్కి, thella manga తెల్ల మంగ ;
Gardenia jasminoides J. Ellis, (resemble Jasmines) Gardenia, cape jasmine (Eng.); Saugandhikam సౌగంధికం, thota bikki తోట బిక్కి ;(cultivated for flowers)
Gardenia latifolia Aiton , (with broad leaves)aakubikki,ఆకుబిక్కి adavi bikki, అడవి బిక్కిbikki, బిక్కి, iribiki,ఇరి బిక్కి, kaakiti chettu,కాకిటి చెట్టు
kaaringuva,కారింగువ kaka,కాక kakeda,కాకెద kakiti, కాకిటి kokkita కొక్కిత , kondabikki,కొండ బిక్కి kondakokkita,కొండకొక్కిత,kondamangaకొండ మంగ , kurukiti, కూరుకిటి pedda bikki, పెద్ద బిక్కిpeddakaaringuva, పెద్ద కారింగువ peddamangaపెద్ద మంగ , ratikokkita,రాతి కొక్కిత, tharipi chettuతరిపి చెట్టు
Gardenia resinifera Roth,(having resin in young parts of plant) bikki,బిక్కి, bonka bikkiబొంక బిక్కి, yerribikki ఎర్రి బిక్కి karinguva,కారింగువ konda mangaకొండ మంగ ,
chinakaaringuva, చిన్నకారింగువ thellakaaringuva,తెల్ల కారింగువthellamanga,తెల్ల మంగ
GUETTARDA L.,(Etymology: Named for Jean-Étienne Guettard, 18th century French naturalist and geographer and minerologist)
Guettarda speciosa L., (good looking )Beach gardenia, zebra wood (Eng.);penneeru,పన్నీరు pannirchettu,పన్నీరు చెట్టు, pannirupushpa,పన్నీరు పుష్పం, penneeru puvvu పన్నీరుపువ్వు (cultivated for flowers)
GEOPHILA D.Don,(Etymology: spreading horizontally, ground-loving,)
Geophila repens (L.) I.M.Johnst.,(creeping) very rare; reported by R.S.Rao;
GYNOCHTHODES Blume (Etymology: Bank-like-ovary,(the humped appearance)
Gynochthodes umbellata (L.) Razafim. & B. Bremer,( with the branches of the inflorescence all rising from the same point, umbellate,)
HEDYOTIS L. - (Etymology: Sweetness)
Hedyotis neesiana Arn.,(In honor of Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck (1766–1858)German botanist) Rare in North circars,
HALDINIA Ridsdale,(Etymology: Latinized from the Philippines and Indian vernacular name haldu (refers to yellow coloured wood-)(: Adina is the original name of the genus; Greek adinos-clustered, crowded, refers to clusterd flowers)
Haldina cordifolia (Roxb.) Ridsdale, (with heart shaped leaves) Haldu(Eng.) bandaaru,బండారు betta ganapa,బట్టగణప daaduga,దాడుగ kamba,కంబ, pachaganapa,పచ్చగణప pasupukadamba,పసుపు కదంబ, pasupukadimi,పసుపుకడిమి
redda kumba,రెడ్దకంబ, rudraganapa,రుద్రగణప rudrakadapaరుద్రకడప(timber useful)
redda kumba,రెడ్దకంబ, rudraganapa,రుద్రగణప rudrakadapaరుద్రకడప(timber useful)
HAMELIA Jacquin, (Etymology: Named for Henri Louis Du Hamel du Monceau,18th century French botanical writer)
Hamelia patens Jacquin, (pateo-lie open Inflorescence or culm branches diverging at near right angles from the parent axis)
Firebush, hummingbird bush, scarlet bush and redhead (Eng.) nichena kaneluనిచ్చెనకనెలు .(cultivated as an ornamental)
HYDROPHYLAX L.f., (Etymology: water sentinel
Hydrophylax maritima L.f., (related to sea coast)(Hydrophylax maritima is a sand-dune colonizer)
HYMENODICTYON Wall.,(Etymology: Membranous net (the reticulate membrane around the seeds)
Hymenodictyon obovatum Wall., (leaves egg-shaped with broad end distal to petiole)
Hymenodictyon orixense (Roxb.) Mabberley – [from Greek ori, oreio, mountain ., ensis -denoting origin ( refers to its mountain habitat)(Nallamalai) bandaaru chettu,బండారుచెట్టు, bandam,బందం, burijaభూరిజ , chedippa, చేదిప్ప , dudippa, దూదిప్ప duvvudippaదువ్వుడిప్ప , manuvabillu మనువబిల్లు , pottaka పొట్టక ;(wood useful)
Hymenodictyon orixense (Roxb.) Mabberley – [from Greek ori, oreio, mountain ., ensis -denoting origin ( refers to its mountain habitat)(Nallamalai) bandaaru chettu,బండారుచెట్టు, bandam,బందం, burijaభూరిజ , chedippa, చేదిప్ప , dudippa, దూదిప్ప duvvudippaదువ్వుడిప్ప , manuvabillu మనువబిల్లు , pottaka పొట్టక ;(wood useful)
IXORA L.,(Etymology: Named after an Indian deity Iswara, who is assocated with the sacred Ixora coccinea(Jungle Flame) and in turn worshipped with its flowers. )
Ixora coccinea L., (scarlet coloured, refers to the flower colour) bandhukamu, బంధూకము bandhujivakamu,బంధుజీవకం,koranam కోరణం korani,కోరాణి mankana,మంకెన, manmathabanamu, మన్మథ బాణం nuru varahalu,నూరు వరహాలు, rama banamuరామ బాణం(cultivated as an ornamental)
Ixora finlaysoniana Wall. ex G.Don,T ella nuru varahaalu తెల్లనూరు వరహాలు;(cultivated as an ornamental)
Ixora pavetta Andr., (from the Malyalam vernacular name of Pavetta indica) Korivi,కొరివి, papidi పాపిడి
Ixora finlaysoniana Wall. ex G.Don,T ella nuru varahaalu తెల్లనూరు వరహాలు;(cultivated as an ornamental)
Ixora pavetta Andr., (from the Malyalam vernacular name of Pavetta indica) Korivi,కొరివి, papidi పాపిడి
KNOXIA L.,(Etymology: for Robert Knox (1641-1720), English navigator,
spent almost two decades captive in Ceylon, author of An historical relation of the
island Ceylon... (1681)
Knoxia sumatrensis (Retz.) DC., (From Sumatra islands)kampu roddaకంపు రొడ్డ
Knoxia wightiana Wall. ex G.Don,(In honour of Robert Wight.)
Knoxia wightiana Wall. ex G.Don,(In honour of Robert Wight.)
KOHAUTIA Cham. & Schlecht.,(Etymology: for Francisci (Franz) Kohaut (?-1822), Czech gardener and plant collector in Crete, Egypt)
Kohautia aspera (B.Heyne ex Roth) Bremek.,(rough)
Kohautia gracilis (Wall.)DC.,(slender)
LASIANTHUS Jack., (Etymology: Shaggy flowered)
Kohautia gracilis (Wall.)DC.,(slender)
Lasianthus truncates Bedd.,(blunt ended)
MEYNA Link,(Etymology: Probably from the vernacular name in Arabic and Hindi)
Meyna spinosa Roxb. ex Link; (with spines)
MITRACARPUS Zuccarini, (Etymology: with capped ovary (the circumscissile fruit)
Mitracarpus hirtus (L.) DC.,(Hairy or shaggy)Button weed, small squareweed, tropical girdlepod (Eng.)
MITRAGYNA Korthals,(Etymology: Mitred-ovary(the cap like/mitri form stigma)
Mitragyna parvifolia (Roxb.) Korth., (with small flowers)bettaganapa, బట్టగణప, botruga, బొట్రుగా bottakadapa,బొట్టకడప bottakadimi బొట్ట కడిమి, neerukadimiనీరుకడిమి, nir kadambu,నీరు కదంబము pacha pasaraiపచ్చపసరి, pulakadimiపూల కడిమి, rudra ganapaరుద్రగణప, rudraksha-kambaరుద్రాక్షకదంబ(timber useful)
MORINDA L.,(Etymology: In honor of the French physician and botanist Louis Morin (1636-1715)/From the Latin Morus (mulberry) and indicus (Indian)Indian mulberry, morus indica (the leaves of Morinda citrifolia,horse-radish tree or noni, are chewed for the psychoactive effect of their amphetamine content)
Morinda citrifolia L.; (leaves resemble Citrus in smell)maddichettu,మద్ది చెట్టు manajaparvetti, మానజపర్వేట్టి mogali,మొగలి, molugu chettu, mulugu,మొలుగు thogaru chettu,తొగరుచెట్టు, thogarumogali తొగరు మొగలి , thogoda,తొగడ, toghurతొగురు (cultivated for fruits)
Morinda coreia Buch.-Ham.,(leathery) bandamaddi, bundamaddi,బండమద్ది chekka, maddiచెక్క మద్ది , mogaliమొగలి , moluguమొలుగు , togaruతొగరు,pavattari పవత్తరి,munja ముంజ
Morinda umbellata L.(flowers in umbels) chiranji, చిరంజి, madditige, మద్ది తీగ, molugutige, ములుగు తీగ , mulugudu,ములుగుడు
Morinda coreia Buch.-Ham.,(leathery) bandamaddi, bundamaddi,బండమద్ది chekka, maddiచెక్క మద్ది , mogaliమొగలి , moluguమొలుగు , togaruతొగరు,pavattari పవత్తరి,munja ముంజ
Morinda umbellata L.(flowers in umbels) chiranji, చిరంజి, madditige, మద్ది తీగ, molugutige, ములుగు తీగ , mulugudu,ములుగుడు
MUSSAENDA L.,(Etymology: Latinized form of Sinhalese vernacular name for Mussenda frondosa)
Mussaenda erythrophylla Schumach. & Thonn.,(erythro-red phylla-leaf, the modified calyx is reddish)
Mussaenda frondosa L.,(leafy) nagavalli, నాగవల్లి sribatiశ్రీబతి (cultivated as an ornamental)
NAUCLEA L.(Etymology: naus -ship, kleio-close, refers to half closed capsule is boat shaped; from Latin nauculae or naucleus -a little ship, refers to the shape of fruit)
hull enclosed(shape of the two valves of the fruit)
Nauclea orientalis (L.)L., (from East or from India)
Raja kadambamu రాజాకదంబం
Mussaenda frondosa L.,(leafy) nagavalli, నాగవల్లి sribatiశ్రీబతి (cultivated as an ornamental)
NAUCLEA L.(Etymology: naus -ship, kleio-close, refers to half closed capsule is boat shaped; from Latin nauculae or naucleus -a little ship, refers to the shape of fruit)
hull enclosed(shape of the two valves of the fruit)
Nauclea orientalis (L.)L., (from East or from India)
Raja kadambamu రాజాకదంబం
NEANOTIS Lewis.,(Etymology: new ear/Referring to the genus Anotic DC.from Greek a-without, otis-an ear, there are no intermediate teeth between the calyx lobes)
Neanotis calycina (Wall. ex Hook.f.) W.H.Lewis, (with conspicuous calyx)
Neanotis lancifolia (Hook.f.) W.H.Lewis,
Neanotis montholonii (Hook.f.) W.H.Lewis,
Neanotis lancifolia (Hook.f.) W.H.Lewis,
Neanotis montholonii (Hook.f.) W.H.Lewis,
NEONAUCLEA Merr.,(Etymology: neo-new(as a generic prefix denoting systematic relationship) nauclea little ship-referring to the valves of fruit)
Neonauclea purpurea (Roxb.) Merr.; (with purple coloured flower heads) bagadaబగడ
NEOLAMARCKIA Roxb.,(Etymology: neo-new + Named for Jean Baptiste de Monet Lamarck 19th century French naturalist and author;)
Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser, ("The kadamba tree lends its name to the Kadamba Dynasty that ruled from Banavasi in what is now the state of Karnataka. The kadamba tree was considered a holy tree by the Kadamba dynasty.") Rudrakshakadambam,రుద్రాక్షకదంబం kadamba vrikshamకదంబ వృక్షం (Tel.).(cultivated as an ornamental/ avenue tree)
OLDENLANDIA L.,(Etymology: for Henrik Bernard Oldenland (1663–97), Danish collector in S Africa)
Oldenlandia affinis (Roem. & Schult.) DC.,(related to other species)
Oldenlandia attenuata (Willd.) M.R.Almeida, (narrowed)
Oldenlandia auriculata (L.)K.Schum.,(rounded at the base or with auricles.)nela adavi aaku నేల అడవిఆకు,
Oldenlandia corymbosa L., (flowers in corymbs) verrinelavemu వెర్రి నేలవేము
Oldenlandia herbacea (L.) Roxb. (soft and small like herb) verrinelavemu వెర్రి నేలవేము ,
Oldenlandia ovatifolia (Cav.) DC.,(with egg shaped leaves)
Oldenlandia pinifolia (Wall. ex G.Don)Kunz.,(with pine like leaves) rare in rampa,
Oldenlandia stricta L.,(stiff and erect, refers to peduncles and pedicels)
Oldenlandia umbellata L.,(flowers in umbels) Chiruveruచిరువేరు (Tel.)
OPHIORRHIZA L.,(Etymology: ophius-snakw, rhiza-root,plants with snake like roots)
Ophiorrhiza hirsutula Wight ex Hook.f.,(with short hairs)
Ophiorrhiza mungos L. (the root is said to be specific for the bite of rattle snake and cobra in India and Ceylone. Snake and mungos are natural enemies, hence named as mungos. (John Craig-etymological dictionary)) sarpakshi, సర్పాక్షి sarpakshi-chettu, సర్పాక్షిచెట్టు sarpasicettu, sarpshe chettu, surpashechettu సర్పాశి/సర్పాశ చెట్టు ;
Ophiorrhiza rugosa Wall., (wrinkled,)
Ophiorrhiza mungos L. (the root is said to be specific for the bite of rattle snake and cobra in India and Ceylone. Snake and mungos are natural enemies, hence named as mungos. (John Craig-etymological dictionary)) sarpakshi, సర్పాక్షి sarpakshi-chettu, సర్పాక్షిచెట్టు sarpasicettu, sarpshe chettu, surpashechettu సర్పాశి/సర్పాశ చెట్టు ;
Ophiorrhiza rugosa Wall., (wrinkled,)
PAEDERIA L.,(Etymology: Malodorous, paedor (the crushed flowers)
Paederia foetida L., (with unpleasant smell) gombheyamagaruchettu, గొంభేయమగరు చెట్టు gonthe mogaru chettu,గొంతెమగరు చెట్టు sabiralachettu,సబిరాలచెట్టు, savirelaసవిరాల
PAVETTA L.,(Etymology: from the Malayalam and Tamil vernacular name for Pavetta indica
Pavetta breviflora DC. (with short flowers)
Pavetta hispidula Wight&Arn.,(plant slightly bristly)
Pavetta indica L., duyipapata,దుయిపాపట kondapaapataకొండపాపట, kondapapariకొండ పాపరి , kondapipidiకొండ పాపిడి, lakkapapidiలక్క పాపిడి, manchipapidi, mancipapata,మంచి పాపిడి/పాపట, naama paapata,నామ పాపట, nallapaapidi, నల్ల పాపిడి,noonepaapataనూనె పాపట, papadiపాపిడి, papataపాపట, papatakammiపాపట కమ్మి , papatakommiపాపటకొమ్మి , paputta,పప్పుట, paputta vayruపప్పుటవైరు , parpiriపాపిరి , pavettaపవిట్ఠా , tapraటప్ర , tellapapata,తెల్లపాపట , thellapapidiతెల్ల పాపిడి
Pavetta tomentosa Roxb. ex Sm., duyipapata, దుయిపాపట konda paapata,కొండపాపట naam paapata, నామపాపట, noogu kommiనూగు కొమ్మి , paapidi kommiపాపిడి కొమ్మి , papidiపాపిడి , tella papidiతెల్ల పాపిడి
Pavetta hispidula Wight&Arn.,(plant slightly bristly)
Pavetta indica L., duyipapata,దుయిపాపట kondapaapataకొండపాపట, kondapapariకొండ పాపరి , kondapipidiకొండ పాపిడి, lakkapapidiలక్క పాపిడి, manchipapidi, mancipapata,మంచి పాపిడి/పాపట, naama paapata,నామ పాపట, nallapaapidi, నల్ల పాపిడి,noonepaapataనూనె పాపట, papadiపాపిడి, papataపాపట, papatakammiపాపట కమ్మి , papatakommiపాపటకొమ్మి , paputta,పప్పుట, paputta vayruపప్పుటవైరు , parpiriపాపిరి , pavettaపవిట్ఠా , tapraటప్ర , tellapapata,తెల్లపాపట , thellapapidiతెల్ల పాపిడి
Pavetta tomentosa Roxb. ex Sm.,
PENTAS -(Etymology: fivefold)
Pentas lanceolata (Forssk.) Deflers,(leaves lance shaped)
PSEUDOMUSSAENDA Wernham,(Etymology: false mussaenda)
Pseudomussaenda flava Verdc; (flava-yellowish, refers to flag sepal colour) (cultivated as an ornamental)
PSYCHOTRIA L.,(Etymology: refreshment (for the reputed medicinal properties of some)
Psychotria monticola Kurz;(mountain living)
PSILANTHUS Hook.f.,(Etymology: slender-, smooth- or naked-flowered,)
Psilanthus wightianus (Wall. ex Wight & Arn.) J.F.Leroy,(in honour of Robert Wight)
PSYDRAX Gaertn.,(Etymology: From the Greek psydrakos "blister, bump", in allusion to the warted and wrinkled fruits of some species or to the pimply seeds.)
Psydrax dicoccos Gaertn., (Having a pair of nuts, two berries.) balasuబలుసు naikinnaనక్కిన , nakkareniనక్కరేణి , nakkena, nakkini, nalla balasu, nallabalusuనల్ల బలుసు , naumpapalaనౌమ పాపల , niralliనీరల్లి
RICHARDIA L.,(Etymology: Named for Richard Richardson, 18th century English physician and botanist)
Richardia scabra L.;(rough)leaf surface).
RUBIA L.,(Etymology: From Latin ruber means red; referring to the reddish dye obtained from the roots of this plant(the name in Pliny for madder)
Rubia cordifolia L.,(with heart shaped leaves) chiranji, ciranji,చిరంజీ mandastic,మండస్టిక్ mandertiమన్దేర్తి , manjishta,మంజిష్ఠ manjistatigaమంజిష్ఠతీగ, thaamravalliతామ్రవల్లి (it is a medicinal plant)
SCYPHIPHORA Gaertn.,(Etymology: a two-handled cup, possibly referring to the stigma shape or the oblong fruit;)
Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea Gaertn,(resembling the genus Hydrophyllum) nara thanduga నారతండుగ
SPERMACOCE L.,(Etymology: Seed point, referring to the capsule being surrounded by the calyx points)
Spermacoce articularis L.f., (jointed)
Spermacoce hispida L. (with rough bristles/hairs)madana, మదన madana budatha kaadaమదన బుడత కాడ , madana kaadaమదన కాడ, madana kattuమదనకట్టు , madana-ghettu, madanaghantiమదనఘంటి , madanagrandhi, మదనగ్రంథి modina మొదన,(medicinal plant)
Spermacoce ocymoides Burm.f.,(resemble Ocyma)
Spermacoce hispida L. (with rough bristles/hairs)madana, మదన madana budatha kaadaమదన బుడత కాడ , madana kaadaమదన కాడ, madana kattuమదనకట్టు , madana-ghettu, madanaghantiమదనఘంటి , madanagrandhi, మదనగ్రంథి modina మొదన,(medicinal plant)
Spermacoce ocymoides Burm.f.,(resemble Ocyma)
Spermacoce pusilla Wall.,(weak)
SPERMADICTYON Roxb.,(Etymology: From Greek sperma seed+dictyon Netted(referring to net like seeds)
Spermadictyon suaveolens Roxb.; (sweet scented) erramogi,ఎర్రమోగి, kondamuritidi కొండమూరితిది
TAMILNADIA Tirveng.,(Etymology: From Tamilnadu of India)
Tamilnadia uliginosa (Retz.) Tirveng. & Sastre,(of marshy/ swamps)nalla kakisha,నల్ల కాకిశ, jama bikkiజామ బిక్కి
TARENNA Gaertn.,(Etymology: From the Sinhalese name Tarana (the largest ethnic group in Sri Lanka).
Tarenna asiatica (L.) Kuntze ex K.Schum., (of/from Asia)bommapaapata బొమ్మ పాపట , kommi కొమ్మి , kommupaapidi కొమ్మి పాపిడి , konda papidiకొండ పాపిడి , kondupaapataకొండు పాపట , kumiకుమి , papidi పాపిడి
THECAGONUM Babu,(Etymology: From Greek theca = envelop or case and gona= angled refers to angled fruit)
Thecagonum pteritum (Blume) Babu ;(dwelling along rocks)
WENDLANDIA Bartling ex Candolle,(Etymology: Named for Hermann Wendland, 19th German botanist)
WENDLANDIA Bartling ex Candolle,(Etymology: Named for Hermann Wendland, 19th German botanist)
Wendlandia angustifolia Wight ex. Hook.f.;(narrow leaved)
Wendlandia heynei (Roem.&Schult.) Santapau&Merchant,(for Dr Benjamin Heyne (1770–1819), German botanist,)konku puccu,కొంకుపుక్కు, tellapuccu తెల్లపుక్కు ;
Wendlandia tinctoria (Roxb.) DC.,(yielding dye) tellapuccuతెల్ల పుక్కు
Wendlandia notoniana Wall.,(from Southeren side)tellapuccuతెల్ల పుక్కు
Wendlandia tinctoria subsp. orientalis Cowan,
LOGANIACEAE Martius, nom. cons. (Etymology: for James Logan (1674–1751), Irish Governor of Pennsylvania and author of Experimenta de plantarum generatione)
Plant woody; herbs to trees; stipules interpetiolar, two pairs; toothed ±;leaves simple, opposite or whorled; inflorescences often thyrsoid, flowers often aggregated; flowers 4- or 5-merous; calyx small, aestivation open, corolla with early tube formation, (valvate); ovary inferior, nectary on top, placentation axile (to parietal), style usually well developed; fruit baccate, drupaceous or capsular. seeds 1-many. Tannins, anthraquinones from shikimic acid.
BUDDLEIA L.,(Etymology: for Reverend Adam Buddle (c. 1660–1715), English vicar and
botanist of Farnbridge)
botanist of Farnbridge)
Buddleia asiatica Loureiro, (from Asia)
MITREOLA DC., (Etymology:With a small cap, refers to fruit)
Mitreola petiolata (J.F.Gmel.) Torr. & A.Gray, (having a distinct petiole)
MITRASACME Labill.,(Etymology: with pointed cap
Mitrasacme indica Wight,
STRYCHNOS L.,(Etymology: Linnaeus reapplied Theophrastus’ name for poisonous solanaceous plants, (modern Latin strychnos)From Greek strychnon- name for different poisonous plants.for strychnos- acrid or bitter. Latin strychnos -is a nightshade.)
Strychnos colubrina L.,(wily, snake like, for the root is snake like, used to manage snake bite by tribals) kavusukandiraకవుసుకందిర , konsu-kandiraకొంసుకందిర, naagamushti,నాగ ముష్టి nagamusadiనాగ ముసది ,tansoopaumతంసూపము , tigemushti తీగ ముష్టి (toxic)
Strychnos lenticellata A.W.Hill;(with prominent lenticells)
Strychnos minor Dennst., (smaller than remaining species of the genus)నాగ ముష్టి
Strychnos nux-vomica L., (From Latin nux ("nut") and vomica ("vomiting"), with nuts causing vomiting.) mooshtiganga ముష్టిగంగ , moostighenzaముస్టిగింజ , mucidi, mushidi chettu,ముషిడి చెట్టు, mushtiముష్టి, mushti-vittulu, ముష్టివిత్తులు , musini chettuముసిని చెట్టు , vishamushti విష ముష్టి; (toxic but used as medicinal plant)
Strychnos potatorum L.f., (of drinkers; refers to the utility of seeds to clean turbid water into pure water)andugu,అందుగు chillaచిల్ల , chilla chettuచిల్ల చెట్టు, chilla-ginjalu,చిల్ల గింజలు, indugu,ఇందుగు indupa,ఇందుప, induva,ఇందువ katakamu,కటకం, kattakami-chettuకట్టకామి చెట్టు , (seeds used to clean muddy water)
Strychnos wallichiana Steud. ex A. DC., (for Nathaniel (Nathan Wolff) Wallich (1786–1854), Danish botanist and author, Curator of Calcutta Botanic Garden)
naga mushtiనాగ ముష్టి
GENTIANACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
Herbs to shrubs, plants glabrous, leaves sessile, usually connate with stems basally; flowers 4-5-merous, "disc-like" structure between calyx and corolla, Corolla right-contorted, marcescent, (tube formation intermediate), nectary 0, G 2 collateral, style often short, stigma broadly 2-lobed or capitate, fruit a septicidal capsule; calyx often prominent; seeds small to minute.
Herbs to shrubs, plants glabrous, leaves sessile, usually connate with stems basally; flowers 4-5-merous, "disc-like" structure between calyx and corolla, Corolla right-contorted, marcescent, (tube formation intermediate), nectary 0, G 2 collateral, style often short, stigma broadly 2-lobed or capitate, fruit a septicidal capsule; calyx often prominent; seeds small to minute.
CANSCORA Lam.,(Etymology: from a Malayalam vernacular name, kansjan-cora,(Golden herb) for Canscora perfoliata
Canscora alata (Roth) Wall. (winged, the stem is winged) chitti akchinata చిట్టి అక్షింత Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult.(loosely spreading) sankhapuspi,శంఖపుష్పి
Canscora heteroclita (L.) Gilg ,(anamoulous in formation)
Canscora pauciflora Dalz., (with few flowers)
Canscora perfoliata Lam.,( perfoliata-leaf surrounding the stem)) medicinal plant)
CENTAURIUM Hill (Etymology: for the centaur, Chiron, who was fabled to have a wide
knowledge of herbs and used this plant medicinally, cognate with Centaurea)
Centaurium centaurioides (Roxb.)Rolla Rao&Hemadri rare in E.Godavari (similar to Centurium)
Canscora heteroclita (L.) Gilg ,(anamoulous in formation)
Canscora pauciflora Dalz., (with few flowers)
Canscora perfoliata Lam.,( perfoliata-leaf surrounding the stem)) medicinal plant)
CENTAURIUM Hill (Etymology: for the centaur, Chiron, who was fabled to have a wide
knowledge of herbs and used this plant medicinally, cognate with Centaurea)
Centaurium centaurioides (Roxb.)Rolla Rao&Hemadri rare in E.Godavari (similar to Centurium)
ENICOSTEMMA Blume, (Etymology: is probably formed from the three words en- (= in, inside), icos (20), and stemma (= wreath, circle), due to the many flowers arranged in circles in the leaf axils along the stem.)
Enicostema axillare (Poir. ex Lam.) A.Raynal, (arising from leaf axils, refers to flowers) n elagolimidi,నేల గొలిమిడి, nelagurugudu, నేల గురుగుడు nelaguli నేల గుళి(a medicinal plant) ,
EXACUM L.,(Etymology: Latinized form of exacon, a name in Pliny (may be derived from an earlier Gallic word, or refer, ex-(ago, agere, egi, actum), to its expulsive property)
Exacum bicolor Roxb.(with 2 colours, refers to petals)
Exacum pedunculatum L.,(flowers with distinct peduncles)
Exacum tetragonum Roxb.,(with 4 angled, stem 4 angled)
Exacum petiolare Griseb.,(with a conspicuous petiole)
Exacum pedunculatum L.,(flowers with distinct peduncles)
Exacum tetragonum Roxb.,(with 4 angled, stem 4 angled)
Exacum petiolare Griseb.,(with a conspicuous petiole)
HOPPEA Willd.(Etymology:, for Dr John Hope (1725–86), Scottish botanist of the Edinburgh Botanic Garden)
Hoppea dichotoma Willd., (divided into two)
SWERTIA L.,(Etymology: for Imanuel Swert of Harlem, writer of Florilegium (1620)
Swertia angustifolia Buch.-Ham. var. pulchella (Buch.-Ham.ex D.Don) Burkill (angustifolia-narrow leaved; pulchella- beautiful)
APOCYNACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons. (Etymology: apo-against, cynum-dogs , (Dog’s-bane Apocynum venetum is supposed to be poisonous to dogs)
A number of taxa are climbers by twining, few are herbs or trees; latex copius, milky white; leaves simple and opposite. Flowers regular, appears extra axillary; Corolla left-contorted, postgenital connation forming the upper tube[above the insertion of the anthers], corona also present in many species; anthers connivent, filament short; secondary pollen presentation is seen, pollen transported in foam; nectary separate the lobes, on outer wall of ovary, or 0; The two carpels are usually held together only by the swollen stylar head, adherent to anthers; Fruit a follicle, often diverge (if both are fertilized); seeds flattened with tufts of unicellular hairs at either end are common.
tryptophane-derived, steroidal, indolizidine alkaloids, route II decarboxylated iridoids +, tanniniferous;
AGANOSMA Blume, (Etymology: From Greek Aga(good)+osma-(scented) (for fragrant flowers)
Aganosma cymosa (Roxb.) G.Don, (flowers produced in cymes)maalathi, malati,మాలతి
Aganosma dichotoma K.Schum., (equal branched) gudapalathige, గూడ పాలతీగ, palamalleపాల మల్లె (grown as ornamental and as medicinal plant)
Aganosma dichotoma K.Schum., (equal branched) gudapalathige, గూడ పాలతీగ, palamalleపాల మల్లె (grown as ornamental and as medicinal plant)
ALLAMANDA L.,(Etymology: for Dr Frederick Allamand, or Jean Allamand who sent seeds of this plant to Linnaeus, from Brazil)
Allamanda blanchetii DC.,( cultivated as Ornamental)
Allamanda cathartica L.,(cleansing, purging, refers to the quality) allemandatheegaఅల్లె మండతీగ
Allamanda cathartica L.,(cleansing, purging, refers to the quality)
ALSTONIA R. Br.,(Etymology: for Professor Charles Alston (1685–1760), of Edinburgh
Alstonia macrophylla Wall. ex G.Don,(with large leaves)
Alstonia neriifolia D. Don,(leaves look similar to Nerium )
Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.Br.,(of the school,for the bark’s tonic properties and writing-board wood) daevasurippi, దేవసూరిప్పి,edaakulapaala,ఏడాకుల పాల edaakulaponna ఏడాకుల పొన్న, edakula-ariti,ఏడాకుల అరిటి elaaramu, ఎలారము konda ganneruకొండ గన్నేరు , paalagaruda, పాల గరుడ
Alstonia venenata R.Br., edakula pala,ఏడాకుల పాల gandu ganneru గండు గన్నేరు, pala ganneru పాలగన్నేరు;
ANODENDRON DC.,(Etymology: from Greek ano meaning upward dendron-tree)
Anodendron paniculatum DC.,(flowers in panicles)
ASCLEPIAS L.,(Etymology: for Aesculapius, mythological god of medicine; the worship ofAesculapius was centered in Epidaurus.the serpant was scared of Asclepias)(milk weeds)
Asclepias curassavica L.,(from Curaçao, Leeward Islands, W Indies)
jilledu mandara,జిల్లేడు మందార, agni jilleduఅగ్నిజిల్లేడు
BRACHYSTELMA R.Br.,(Etymology: From the Greek brachy (short) and stelma (crown), alluding to the short staminal corona of some species.)
Brachystelma glabrum Hook. f., (smooth, hairless)
Brachystelma volubile Hook.f.,(entwining)
Brachystelma penchalkonensis(New record) ;(from Penchalakona of Nellore district)
Brachystelma nigidianum Raja Kullayisw, Sandhyar. & Pull., Kew Bulletin 71(50): 5. 2016,( new record)
Brachystelma volubile Hook.f.,(entwining)
Brachystelma penchalkonensis(New record) ;(from Penchalakona of Nellore district)
CALOTROPIS R. Brown,(Etymology: From Greek kalos- beautiful and tropis'ship keel reference to the ridged beautiful coronal scales on the flowers.)
Calotropis gigantea (L.) Dryand. (unusually large, refers to its habit)jilledu-chettu,జిల్లేడు mandaramuమందారము ,arkamuఅర్కము , ekkeఎక్కే , nallajilleduనల్లజిల్లేడు, pachajilleduపచ్చ జిల్లేడు, raachajilledu, రాచ జిల్లేడు, thellajilledu,తెల్ల జిల్లేడుusteఉస్తె
Calotropis procera (Aiton) Dryand., (very tall or long, refers to the habit)erra jilledu,ఎర్రజిల్లేడు jilledu,జిల్లేడు, mandaramu,మందారము nallajilleduనల్లజిల్లేడు,
Calotropis procera (Aiton) Dryand., (very tall or long, refers to the habit)erra jilledu,ఎర్రజిల్లేడు jilledu,జిల్లేడు, mandaramu,మందారము nallajilleduనల్లజిల్లేడు,
CARALLUMA R. Brown,(Etymology: Latinized form of the Arabic word word qahr al-luhum, meaning "wound in the flesh" or "abscess," referring to the floral odour./ another version from Roxburgh's plants of Coramandel coast it is the Latinized form of car-allum, the Indian (Telugu) name of C.adscendens plant)
Caralluma adscendens var. adscendens, (curving up from a prostrate base, half-erect, ascending)
Caralluma adscendens var. attenuata (Wight) Gravely & Mayur.(Flowers horizontal,1.5-2 cm across; stems 4-angled, angles acute), ,
Caralluma adscendens var. fimbriata (Wall.) Gravely & Mayur.,(flowers with tufts of fimbriate hairs)(Flowers drooping, 1-1.2 cm across; upper part of the stem rounded) kundetikommulu,కుందేటికొమ్ములు
Caralluma diffusa (Wight)N.E.Br.kundetikommulu,కుందేటికొమ్ములు
Caralluma diffusa (Wight)N.E.Br.kundetikommulu,కుందేటికొమ్ములు
Caralluma indica (Wight &Arn.)N.E.Br.,
Caralluma stalagmifera C.E.C.Fisch.,(from Greek, stalagmi- a drop or drip , fera-bearing,(probably) refers to hairs on corolla looks like a falling water drop)
Caralluma stalagmifera C.E.C.Fisch.,(from Greek, stalagmi- a drop or drip , fera-bearing,(probably) refers to hairs on corolla looks like a falling water drop)
Caralluma umbellata Haw., (flowers in umbels) kundelu kommulu, కుందేలుకొమ్ములు kundetikommulu, kundina kommuluకుందేటికొమ్ములు
CARISSA L.,(Etymology: In Sanskrit kryshina means dark blue or black, refers to the colour of the ripe fruits of the plant(itis known as Krishnaphal).; In Malayalam it is known as karimullu-meaning dark, thorns, refers to thorns and fruits))
Carissa carandas L.,(the Malayan vernacular name, karandang, )
kali, కలి, kalikai,కలికాయ,kalivi,కలివి, kalli,కల్లి kalumi,కలిమి kavila,కవిల, okalive ఓకలివి , pedda kalive,పెద్దకలివి peddavaaka kaayaపెద్దవాక్కాయ, peddavakaపెద్ద వాక , vaakliveవాకలివి , vakaవాక , vakudu,వాకుడు
Carissa spinarum L., (with spines) channakalavi,చిన్న కలివి kale,కలే kale kaayaకలేకాయ , kalimiకలిమి , vaaka kaayaవాక/వాక కాయ/వాక్కాయలు , wakirlu, వాకిర్లు
Carissa spinarum L., (with spines)
CASCABELA Ruf.,(Etymology: Latinized form of Cascabel, a Spanish word meaning rattle; because the toxcity is comparable to rattlesnake, when the poisonous kernel is ingested, patients make rattling sounds due to difficulty in breathing. another version : The generic name Cascabela appears to have come from the term 'cascabela' which means small bell, refers to the flower shape. (from Missouri Botanical Gardens, Flora fauna web.)
Cascabela thevetia (L.) Lippold, (André de Thevet (1516-1590), a French Franciscan priest and explorer, who explored Brazil.) ganneru,గన్నేరు, pachhaganneru, పచ్చగన్నేరుpasupugottalaganneru,పసుపు గొట్టాలగన్నేరు suvarnaganneruసువర్ణగన్నేరు
CATHARANTHUS G.Don.,(Etymology: from Greek katharo" which means pure/Perfect, anthos- flower)
Catharanthus pusillus (Murray) G.Don, (weak/slender/minute, refers to the size) erri mirapa,యెర్రిమిరప gaddipoolu,గడ్డిపూలు gulvidi,గులివిడి kanupoolaku,కణుపూలాకు sukbanda,సుకబండ sukka bommi,సుక్కబొమ్మి
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don,(rose like) Billa ganneru,బిళ్ళగన్నేరు, nithya kalyaniనిత్య కళ్యాణి (Tel.).
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don,(rose like)
CERBERA L.,(Etymology: Dangerous-one, after Cerberus, the three-headed guardian dog of Hades (for the plant’s poisonous properties)
Cerbera odollam Gaertn.,(it is the Latinised form of Malayalam Vernacular name othalum/odallum)
CEROPEGIA L.,(Etymology: From Greek keros - wax and pege- fountain (fountain of wax); refers to the flowers which look waxy and are shaped like fountains.)
Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb., (with bulb like tuberous root) batchali dumpa,బచ్చలిదుంప, langatai,లింగతాయి manchi mande,మంచి మండ, nimmatayi, నిమ్మటాయి, palatige,పాల తీగ, tiyyamandeతియ్య మండ
Ceropegia candelabrum L., (like a branched candlestick, refers to flower)bakkalimanda,బక్కలిమండ pullamandaపుల్లమండ;
Ceropegia hirsuta Wight & Arn., (covered with rough hairs)erragadda, ఎర్రగడ్డ Pamuteega పాము తీగ ;
Ceropegia juncea Roxb.,(Rush like habit) bella gada,బెల్ల గడ bella manda,బెల్ల మండ ,
Ceropegia spiralis Wight,(twisted, refers to spirally twisted corona)
Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb., (with tuberous roots) baccaimande, bachalimanda,బచ్చలిమండ bachchalimandu,బచ్చలిమందు bachhalimanga,బచ్చలిమంగ, bellamgadda,బెల్లగడ్డ langatai,లింగతాయి nimmatai, నిమ్మటాయ్ pullamanda,పుల్లమండ pullamanga dumpaపుల్లమంగదుంప
COSMOSTIGMA Wight,(Etymology: From Greek cosmos(beautiful) flower with beautiful stigma)
Cosmostigma racemosum (Roxb.)Wight.,(flowers in racemes)
CRYPTOLEPIS R.Br.,(Etymology: from Greek krypto- hidden, lepis-scale, (refers to the hidden coronnal scales within the corolla tube)
Cryptolepis buchanani Roem. &Schult.,(for Francis Buchanan Hamilton (1762–1829) of Calcutta Botanic Garden,)
adivipalatige,అడవిపాల తీగ gunji, గుంజి gurugupalatigeగరుగు పాలతీగ , madanasekuమదనసేకు, rokallipalaరోకలిపాల , rutupalaరుతు పాల, rythupaala,రైతుపాల
Cryptolepis dubia (Burm.f.) M.R.Almeida,(uncertain)
Cryptolepis elegans Wall ex. Don, (graceful) gedesugandhapala,గేదె సుగంధపాల malatiyaraluమాలతి యారాలు , paala theegaపాలతీగ ;
Cryptolepis grandiflora Wight;(with large flowers)
Cryptolepis sinensis Lour.,(from China) pulla,పుల్ల pala tiga పాలతీగ ,
Cryptolepis grandiflora Wight;(with large flowers)
Cryptolepis sinensis Lour.,(from China) pulla,పుల్ల pala tiga పాలతీగ ,
CRYPTOSTEGIA R.Br.,(Etymology: hidden cover ( (the coronna conceals the anthers)
Cryptostegia grandiflora Roxb. ex R.Br.,(with large flowers) ganta paala,గంటపాల rabbarutheegaరబ్బరుతీగ
CYNANCHUM L.,(Etymology: dog strangler , refers to poisonous nature)
CYNANCHUM L.,(Etymology: dog strangler , refers to poisonous nature)
Cynanchum callialatum Buch.-Ham. ex Wight, (calli-beautiful, alatum-winged, refers to beautiful wings of the fruit)
Cynanchum tunicatum (Retz.) Alston, (having a cover)
Cynanchum tunicatum (Retz.) Alston, (having a cover)
DECALEPIS Wight & Arn.,(Etymology: deca-10, lepis-scale;Ten scaled one (perianth structure)
Decalepis hamiltonii Wight & Arn., (for William Hamilton, American naturalist)
madina kommulu,మదినకొమ్ములు, maredu kommuluమారేడు కొమ్ములు
DREGEA E. Meyer, (Etymology: for Johann Franz Drege (1794–1881), German plant
collector in S Africa)
collector in S Africa)
Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f., (entwining, refers to the habit) bandi-gurga,బండి-గురజ bandiguri-ginja, బండిగురుగింజ, dudipaala, దూది పాల kommu paala,కొమ్ముపాల, paalathige, పాలతీగ pedda-gurjaపెద్దగురిజ
GYMNEMA R.Br.,(Etymology: gymno- Naked- nema-threads ( refers to the hairless or exposed staminal filaments or to thwe projecting style)
Gymnema decaisneanum Wight ,(for Joseph Decaisne (1807–82), French botanist and
plant illustrator)
plant illustrator)
Gymnema sylvestre R.Br.,(of woods or wild ) bodaapathri,బోడపత్రి podapathri,పొడ పత్రి , putla-podra పుట్ల పొద్ర,putla podara,పుట్ల పొడర puttapodara, puttapodraపుట్ట పొదర, puttapodamu పుట్ట పొడము
HEMIDESMUS R.Br.,(Etymology: hemi-half, desmus- band, bundled (an allusion to the filaments and to the pollen masses)
Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R.Br. ex Schult.,adavipattitige,అడవిపత్తితీగ, adavippatitige,అడవిప్పతీగ barrisugandhi,బర్రిసుగంధి, gedasugandhiగేదె సుగంధి, mutthavapulagamuముత్తవ్వపులగం , nalla sugandhipaala, నల్లసుగంధిపాల, nannaari, నన్నారి paala sugandhi,పాలసుగంధి, pala-chukkam-deru,పల చుక్కందేరు, sarasaparilla,సరసపరిల్ల sugandapala,సుగంధిపాల thellasugandhipaalaతెల్లసుగంధిపాల
Hemidesmus indicus var. pubescens Hook.f.,
sugandapala,సుగంధిపాల,gede sugandhi paalaగేదె సుగంధి పాల
Hemidesmus indicus var. pubescens Hook.f.,
sugandapala,సుగంధిపాల,gede sugandhi paalaగేదె సుగంధి పాల
HOLARRHENA R.Br.,(Etymology:From the Greek holos "entire, whole" and arrhen "male", referring to the anthers, all fertile, included or entire.)
Holarrhena pubescens Wall., (becoming hairy) amkudu, అంకుడు chedukodise, చేదుకొడిశ, chittipala చిట్టి పాల, codagopala, girimallike,గిరి మల్లిక indra,ఇంద్ర indravrakshamuఇంద్ర వృక్షం, istarakupalaఇస్తరాకు పాల , jedlapala,జడల పాల kakakodise, కాక కొడిశ , kalingamuకళింగము , kanithiకణితి , kodaga,కొడగ kodisa,కొడిశ kodisepala,కొడిశ పాల, kolamukhi,కోలముఖి ,kolamukki,కోలముక్కి, kutajamuకుటజము , manupalaమాను పాల, pala,పాల palabariki,పాల బరికి , palakodisha,పాల కొడిశ peddaankudu, peddankudu, పెద్దంకుడు , vistrakupalaవిస్తరాకు పాల
aaku paala,ఆకు పాల istaripala,ఇస్తరిపాల, palankudu,పాలంకుడు palavareni,పాలవా రేణి tedla pala,తెల్ల పాల vrikshaka,వృక్షక yavaphalaయవ ఫాల
aaku paala,ఆకు పాల istaripala,ఇస్తరిపాల, palankudu,పాలంకుడు palavareni,పాలవా రేణి tedla pala,తెల్ల పాల vrikshaka,వృక్షక yavaphalaయవ ఫాల
HETEROSTEMMA Wight & Arn.,(Etymology: hetero-variable, stemma- crown)
Heterostemma deccanense (Talb.) Swarup. & Mangaly, (from Deccan region of S.India)(Endemic to A.P)
Heterostemma tanjorense Wight & Arn.;(from Tanjavoor of Tamilnadu)
Heterostemma tanjorense Wight & Arn.;(from Tanjavoor of Tamilnadu)
HOLOSTEMMA R. Br.,(Etymology: holo (complete/entire)stemma (crown), refers to staminal crown]
Holostemma ada-kodien Schult.,(Latinisation of Malayalam vernacular name of this plant) bandiguruvinda theega బండి గురివింద తీగ , dudipaalathige, దూది పాల తీగ, paalaguruguపాల గురుగు, paalajilledu,పాల జిల్లేడు pala-gurji, పాల గురుజి, peyyi badduపెయ్యిబడ్డు
HOYA R.Br.,(Etymology: for Thomas Hoy (c. 1750–1822), gardener at Sion House for the Duke of Northumberland, wax flower)
Hoya pendula Wight & Arn.;(for pedulous or drooping inflorescence)
Hoya ovalifolia Wight&Arn.,(refers to egg shaped leaves) palateega,పాల తీగ
ICHNOCARPUS R. Br.,(Etymology: from the Greek ichnos (a vestige) and karpos (fruit), alluding to the slender follicles.)
Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton, (of shrubby habit) illukkatti,ఇల్లుక్కత్తి, karampala,కారంపాల karra tivva,కర్రతివ్వ, korampala,కోరంపాల, mani tivva,మానితివ్వ, munthagajjanamu,ముంతగజ్జెనము, nallatige, నల్ల తీగ , paalatheega,పాల తీగ paalathivva, పాల తివ్వ, sahadeviసహదేవి
LEPTADENIA R.Br.,(Etymology: Slender-glanded,(on the staminal column)
Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) Wight & Arn., (conspicuously net-veined) guttipaala,గుత్తిపాల, kalasa,కలశ mukku thummudu,ముక్కుతుమ్ముడు paalathige, పాల తీగ
MARSDENIA R.Br.,(Etymology: for Willam Marsden (1754–1836), author of a history of Sumatra)
Marsdenia tenacissima (Roxb.) Moon,(most tenacious)
NERIUM L.,(Etymology: Dioscorides’ ancient Greek name for oleander, Nerium oleander)
Nerium oleander L.,(a medieval Latin name, oleander,Italian, oleandra, for the olive-like foliage); erraganneru,ఎర్రగన్నేరు, ganneruగన్నేరు, karaveeramu, కరవీరము kasthooripatte, కస్తూరి పట్టె ,
OXYSTELMA R.Br.,(Etymology: oxy-sharp, stelma-to bring together, to bind, to set like a girdle (indicating the sharp corona segments)
Oxystelma esculentum (L.f.) Sm., (fit to be edible, for the root juice is used to cure jaundice)chirupala,చిరుపాల, dudipala,దూది పాల,nelapala నేల పాల, pinnapala పిన్న పాల , sepaసేప
OIANTHUS Benth.,(Etymology: with egg shaped flowers (the ovoid-bell-shaped tube)
Oianthus disciflorus Hook.f.;( flowers with a distinct disc, with rotate flowers,)
PENTALINON Voigt,(Etymology: from Greek terms penta- five and linon rope, a reference to the elongated flower anthers found in members of this genus)
Pentalinon luteum (L.) B.F.Hansen & Wunderlin, 'luteum' means yellow, alluding to the colour of the flowers.
PENTATROPIS Wight, (Etymology: 5 keeled (refers to corona)
Pentatropis capensis (L.f.) Bullock,(from Cape Colony, or Cape of Good Hope, S Africa)
chekruti-teeg, చేకుర్తితీగ chekurthithivvaచేకుర్తితివ్వ , poda paalaపొద పాల , poolapaalaపూల పాల
PERGULARIA L.,(Etymology: pergula trellis or a vine- arbour (refers to the twining growth/habit of the plant)
Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) Chiov.,(devil like, for the fruits are spiny) chebira, చేబీర chebura,చేబుర dustapucettu,దుష్టపు చెట్టు dusthapu theega,దుష్టపుతీగ, guruti chettu,గురుటి చెట్టు jistapu theega,జిష్టపుతీగ, jittupaku,జిట్టపాకు, juttapu theegaజుట్టపు తీగ , juttu paakkuజుట్టు పాకు
PLUMERIA L.,(Etymology: for Charles Plumier (1646–1704), French botanist and writer on
tropical American plants (the common name, frangipane, is a French commemoration of the Italian Marchese Muzio Frangipani c. 1588)
tropical American plants (the common name, frangipane, is a French commemoration of the Italian Marchese Muzio Frangipani c. 1588)
Plumeria acuminata (with acuminate leaves)adavi-ganneru అడవి గన్నేరు, vada ganneru వాడగన్నేరు;
Plumeria alba L.,(white)adavi-ganneruఅడవి గన్నేరు, daevaganneruదేవగన్నేరు, veyyivarahaalu వెయ్యి వరహాలు ,
Plumeria rubra L.,(with red flowers)adaviganneru, అడవి గన్నేరుarhathaganneru అర్హతగన్నేరు, daeva ganneru,దేవగన్నేరు nuruvarahaaluనూరువరహాలు, vaadaganneruవాడ గన్నేరు , veyyivarahaaluవెయ్యి వరహాలు, guttiganneruగుత్తిగన్నేరు,
Plumeria alba L.,(white)adavi-ganneruఅడవి గన్నేరు, daevaganneruదేవగన్నేరు, veyyivarahaalu వెయ్యి వరహాలు ,
Plumeria rubra L.,(with red flowers)adaviganneru, అడవి గన్నేరుarhathaganneru అర్హతగన్నేరు, daeva ganneru,దేవగన్నేరు nuruvarahaaluనూరువరహాలు, vaadaganneruవాడ గన్నేరు , veyyivarahaaluవెయ్యి వరహాలు, guttiganneruగుత్తిగన్నేరు,
RAUVOLFIA L.,(Etymology: for Leonard Rauwolf (1535–96), Augsburg physician and
traveller in Palestine etc.)
traveller in Palestine etc.)
Rauvolfia verticillata (Lour.)Baill.,(leaves in whorls at each node)
Rauvolfia tetraphylla L.,(four leaves at each node) papatakuపాపటాకు,
Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz, (creeping like snake)dumparasna దుంప రసాయన , paathaalagandhiపాతాళ గంధి , paathaalagaruda,పాతాళ గరుడ patala ganiపాతాళ గని , patalagandhi పాటల గంధీ , patalagarudaపాటలగరుడ , sarpagandhiసర్ప గంధి, koriveru కొరి వేరు(In Warangal dist of Telangana it is called as Koriveru)
Rauvolfia tetraphylla L.,(four leaves at each node) papatakuపాపటాకు,
Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz, (creeping like snake)dumparasna దుంప రసాయన , paathaalagandhiపాతాళ గంధి , paathaalagaruda,పాతాళ గరుడ patala ganiపాతాళ గని , patalagandhi పాటల గంధీ , patalagarudaపాటలగరుడ , sarpagandhiసర్ప గంధి, koriveru కొరి వేరు(In Warangal dist of Telangana it is called as Koriveru)
SARCOLOBUS Wall.,(Etymology: From Greek sarco-fleshy, lobus (lobed)refers to fleshy root stocks and leaves)
Sarcolobus carinatus Wall.;(having a keel like ridge on fruit)pala boddy teega పాల బొడ్డి తీగ ,
SARCOSTEMMA R. Br.,(Etymology: sarco-fleshy crown (the corona)
Sarcostemma acidum (Roxb.) Voigt,(tastes like acid) palmakasturi,పల్మకస్తూరి, somalataaaku jemudu, సోమలతాకు జెముడు,aku jemudu,ఆకు జెముడు dustappa tigaదుష్టపుతీగ ,kada jhemudu కాడ జెముడు , kondapala,కొండపాలpadmakaashtamu,పద్మ కాష్ఠము pandri jemmudu,పందిరి జెముడు pula kada పూల కాడ , pulla jemudu పుల్ల జెముడు , pullathige పుల్ల తీగ , somalata, సోమలత , teega jemudu తీగ జెముడు;
Sarcostemma brevistigma Wight., (stigma very short or small)dustappatiga,దుష్టపుతీగ eripulinga,ఎరిపులింగ jigatshumoodoo,జిగటషుముడు, korakalli కొరకల్లి,kadujemudu,కాడుజెముడు kondapala,కొండపాల padmakashtam, పద్మ కాష్ఠము, pullajemudu,పుల్ల జెముడు pullatige, పుల్ల తీగ somalataసోమలత, somamu సోమము , theegajamudu,తీగ జెముడు ,
Sarcostemma intermedium Decne.,(between extremes) pullathige, పుల్ల తీగ, somalatha,సోమలత, tigejemuduతీగ జెముడు
Sarcostemma secamone(L.)Bennet,(like secamone) chirupaala,చిరుపాల dudipaala,దూది పాల nelapaala,నేల పాల paalakikura, పాలకి కూర palakura,పాల కూర pinnapaala,పిన్న పాల sepaసేప
SECAMONE R.Br.,(Etymology:from squamouna the Arabic name for one of the species.)
Secamone emetica (Retz.) R.Br. ex Schult.,(causing vomiting) chirupaala,చిరుపాల
TABERNAEMONTANA L.,(Etymology: named after Jakob Theodor von Bergzaben (1520 - 1590) (Latinised surname Tabernaemontanus meaning "tavern in the mountain"), who was a German herbalist.
Tabernaemontana divaricata (L.) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult.,(with wide-spreading or divaricate branches in inflorescence) grandhitagarapu,గ్రంధితగరపు nandivardhanamu,నందివర్ధనము nandyavaraimuనంద్యవారిఁయము
TELOSMA Coville.,(Etymology:Fragrant from afar telo-distant, osma- fragrance (many have strong perfumes)
Telosma pallida (Roxb.) Craib,(with light green flowers)
Telosma cordata (Burm. f.) Merr.; (leaves heart shaped)alapaala,అలపాల seethamanoharamuసీతామనోహరం
Telosma cordata (Burm. f.) Merr.; (leaves heart shaped)alapaala,అలపాల seethamanoharamuసీతామనోహరం
TOXOCARPUS Wight & Arn.,(Etymology: Toxis-poison, carpus-fruit, for the Poisonous fruit of the genus)
Toxocarpus kleinii Wight & Arn.,(for Jacob Theodore Klein (1685–1759), German botanist )
Toxocarpus longistigma Wight & Arn. ex Steud. syn.Toxocarpus roxburghii Wight & Arn.(stigma elongated)(Endemic to A.P),
TYLOPHORA R. Br.,(Etymology: From the Greek tylo-(knob)phora(bearing) (for the pollen masses/ floral structure)
Tylophora fasciculata Buch.-Ham. ex Wight; (flowers in fascicles or clusters)
Tylophora indica (Burm.f.) Merr., (from India)gori palaగోరి పాల , jittuka theegaజిట్టుక తీగ , kaakapaala,కాకపాల, kukkapaala,కుక్కపాల kukkapaalatheega,కక్కపాల తీగ, kurinja,కురింజి muttukumuttukoni,ముట్టుకు ముట్టుకోని, meka meyani aaku,మేక మెయ్యనిఆకు, nela tapire,నేలతాపిరి, podapatramu,పొడ పత్రము, tellayadalaతెల్ల యడల , theega paalaతీగ పాల, thellavedavela,తెల్ల వెదవేళ thellayaadaalaతెల్ల యాదాల , verripaala,వెర్రి పాల vettipala, వెట్టి పాల, vollu virupakuఒళ్ళువిరుపాకు;
Tylophora pauciflora Wight &Arn., (few flowered)
Tylophora rotundifolia Buch.-Ham. ex Wight;(with rounded leaves)
Tylophora indica (Burm.f.) Merr., (from India)gori palaగోరి పాల , jittuka theegaజిట్టుక తీగ , kaakapaala,కాకపాల, kukkapaala,కుక్కపాల kukkapaalatheega,కక్కపాల తీగ, kurinja,కురింజి muttukumuttukoni,ముట్టుకు ముట్టుకోని, meka meyani aaku,మేక మెయ్యనిఆకు, nela tapire,నేలతాపిరి, podapatramu,పొడ పత్రము, tellayadalaతెల్ల యడల , theega paalaతీగ పాల, thellavedavela,తెల్ల వెదవేళ thellayaadaalaతెల్ల యాదాల , verripaala,వెర్రి పాల vettipala, వెట్టి పాల, vollu virupakuఒళ్ళువిరుపాకు;
Tylophora pauciflora Wight &Arn., (few flowered)
Tylophora rotundifolia Buch.-Ham. ex Wight;(with rounded leaves)
VALLARIS Burm. f.,(Etymology: from Latin vallus - a stake in palisade(its use for fence-making in Java)(from David Gledhill and (CRC Dictionary)/ The genus "Vallaris" is Latin for a garland given to the first soldier to climb over the enemy's rampart.(Flora fauna web)
Vallaris solanacea (Roth) Kuntze,(like the flowers of Solanum) chinna maalathi,చిన్నమాలతి ginne maalathi,గిన్నెమాలతి, nagamalle,నాగమల్లి, nityamalle,నిత్య మల్లి, palamalletivva,పాల మల్లె తివ్వ pedda malle,పెద్ద మల్లి , puttapodarayarala,పుట్టపొదరాయారాల visalya karani, విశల్యకరణి.
WRIGHTIA R. Br.,(Etymology: for Dr William Wright (1740–1827), Scottish physician botanist,traveller and fellow of the Royal Society. who found Cinchona jamaicensis)
Wrightia arborea (Dennst.) Mabb., (tree habit) adaviankudu,అడవి అంకుడు, kolamukhi,కోలముఖి koyila mokiri,కోయల మొకిరి paala, పాల pala bariki,పాల బరికి pedda paala,పెద్ద పాల peddathedla paala పెద్ద తెడ్లపాల poothi jilledu,పోతిజిల్లేడు, potla paala,పొట్లపాల, putta paalaపుట్టపాల, putta jilledu,పుట్ట జిల్లేడు puttu cheyavalaru,పుట్టు చేయవరాలు, tella pala, తెల్ల పాల thedlapaala,తెడ్ల పాల
Wrightia indica Ngan(New record),(from India)
Wrightia tinctoria R.Br., (From the Latin tingo, tingere, tinxi, tinctum "to dye" and meaning "used for dyeing".)akupala,ఆకుపాల amkudu, అంకుడుankid-kodisha,అంకుడి కొడిశ, chitaamulu, చిటాములు,chittankudu,చిట్టంకుడు, dodda paala chettu, దొడ్డ పాల చెట్టు doddi pala,దొడ్డి పాల jeddapaala, జెడ్డ పాల, kalinga-vittuluకళింగ విత్తులు , kodisha-vittulu,కొడిశ విత్తులు kolamukhi,కోలముఖి paala barankiపాల బరింకి , paalaveri, పాల వేరి paalumili,పాలుమిలి, pala-kordsha,పాల కొడిశ, palamukiపాలముఖి , palaparki, పాల పరికి, palavariపాల వరి , palavereni,పాల వెరిని, pulavara పాలవర , reppala chettu,రెప్పాల చెట్టు , tedlapala, తెడ్ల పాల
Wrightia tinctoria R.Br., (From the Latin tingo, tingere, tinxi, tinctum "to dye" and meaning "used for dyeing".)akupala,ఆకుపాల amkudu, అంకుడుankid-kodisha,అంకుడి కొడిశ, chitaamulu, చిటాములు,chittankudu,చిట్టంకుడు, dodda paala chettu, దొడ్డ పాల చెట్టు doddi pala,దొడ్డి పాల jeddapaala, జెడ్డ పాల, kalinga-vittuluకళింగ విత్తులు , kodisha-vittulu,కొడిశ విత్తులు kolamukhi,కోలముఖి paala barankiపాల బరింకి , paalaveri, పాల వేరి paalumili,పాలుమిలి, pala-kordsha,పాల కొడిశ, palamukiపాలముఖి , palaparki, పాల పరికి, palavariపాల వరి , palavereni,పాల వెరిని, pulavara పాలవర , reppala chettu,రెప్పాల చెట్టు , tedlapala, తెడ్ల పాల
free; ovary inferior, 1-locular, placentae apical,
pendulous, styluli +; ovules bitegmic, endothelium 0, chalazal
endosperm haustorium +.
glandular-pubescent herbs or subshrubs; leaves opposite entire; flowers small
on short pedicels, in cymes; calyx persistent, free; petals free; stamens as
many as petals, not adnate; ovary 1-locula, ovary inferior; fruit dehisces at
the apex inside the persistent sepal lobes. (Vahliaceae look rather like some
Rubiaceae, however, there are no stipules, the relatively large, persistent
calyx is valvate, the petals are free, and the
gynoecium has a single loculus with apical placentae.)
Vahlia dichotoma
(Murray) O.Kuntze,(Polavaram, Ramayapatnam, Karedu)
Vahlia digyna
(Retz.) O.Kuntze,(Vayalpadu, Vaddapalli, Samarlakota)
SOLANALES Berchtold & J. Presl
(Includes Convolvulaceae, Hydroleaceae,Solanaceae, Sphenocleaceae)
Erect fleshy annuals of damp or flooded habitats with entire, spirally-arranged leaves and dense terminal spikes of small flowers with more or less inferior ovaries. The small fruits are circumsessile, the lid coming off just. Cortical air spaces+. Distribution: Pantropical.
SPHENOCLEA Gaertn.,(Etymology: Wedge-shaped-cup,refers to the calyx shape)
Sphenoclea zeylanica Gaertn.,(from Ceylone)
Annual herbs, growing near or even in water. Leaves small, flowers blue, sepals connate, corolla broadly campanulate, and an ovary with separate, more or less spreading styles, fruit septicidal capsule. Distribution:Tropical, warm temperate.
Annual herbs, growing near or even in water. Leaves small, flowers blue, sepals connate, corolla broadly campanulate, and an ovary with separate, more or less spreading styles, fruit septicidal capsule. Distribution:Tropical, warm temperate.
HYDROLEA L.,(Etymology: hydro-water, olea-oil, water-oil (refers to greasy texture of the leaves)
Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) J.Vahl, (from Ceylone) neeli nakshathraluనీలినక్షత్రాలు
CONVOLVULACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
Plants vines, laticiferous to scarious; if indumentum is present it is silky. Leaves simple, alternate, entire, palmate venation. Flowers in dichasial cymes; Calyx persitent, quincuncial; corolla large, radially symmetric, contorti-plicate or induplicate-valvate aestivation and the five stamens are adnate to the tube. G(2), each loculus usually having two ovules. Fruits are brown and woody. Seeds are hard and shiny; exotesta with papillae or hairs. Homospermidine synthase +, (pyrrolizine alkaloids +), (ergoline alkaloids +
ARGYREIA Lour.,(Etymology: Silvery-one, (with a silvery appearance of the leaves)
Argyreia arakuensis N.P.Balakr. (from Araku of A.P)
Argyreia cuneata (Willd.) Ker Gawl.,(narrow below wide above)
Argyreia cymosa (Roxb.)Sweet, (flowers in cymes)
Argyreia daltonii C.B.Clarke.(In honor of Joseph Dalton Hooker(1817–1911) English botanist)
Argyreia hirsuta Wight & Arn.,
Argyreia imbricata (Roth) Sant. & Patel(overlap like roof tiles) errakuta ఎర్ర కూత
Argyreia involucrata C.B.Clarke; (inflorescence subtended by bracts)
Argyreia kondaparthiensis P.Daniel & Vajr.
Argyreia cuneata (Willd.) Ker Gawl.,(narrow below wide above)
Argyreia cymosa (Roxb.)Sweet, (flowers in cymes)
Argyreia daltonii C.B.Clarke.(In honor of Joseph Dalton Hooker(1817–1911) English botanist)
Argyreia hirsuta Wight & Arn.,
Argyreia imbricata (Roth) Sant. & Patel(overlap like roof tiles) errakuta ఎర్ర కూత
Argyreia involucrata C.B.Clarke; (inflorescence subtended by bracts)
Argyreia kondaparthiensis P.Daniel & Vajr.
Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.) Bojer,(with conspicuous nerves)
chandrapaada,చంద్రపాద,chandrapala చంద్రపాల , kakkita,కక్కిత, kokkili, కొక్కిలి, kokkiti, కొక్కిటి తీగ, samudra pachha,సముద్రపచ్చ samudrappaala,సముద్రపాల thivvakkokkita తివ్వకొక్కిత, vrudda daaruవృద్ధ దారు;
Argyreia pilosa Wight & Arn.,(The whole plant or any of its organs invested with long spreading hairs)
Argyreia roxburghii (Wall.) Arn. ex Choisy, (In honour of William Roxburgh)
Argyreia sericea Dalzell,(Densely invested in part or totally with long hairs)
Argyreia setosa(Roxb.)Choisy, (plants with bristle like hairs)maya tige,మాయతీగ verriboddi-tigeవెర్రిబొద్దితీగ
chandrapaada,చంద్రపాద,chandrapala చంద్రపాల , kakkita,కక్కిత, kokkili, కొక్కిలి, kokkiti, కొక్కిటి తీగ, samudra pachha,సముద్రపచ్చ samudrappaala,సముద్రపాల thivvakkokkita తివ్వకొక్కిత, vrudda daaruవృద్ధ దారు;
Argyreia pilosa Wight & Arn.,(The whole plant or any of its organs invested with long spreading hairs)
Argyreia roxburghii (Wall.) Arn. ex Choisy, (In honour of William Roxburgh)
Argyreia sericea Dalzell,(Densely invested in part or totally with long hairs)
Argyreia setosa(Roxb.)Choisy, (plants with bristle like hairs)maya tige,మాయతీగ verriboddi-tigeవెర్రిబొద్దితీగ
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Argyreia nervosa |
BONAMIA Thouars,(Etymology: in honour of French physician and botanist François Bonamy (1710-1786).)
Bonamia semidigyna (Roxb.) Hallier f. (semi-half, digyna-pistil has 2 styles)
CONVOLVULUS L.,(Etymology: From the Latin convolvere, meaning to twine around, refers to twining habit of the genus)
Convolvulus arvensis L.,(found in uncultivated fields)
Convolvulus rottlerianus Choisy;( In honor of Johan Peter Rottler (1749–1836) French-born Indian cleric and botanist)
Convolvulus rottlerianus Choisy;(
CRESSA L.,(Etymology: based on kris or Kressa is a Cretan woman(used by Linnaeus ;may be a tautonym!)
Cressa cretica L.,(“from Crete”,from Crete islands of Greece. ) uppusanaga ఉప్పు శెనగ
CUSCUTA L.,(Etymology: the name used by Rufinus (thirteenth-century botanist) for dodder, from Arabic, kechout)
Cuscuta campestris Yunck.,(campest-field; found in plains or uncultivated fields)
Cuscuta hyalina Roth,(hyalo-glass, ina- like, resemble)
Cuscuta reflexa Roxb.,(bent back or reflexed, refers to flowers) bangaaru banti,బంగారు బంతి lanjasavaramu లంజ సవరము , passithigaపాసితీగ , savarapukaada, సవరపుకాడ, seethammapogu nooluసీతమ్మ పోగు నూలు , seethasavaramu,సీత సవరము , sitama purgonalu సీతమ్మపురిగొనలు
DINETUS Buch-Ham.ex.Sweet (Etymology: From Greek means "whirled round")
Dinetus malabaricus (C.B.Clarke) Staples, Syn.Porana malabarica C.B.Clarke.(new addition to A.P found in Chittoor dist.)DINETUS Buch-Ham.ex.Sweet (Etymology: From Greek means "whirled round")
ERYCIBE Roxb.,(Etymology: from Latin -climbing, referring to the plant’s climbing habit;)
Erycibe paniculata Roxb.(flowers in panicles) putta palatige, పుట్ట పాల తీగ
EVOLVULUS L.,(Etymology:evolvo-to unroll or untwist, refers to unentangled nature, they never entwine/another derivation, e plus convolvulus=evolvulus)
Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L.,(chickweed like) erra vishnukaraantha,ఎర్ర విష్ణు క్రాంత nalla vishnukaraantha నల్లవిష్ణు క్రాంత , vishnukarandi,విష్ణుకరంది vishnukraathamuవిష్ణు క్రాంతము,vishnukaathamu విష్ణుకాంతము, vishnukrantiవిష్ణుక్రాంతి,
Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L., (with coin like leaves)akhuparni,ఆకుపర్ణి
Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L., (with coin like leaves)akhuparni,ఆకుపర్ణి
HEWITTIA Wight & Arn.,(Etymology: for Mr Hewitt, editor of the Madras Journal of Science)
Hewittia scandens (J. König ex Milne) Mabb.,(climbing)
IPOMOEA L.,(Etymology: from the Greek words ips which means “worm”, and homois, which means “similar to.” Worm-resembling, (the sinuous twining stems)
Ipomoea alba L.,(white, refers to flower colour)naagaramukkatte, నాగార ముక్కత్తె , panditivankaya పందిటి వంకాయ;
Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.,(water dwelling, refers to its habit)thutikada,తూటి కాడ , thutikoora తూటికూర;
Ipomoea barlerioides (Choisy) Benth.ex Clarke,(similar to Barleria)
Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.,(Haitian name, batata, for sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas (cognate via Portugese, patatas, with potato) chilagadadumpa,చిలగడదుంప, genasu gadda,గెణుసు గడ్డ kanda gadda,కంద గడ్డ, mohanamu,మోహనము, thella dumpa తెల్ల దుంప
Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet,, (from Cairo, Egypt)
Ipomoea carnea Jacq. subsp. fistulosa (Mart. ex Choisy) D.F. Austin, (the colour of flesh, refers to the fruit colour; fistulosa: hollow like a pipe but closed at both ends) pandiri thooti,పందిరి తూటి, Samudrapaala,సముద్ర పాల rubber teegaరబ్బరు తీగ,
Ipomoea cheirophylla O'Donell, bhuchakragaddaభూ చక్ర గడ్డ , chirugummudu,చిరి గుమ్ముడు devakancanamu, దేవ కాంచనము gummudu,గుమ్ముడు karkarukamuకర్కరుకము , matta-paltiga,మట్ట పాలతీగ , mettapalatige,మెట్ట పాలతీగ nallanelagummudu, నల్ల నేల గుమ్ముడు nelagummuduనేల గుమ్ముడు, palmodikkuపాలమోదిక్కు,
Ipomoea coptica (L.) Roth ex Roem. & Schultes, (from Coptos, near Thebes, Egypt;
Ipomoea dichroa Choisy,(of two colours, refers to flowers)
Ipomoea eriocarpa R.Br.,(erio-wooly, carpa-fruit, refers to wooly fruits) purititigeపురిటి తీగ;
Ipomoea hederacea (L.)Jacq.
Ipomoea hederifolia L., (having leaves similar to those of Hedera,)
kaashi rathnaalu కాశీరత్నాలు,
Ipomoea hispida Zuccagni, (with stiff hairs) puritithige పురిటి తీగ ,
Ipomoea marginata (Desr.) Verdc., (having a distinct margin)lakshmanaలక్ష్మణ , mettatuti,మెట్ట తూటి, purititigeపురిటి తీగ
Ipomoea macrantha (Kunth)G.Don, (with large flowers than remaining species)
Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq., (from Mauritius)matta-paltigaమట్ట పాలతీగ , nelagummuduనేల గుమ్ముడు, boochakra gadda,భూ చక్ర గడ్డ chirugummuduచిరు గుమ్ముడు, devakaanchanamu,దేవ కాంచనము , gummuduగుమ్ముడు, , karkaarukamu కర్కారుకము , mettapaalathige,మెట్ట పాలతీగ nallanelagummu,నల్ల నేల గుమ్ముడు nelagummadi నేల గుమ్మడి , nelagummuduనేల గుమ్ముడు, nelakumbuduనేల కుంభుడు , paalamodikku పాలమోదిక్కు,
Ipomoea maxima Don, (larger than other species)metta thuti, మెట్ట తూటి, tella thuti తెల్ల తూటి
Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth,(the Arabic/Hindi vernacular name of the species) jiriki,జిరికి , kollivittuluకొల్లి/కొల్లి విత్తులు;
Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker-Gawl.,(dark, of uncertain affinity) golla jiddu aaku గొల్ల జిడ్డు ఆకు, nalla kokkita, nallakokkitaనల్ల కొక్కిత ,
Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R.Br. var. pes-caprae , (Latin pes-caprae, foot of goat, referring to the shape of the species’ leaf blade that resembles the footprint of a goat.) baalabandithigeబాల బండి తీగ , baedathigeబేడ తీగ , bala banthi-tigeబాల బంతి తీగ , chevulapillithige, చెవులపిల్లి తీగIpomoea pes-tigridis L., chikunuvvu, చీకునువ్వు mekamadugu, మేక మడుగు , puritikada,పురిటి కాడ puritithige పురిటి తీగ ,
Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.,(water dwelling, refers to its habit)thutikada,తూటి కాడ , thutikoora తూటికూర;
Ipomoea barlerioides (Choisy) Benth.ex Clarke,(similar to Barleria)
Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.,(Haitian name, batata, for sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas (cognate via Portugese, patatas, with potato) chilagadadumpa,చిలగడదుంప, genasu gadda,గెణుసు గడ్డ kanda gadda,
Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet,, (from Cairo, Egypt)
Ipomoea carnea Jacq. subsp. fistulosa (Mart. ex Choisy) D.F. Austin, (the colour of flesh, refers to the fruit colour; fistulosa: hollow like a pipe but closed at both ends) pandiri thooti,పందిరి తూటి, Samudrapaala,సముద్ర పాల rubber teegaరబ్బరు తీగ,
Ipomoea cheirophylla O'Donell, bhuchakragaddaభూ చక్ర గడ్డ , chirugummudu,చిరి గుమ్ముడు devakancanamu, దేవ కాంచనము gummudu,గుమ్ముడు karkarukamuకర్కరుకము , matta-paltiga,మట్ట పాలతీగ , mettapalatige,మెట్ట పాలతీగ nallanelagummudu, నల్ల నేల గుమ్ముడు nelagummuduనేల గుమ్ముడు, palmodikkuపాలమోదిక్కు,
Ipomoea coptica (L.) Roth ex Roem. & Schultes, (from Coptos, near Thebes, Egypt;
Ipomoea dichroa Choisy,(of two colours, refers to flowers)
Ipomoea eriocarpa R.Br.,(erio-wooly, carpa-fruit, refers to wooly fruits) purititigeపురిటి తీగ;
Ipomoea hederacea (L.)Jacq.
Ipomoea hederifolia L., (having leaves similar to those of Hedera,)
kaashi rathnaalu కాశీరత్నాలు,
Ipomoea hispida Zuccagni, (with stiff hairs) puritithige పురిటి తీగ ,
Ipomoea marginata (Desr.) Verdc., (having a distinct margin)lakshmanaలక్ష్మణ , mettatuti,మెట్ట తూటి, purititigeపురిటి తీగ
Ipomoea macrantha (Kunth)G.Don, (with large flowers than remaining species)
Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq., (from Mauritius)matta-paltigaమట్ట పాలతీగ , nelagummuduనేల గుమ్ముడు, boochakra gadda,భూ చక్ర గడ్డ chirugummuduచిరు గుమ్ముడు, devakaanchanamu,దేవ కాంచనము , gummuduగుమ్ముడు, , karkaarukamu కర్కారుకము , mettapaalathige,మెట్ట పాలతీగ nallanelagummu,నల్ల నేల గుమ్ముడు nelagummadi నేల గుమ్మడి , nelagummuduనేల గుమ్ముడు, nelakumbuduనేల కుంభుడు , paalamodikku పాలమోదిక్కు,
Ipomoea maxima Don, (larger than other species)metta thuti, మెట్ట తూటి, tella thuti తెల్ల తూటి
Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth,(the Arabic/Hindi vernacular name of the species) jiriki,జిరికి , kollivittuluకొల్లి/కొల్లి విత్తులు;
Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker-Gawl.,(dark, of uncertain affinity) golla jiddu aaku గొల్ల జిడ్డు ఆకు, nalla kokkita, nallakokkitaనల్ల కొక్కిత ,
Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R.Br. var. pes-caprae , (Latin pes-caprae, foot of goat, referring to the shape of the species’ leaf blade that resembles the footprint of a goat.) baalabandithigeబాల బండి తీగ , baedathigeబేడ తీగ , bala banthi-tigeబాల బంతి తీగ , chevulapillithige, చెవులపిల్లి తీగIpomoea pes-tigridis L., chikunuvvu, చీకునువ్వు mekamadugu, మేక మడుగు , puritikada,పురిటి కాడ puritithige పురిటి తీగ ,
Ipomoea purga (Wend.)Heyne, (purgative (the officinal root, purga de Jalapa, of Ipomoea purga) bedigadda,బేడితీగ,bhedigaddaబేడిగడ్డ, Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth,(refers to purple flowers) karukolliకారుకొల్లి, Ipomoea quamoclit L.,(from the Mexican vernacular name for Ipomaea quamoclit, Indian pink; quamoclit' derived from Greek name 'kuamos' for dwarf kidney bean, a reference to the seedlings' distinctively-shaped cotyledons (seed leaves).,) kaasirathnamu, కాశీ రత్నము , suryaratnamuసూర్య రత్నం, Ipomoea rubriflora O'Donell (with red flowers) kasiratmanu,కాశీ రత్నము kasiratnalu కాశీరత్నాలు, Ipomoea rumicifolia Choisy, (with dock-like leaves) Ipomoea staphylina Roem. & Schultes, (to the bunched flowers; used by Linnaeus for the nature of the inflorescence) thendra teega తెండ్ర తీగ , Ipomoea turbinata Lag., (conical or top shaped , refers to fruit) mookathikaya మూకతి కాయ, Ipomoea violacea L., (with violet colour, refers to flower colour )mettathooti,మెట్ట తూటి, nagarmukkatte,నాగార ముక్కత్తె panditivankaya పందిటి వంకాయ; Ipomoea wightii (Wall.) Choisy ;(in honour of Robert Wight) |
JACQUEMONTIA Choisy,(Etymology: for Victor Jaquemont, 19th century French botanist and explorer)
Jacquemontia paniculata var. paniculata Hallier f.,(flowers in panicles)
Jacquemontia paniculata (Burm. f.) Hallier f.,
Jacquemontia pentantha (Jacq.) G.Don,;(penta-five, antha- flowered)
Jacquemontia paniculata (Burm. f.) Hallier f.,
Jacquemontia pentantha (Jacq.) G.Don,;(penta-five, antha- flowered)
MERREMIA Dennst.ex Endl.,(Etymology: Possibly from a form of the Hebrew name Miriam, which was Latinised to Mary in later years; the plant is commonly referred to as the Virgin Mary plant)
Merremia aegyptia (L.) Urban, (from Egypt) Elukajemudu ఎలుక జెముడు ,
Merremia cissoides (Lam.) Hallier f.,(Similar to Cassia)
Merremia dissecta (Jacq.) Hall.f.,(cut into many deep segments)
Merremia emarginata (Burm.f.) Hall.f.,(notched at apex) toinnuatali, తోయన్నువతలి yelaka jeevi aaku, ఎలక చెవి ఆకు, elikajemudu ఎలుక జెముడు;
Merremia hederacea (Burm.f.) Hall.f., (resembling Hedera)
Merremia quinquefolia (L.) Hall.f.,(with 5 leaflets)
Merremia umbellata (L.)Hall.f., (with flowers in umbels) chatakattutivvaచాట కట్టు తివ్వ , kappativva,కప్ప తివ్వ verumalleవేరుమల్లె
Merremia tridentata (L.) Hallier f.(with 3 teeth, at the basal part of lamina 3 teeth are present)సీతమ్మ సవరం,lanjasavaram లంజసవరం,seethamma jada,సీతమ్మ జడ sunchumutthiసుంచు మూతి
Merremia vitifolia (Burm.f.) Hall.f.; (leaves similar to Vitis)
OPERCULINA S. Manso, (Etymology: the seed pod has a lid-like top, with an operculum)
Merremia cissoides (Lam.) Hallier f.,(Similar to Cassia)
Merremia dissecta (Jacq.) Hall.f.,(cut into many deep segments)
Merremia emarginata (Burm.f.) Hall.f.,(notched at apex) toinnuatali, తోయన్నువతలి yelaka jeevi aaku, ఎలక చెవి ఆకు, elikajemudu ఎలుక జెముడు;
Merremia hederacea (Burm.f.) Hall.f., (resembling Hedera)
Merremia quinquefolia (L.) Hall.f.,(with 5 leaflets)
Merremia umbellata (L.)Hall.f., (with flowers in umbels) chatakattutivvaచాట కట్టు తివ్వ , kappativva,కప్ప తివ్వ verumalleవేరుమల్లె
Merremia tridentata (L.) Hallier f.(with 3 teeth, at the basal part of lamina 3 teeth are present)సీతమ్మ సవరం,lanjasavaram లంజసవరం,seethamma jada,సీతమ్మ జడ sunchumutthiసుంచు మూతి
Merremia vitifolia (Burm.f.) Hall.f.; (leaves similar to Vitis)
Merremia vitifolia |
Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso;(derivation obscure, from Latin turpethum; French-turbith, Arabic-turbid,; refers to the root is used as purgative) errategada, ఎర్ర తెగడ nallategada,నల్ల తెగడ,tegada,తెగడ tellatagadaతెల్ల తెగడ
RIVEA Choisy,(Etymology: for Auguste de la Rive, Swiss physiologist)
Rivea hypocrateriformis Choisy,(of tubular flowers surmounted with lobes forming a shallow cup,) boddikoora, బొద్ది కూర , bodditigeబొద్ది తీగ , boorditigaబురిడి తీగ, dzungaru,జుంగారు junjura,జుంజుర neeruboddi,నీరు బొద్ది
Rivea ornata (Roxb.) Choisy,;(Showy) bodditigeబొద్ది తీగ
Rivea ornata (Roxb.) Choisy,;(Showy) bodditigeబొద్ది తీగ
SOLANACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
Herbs to shrubs, usually foetid; branching sympodial; paired leaves adjacent on the stem are common; leaves simple to compound; branching/leaf insertion in inflorescence distinctive ; flowers 5 merous, weakly monosymmetric, sympetalous ; Corolla in twisted aestivation; median petal is in the adaxial position; anthers dehiscing by pores or the anthers as a group are connivent at the apex. calyx connate, persistent and even enlarge in fruit. Ovary oblique, often pseudo-4-locular, placentae swollen, stigma capitate or peltate. The fruit is usually bicarpellate and is a septicidal capsule or a berry with flattened seeds. Distribution: World-wide.
hygroline alkaloids, oligosaccharides, (myricetin) +;
CAPSICUM L., Biter, (Etymology: From Greek kapto- to bite, to swallo/gulp for the hot taste of peppers(Linneaus); another version from Latin capsa, meaning 'box', presumably alluding to the pods;),
Capsicum annuum L.,(annual) galakonda,గాలకొండ mirapa kaayi,మిరప కాయ mirapa-singa మిరప సింగ, mirchi,మిర్చి, miriyapukaya,మిరియపు కాయ, sudmirapakayaసూది మిరపకాయ
Capsicum annuum L.,(annual) galakonda,గాలకొండ mirapa kaayi,మిరప కాయ mirapa-singa మిరప సింగ, mirchi,మిర్చి, miriyapukaya,మిరియపు కాయ, sudmirapakayaసూది మిరపకాయ
Capsicum frutescens L.,(becoming shrubby) aggi mirapa,అగ్గి మిరప, golkondamirapa గోల కొండ మిరప , konda mirapaకొండ మిరప, mirapa,మిరప, mirapakaya,మిరప కాయ, mirchi,మిర్చి, miriyapukaya, మిరియపు కాయ, simamirapakaiya,సీమ మిరప కాయ sudimirapakaaya, sudimirapakaiyaసూది మిరపకాయ
Capsicum annum L. var. grossum (L.) Sendt. (grossum-large, refers to large fruits)- Sweet Paprika, Bell Pepper,kura mirapa కూర మిరప
Capsicum minimum Roxb.,(smaller than other species) kondamirapa,కొండమిరప, mirapakayaమిరప కాయ, miriyapukaaya,మిరియపు కాయ,sudimirapakaaya, సూది మిరపకాయ
CESTRUM L.,(from Greek kestron-pointed;Pliny applied Latin cestros- betony , Linnaeus)
Cestrum nocturnum L., (night, refers to flowering time) rerani రేరాణి
DATURA L.,(Etymology: from an Indian vernacular name, dhatura, Sanskrit, dhustura, (Arabic, tatorali) (thorn apple)
Datura innoxia Mill. (without prickles, harmless)ummetthaఉమ్మెత్త,
Datura metel L.,( an Arabic vernacular name for Datura metel)
duthooramu,దతూరము maatulaputrakamu మాతులపుత్రకము , nala ummattha నల్ల ఉమ్మెత్త , tellaummetta,తెల్లఉమ్మెత్త , ummetthaఉమ్మెత్త,
Datura metel L.,( an Arabic vernacular name for Datura metel)
duthooramu,దతూరము maatulaputrakamu మాతులపుత్రకము , nala ummattha నల్ల ఉమ్మెత్త , tellaummetta,తెల్లఉమ్మెత్త , ummetthaఉమ్మెత్త,
Datura stramonium L.,(from a name, used by Theophrastus for the thorn apple, Datura stramonium, possibly from Tartar, turman) dutturamu,దతూరము nalla ummetthaనల్ల ఉమ్మెత్త, thellavumetthaతెల్లఉమ్మెత్త , ummetthaఉమ్మెత్త,;
LYCIANTHES (Etymology: From Lycia SWTurkey/ derived from the Greek lykion meaning ‘a thorny bush’ and anthos meaning ‘flower’)
Lycianthes laevis (Dunal) Bitter,(smooth, delicate)
LYCOPERSICON Miller,(from Greek lykos, "wolf," and persicon, "a peach," because of supposed poisonous properties, and originally the name of an Egyptian plant(Galen’s name) later transferred to this American genus )
Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.,(edible) simavanga,సీమ వంగ thakkali, తక్కాళి karpoora vankaayi కర్పూర వంకాయ , thakkaali panduతక్కాళిపండు,tamota టమాటా
NICOTIANA L.,(Etymology: for Jean Nicot (1530–1600), who introduced tobacco to France in the late sixteenth century)
Nicotiana tabacum L.,(from the Mexican-Spanish, Carib vernacular name, tabaco, for the pipe used for smoking the leaves of Nicotiana tabacum) dhumrapatramu,ధూమ్ర పత్రము, pogaaku,పొగాకు,puvvaku పువ్వాకు(In Prakasham dist.) tambakuతంబాకు(In Telangana)
Petunia ; (Etymology: From the Brazilian word for tobacco
PHYSALIS L.,(Etymology: From Greek physa- a bladder, refers to the inflated fruiting calyx resembles a bellows or bladder,)
Physalis angulata L.,(with angled bladder) kukka tomato కుక్క టొమాటో,
Physalis lagascae Roem. & Schult.,
/Physalis minima L., (smaller) budama,బుడమ budamakaya బుడమకాయ , budda బుడ్డ, budda gachiబుడ్డ గచ్చి , buddha bhushadaబుడ్డబూషడ, kunpati, కుంపటి
Physalis peruviana L. (from Peru) budama,బుడమ buddabusaraబుడ్డబూషర , busarakaaya, బూసరకాయ , paambudda పాముబుడ్డ;
Physalis lagascae Roem. & Schult.,
/Physalis minima L., (smaller) budama,బుడమ budamakaya బుడమకాయ , budda బుడ్డ, budda gachiబుడ్డ గచ్చి , buddha bhushadaబుడ్డబూషడ, kunpati, కుంపటి
Physalis peruviana L. (from Peru) budama,బుడమ buddabusaraబుడ్డబూషర , busarakaaya, బూసరకాయ , paambudda పాముబుడ్డ;
SOLANUM L.,(Etymology: there are many derivations; ancient Latin name used by Pliny for a Strychnos like plant, ; another derivation sol, meaning "sun", referring to its status as a plant of the sun. ; Latin for "quieting," in reference to the narcotic properties of some species. the root was solare, meaning "to soothe," or solamen, meaning "a comfort," which would refer to the soothing effects of the plant upon ingestion. Solanum means potato like.)
Solanum americanum Mill,(from America) gajuchettuగాజు చెట్టు, kaachi,కాచి, kaamanchi, కామంచి , kaamakshi కామాక్షి , kanchipoondu,కంచిపండు, kasaka కాసక ,
Solanum anguivi Lam.,(a serpent like or wavy) adaviyuchinta అడవిఉచింత , challa mulaga,చల్లములగ chitti mulaga, చిట్టిములగ, kaakimaachi,కాకి మంచి , kaki mulaga కాకి ములగ , mulla vankaaya ముళ్ల వంకాయ , nalla mulaka నల్ల ములక,thellamulakaతెల్ల ములక, usthakayaవుస్తకాయ , vankuduవాకుడు, varthaki వర్తకి ,
Solanum erianthum D.Don,(with wooly stamens) budama,బుడమ, pittuపిట్టు, rasagadiరసగడి ,
Solanum giganteum Jacq., (larger than other species)
Solanum indicum L., adivi utchintaఅడవిఉచింత, challamulagaచల్లములగ, chittimulaga, చిట్టిములగ, kaka-machi, కాక మాచి,nallamulagaనల్ల ములగ , nallamulakaనల్ల ములక , tella-mulaka,తెల్ల ములక , usthakayaవుస్తకాయ
Solanum melongena L. var. Melongena,( The Latin name 'melongena' has its roots in the Italian name 'melanzane', which derives from 'mela insane' meaning 'mad apple'. First domesticated in India; 2.from Greek melo-apple,apple bearer (producing a tree-fruit, the egg plant;3. for melon-shaped fruit; 4. it is the Latinised vernacular name of the species in S. America )chiruvanga,చిరువంగ eruvangaఇరువంగ , hingudiహింగుడి , mettavangaమెట్టవంగ , mulukaములక , neerwangkaiనీరువంకాయ , nidupavanga, నిడుపు వంగ , nirettuvangaనీరెట్టువంగ , vangaవంగ , vanga chettuవంగ చెట్టు , vankaaya, వంకాయ
Solanum pubescens Willd. (having soft hairs) adavimulagaఅడవి ములగ , kaashi usthe, కాశీఉస్తి, ramesvaravusteరామేశ్వరఉస్తె , rasangadi maanuరసగండి మాను , uste, ustekaya,ఉస్తె /ఉస్తె కాయ ,
Solanum seaforthianum Andr.,(for Francis Humberston Mackenzie, Lord Seaforth (1754–1815), patron of botany)
Solanum surattense Burm. f., (from Surat of India) challa mulaga,చల్లములగ erri vanga, ఎర్రివంగ nela mulaka,నేల ములక nela vakuduనేల వాకుడు, pinnamulakaపిన్న ములక, revatimunagaరేవటి మునగ, vakuduవాకుడు, vakudu mulama వాకుడుమూలమ
Solanum torvum Sw., (fierce, sharp, harsh refers to prickles) konda vusti, kondavuste,కొండఉస్తి, usti ఉస్తి
Solanum trilobatum L., (leaves 3 lobed) alarkapathram,అలర్కపత్రము, kondavuchinta కొండ ఉచింత , mundlamusthi ముండ్ల/ముళ్ల ముష్టి,tella usthi తెల్ల ఉస్తి, uchchintaఉచింత, ustheఉస్తి,
Solanum incanum L., (quiet grey, hoary) nidupu vanga,నిడుపువంగ, niru vanga నీరు వంగ , revati mulaga రేవటి ములగ , siru vangaసిరువంగ
Solanum anguivi Lam.,(a serpent like or wavy) adaviyuchinta అడవిఉచింత , challa mulaga,చల్లములగ chitti mulaga, చిట్టిములగ, kaakimaachi,కాకి మంచి , kaki mulaga కాకి ములగ , mulla vankaaya ముళ్ల వంకాయ , nalla mulaka నల్ల ములక,thellamulakaతెల్ల ములక, usthakayaవుస్తకాయ , vankuduవాకుడు, varthaki వర్తకి ,
Solanum erianthum D.Don,(with wooly stamens) budama,బుడమ, pittuపిట్టు, rasagadiరసగడి ,
Solanum giganteum Jacq., (larger than other species)
Solanum indicum L., adivi utchintaఅడవిఉచింత, challamulagaచల్లములగ, chittimulaga, చిట్టిములగ, kaka-machi, కాక మాచి,nallamulagaనల్ల ములగ , nallamulakaనల్ల ములక , tella-mulaka,తెల్ల ములక , usthakayaవుస్తకాయ
Solanum melongena L. var. Melongena,( The Latin name 'melongena' has its roots in the Italian name 'melanzane', which derives from 'mela insane' meaning 'mad apple'. First domesticated in India; 2.from Greek melo-apple,apple bearer (producing a tree-fruit, the egg plant;3. for melon-shaped fruit; 4. it is the Latinised vernacular name of the species in S. America )chiruvanga,చిరువంగ eruvangaఇరువంగ , hingudiహింగుడి , mettavangaమెట్టవంగ , mulukaములక , neerwangkaiనీరువంకాయ , nidupavanga, నిడుపు వంగ , nirettuvangaనీరెట్టువంగ , vangaవంగ , vanga chettuవంగ చెట్టు , vankaaya, వంకాయ
Solanum pubescens Willd. (having soft hairs) adavimulagaఅడవి ములగ , kaashi usthe, కాశీఉస్తి, ramesvaravusteరామేశ్వరఉస్తె , rasangadi maanuరసగండి మాను , uste, ustekaya,ఉస్తె /ఉస్తె కాయ ,
Solanum seaforthianum Andr.,(for Francis Humberston Mackenzie, Lord Seaforth (1754–1815), patron of botany)
Solanum surattense Burm. f., (from Surat of India) challa mulaga,చల్లములగ erri vanga, ఎర్రివంగ nela mulaka,నేల ములక nela vakuduనేల వాకుడు, pinnamulakaపిన్న ములక, revatimunagaరేవటి మునగ, vakuduవాకుడు, vakudu mulama వాకుడుమూలమ
Solanum torvum Sw., (fierce, sharp, harsh refers to prickles) konda vusti, kondavuste,కొండఉస్తి, usti ఉస్తి
Solanum trilobatum L., (leaves 3 lobed) alarkapathram,అలర్కపత్రము, kondavuchinta కొండ ఉచింత , mundlamusthi ముండ్ల/ముళ్ల ముష్టి,tella usthi తెల్ల ఉస్తి, uchchintaఉచింత, ustheఉస్తి,
Solanum incanum L., (quiet grey, hoary) nidupu vanga,నిడుపువంగ, niru vanga నీరు వంగ , revati mulaga రేవటి ములగ , siru vangaసిరువంగ
Solanum villosum Mill.; (with long hairs) kovidaaraకోవిదార
Solanum virginianum L.,(from Virginia state of USA) challamulaga, చల్లములగ jidduvuste, జిడ్డుఉస్తె kudaa,కూడా mulla vankaaya,ముళ్ల వంకాయ nela mullaaku,నేల ముల్లాకు nelamulaka,నేల ములక nelamungaనేల మునగ , nelavaakudu నేల వాకుడు , pinnamulaka పిన్న ములక , raama mulaga రామ ములగ , rammolakaరామ్మొలక , thellangelamulakaతెల్లంగెల ములక , thellavaakuduతెల్ల వాకుడు , vaartaaki వార్తకి , vakudu వాకుడు , vausteఉస్తె
WITHANIA Pauquy, (Etymology:From Latin,withan (of unknown origin)refers to the reputation that the root powder is used to manage many unknown or unexplained diseases)(in telugu there is a saying పేరు లేని జబ్బు కు పెన్నేరు గడ్డ -for all nameless ailments this root is used in traditional medicine)
Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal, (from Greek somna-sleep, fera bearing, refers to sleep inducing property of root and seeds) asvagandhi అశ్వగంధి, dommadolu దొమ్మ డోలు , penneru gadda పెన్నేరుగడ్డ, pillivendramu, పులి వేండ్రము vaajigandha, వాజిగంధ
BORAGINALES Berchtold & J. Presl, nom.
The classification of families are done as per APG system of classification as per; but the Plant list there is only one family: Boraginaceae
BORAGINACEAE Jussieu, nom. cons.
Plants herbaceous; roughly hairy; the leaves are spiral; simple, with midvein alone obvious. Flowers solitary or in cymes; bracteoles 0; sepals free, persistent; corolla funneliform, lobes spreading, mouth with in pushings of corolla tube; ovary with secondary septae, placentation parietal, style gynobasic, hollow, stigma capitate, heterostyly +; fruit a schizocarp, four nutlets which may be ornamented with hooks and various other projections.
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids; silicon concentration common. Temperate to tropical in distribution.
CYNOGLOSSUM L.,(Etymology: from Greek cyanos- Dog's (or hound's) glossa- tongue(for rough leaf texture)
Cynoglossum zeylanicum (Vahl ex Hornem.) Thunb. ex Lehm.;(from Ceylon) kada anthrintaకాడఆంత్రిత
ROTULA Lour.,(Etymology: Like a small wheel)
Rotula aquatica Lour., (water, refers to water dwelling)pasanabhedaపాషాణబేది
TRICHODESMA R.Br.,(Etymology: From the Greek thrix (hair), and desme (cable or band), referring to the long, spiraling hairs or awns)
Trichodesma indicum (L.) Lehm., gurragutti,గుర్ర గుత్తి guvvagutti,గువ్వగుత్తి nelanakshathraనేలనక్షత్ర ,Trichodesma indicum var.amplexicaule (Roth) T. Cooke, (leaf base clasping to the stem)
Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burm.f.) R.Br., pedda gurraguttiపెద్ద గుర్రంగుత్తి, vonte thoka ఒంటెతోక ,
Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burm.f.) R.Br., pedda gurraguttiపెద్ద గుర్రంగుత్తి, vonte thoka ఒంటెతోక ,
HELIOTROPIACEAE Schrader, nom. cons.
Herbs, leaves simple, alternate, often scabrous; flowers 5-merous, in scorpioid cymes; C imbricate or with involute margins; A connate at apex; style much swollen apically- almost plug-like, stigma receptive only basi-laterally, the style is terminal. The fruit is often a schizocarp- drupe with 4, 1-seeded stones.
HELIOTROPIUM L. (Etymology: From Greek helio-sun, trope-turning, refers to turning towards Sun.)
Heliotropium bracteatum R.Br., (with conspicuous bracts)
Heliotropium curassavicum L., nela golividiనేల గొలివిడి,
Heliotropium indicum L.,kodikki,కోడిక్కి nagadantiనాగ దంతి,telukondi తేలు కొండి ,Heliotropium ovalifolium Forssk.,
Heliotropium scabrum Retz.,
Heliotropium strigosum Willd.,
Heliotropium curassavicum L., nela golividiనేల గొలివిడి,
Heliotropium indicum L.,kodikki,కోడిక్కి nagadantiనాగ దంతి,telukondi తేలు కొండి ,Heliotropium ovalifolium Forssk.,
Heliotropium scabrum Retz.,
Heliotropium strigosum Willd.,
CORDIACEAE Dumortier, nom. cons.
Plants woody, rarely herbs; the bark is fibrous, and the twigs are whitish in color. Leaves spiral, scabrous. Flowers 4-or 5-merous, solitary or in sub-dichasial cymes; K valvate to open; C contorted; stamens 4; and the styles are twice branched and with capitate stigmas. The fruits are drupes, surrounded by a persistent and more or less accrescent calyx.
COLDENIA L.,(Etymology: Named for Cadwallader Colden, 18th century colonial scholar and political leader of New York, and correspondent of Linnaeus)
Coldenia procumbens L., bukkinaku,బుక్కినాకు cheppu tattaku, చెప్పుతట్టాకు,, hamsa padu, హంసపాదు
CORDIA Dumortier, nom. cons ,(Etymology: Named for Valerius Cordus, 16th century German botanist)
Cordia dichotoma G.Forst., (divided into two, refers to inflorescence branched in dichotomous way) bankanakkera,బంక నక్కెర, banka,బంక botukaబొటుక , chinnabotuku చిన్న బొటుకు , chinnanakkera చిన్న నక్కెర , irkiఇరికి, nakkera,నక్కెర/నక్కెన , naravanjiనారవంజి , pedda-botukuపెద్ద బతుకు , pedda-nakkera-chettuపెద్ద నక్కెర , urunakkera వూరు నక్కెర , virigi, విరిగి , vuddalakaఉద్దాలక,bankapallu బంక పళ్ళు,banka nakkena బంక నక్కెన,
Cordia domestica Roth,(of the household )
Cordia macleodii Hook.f. & Thomson, (in honour of Macleod (Imperial economic botanist, Scientific advisor to British India (1898-1923)
Cordia sinensisLam.,(From China)
Cordia domestica Roth,(of the household )
Cordia macleodii Hook.f. & Thomson, (in honour of Macleod (Imperial economic botanist, Scientific advisor to British India (1898-1923)
Cordia sinensisLam.,(From China)
Cordia monoica Roxb., (separate staminate and pistillate flowers on the same plant, of a single house, monoecious,)botukukuraబొటుకు కూర , kichavirigiకిచ్చ విరి గి , kondavirigiకొండ విరిగి , nakkeraనక్కెర ,pachchabotukuపచ్చబతుకు, panugeri,పునుగేరి peddabotukuపెద్ద బతుకు, peddanakkaraపెద్ద నక్కెర, piyyagaru పియ్యగారు bankera బంకేర, ,
Cordia sebestena L.,(sebestena is derived from an allied Persian species, sapistan, grown around the town of Sebesta) viraagi విరాగి ,
Cordia sebestena L.,(sebestena is derived from an allied Persian species, sapistan, grown around the town of Sebesta) viraagi విరాగి ,
EHRETIACEAE Martius, nom. cons.
Woody shrubs or trees, often the bark is fibrous, the twigs are whitish in color. The leaves are alternate, simple, pubescent or scabrous. The flowers 5-merous, small, in simple or dichasial cymes. K-valvate, C imbricate or inwards-folded, rotate; stamens 5;G(5) , placentation axile, and the style is once-divided, stigmas capitate. The fruits are drupes, surrounded by a persistent calyx.
EHRETIA P.Beauv.,(Etymology: for George Dionysius Ehret (1708–70), botanical artist)
Ehretia acuminata R.Br.,(with a long, narrow and pointed tip, of leaves)
Ehretia aspera Willd., (rough, refers to leaf )
Ehretia laevis Roxb.,(smooth, refers to leaf) adabukkuduఆడబుక్కుడు , alabukkuduఆలబుక్కుడు , bodidhi బోడిది , bokkadi, బొక్కడి , buri బూరి , chilla poku,చిల్ల పోకు, giduguri, గీడుగురి, paladantamu,పాల దంతము pedda pikka,పెద్ద పిక్క pedda pulimaera,పెద్ద పులిమెర, peddapichaka పెద్ద పిచక , pogada,పొగడ, pokachettuపోక చెట్టు , polimiriపొ లిమిరి , potubokkada,పోతు బొక్కడ reddapulmera,రెడ్డ పులిమెర seregadaసెరిగడ , shiragadam, శిర గడం , tella pisiniతెల్ల పిసిని , tellajuvviతెల్ల జువ్వి ,
Ehretia laevis var. pubescens (Benth.) C.B. Clarke,
Ehretia microphylla Lam. (with smaller leaves) bapana buriబాపన బూరి, , barrankiబర్రంకి, chepaku చేపాకు , gulpoleగూల్పోలి , nakkatoka నక్క తోక , nomu chettuనోము చెట్టు,numae munta నూనె ముంత , pitta pisinika పిట్ట పిసినిక, pichuka biraపిచ్చుకబీర ,guvvaku గువ్వాకు
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Ehretia acuminata fruits |
Ehretia laevis Roxb.,(smooth, refers to leaf) adabukkuduఆడబుక్కుడు , alabukkuduఆలబుక్కుడు , bodidhi బోడిది , bokkadi, బొక్కడి , buri బూరి , chilla poku,చిల్ల పోకు, giduguri, గీడుగురి, paladantamu,పాల దంతము pedda pikka,పెద్ద పిక్క pedda pulimaera,పెద్ద పులిమెర, peddapichaka పెద్ద పిచక , pogada,పొగడ, pokachettuపోక చెట్టు , polimiriపొ లిమిరి , potubokkada,పోతు బొక్కడ reddapulmera,రెడ్డ పులిమెర seregadaసెరిగడ , shiragadam, శిర గడం , tella pisiniతెల్ల పిసిని , tellajuvviతెల్ల జువ్వి ,
Ehretia laevis var. pubescens (Benth.) C.B. Clarke,
Ehretia microphylla Lam. (with smaller leaves) bapana buriబాపన బూరి, , barrankiబర్రంకి, chepaku చేపాకు , gulpoleగూల్పోలి , nakkatoka నక్క తోక , nomu chettuనోము చెట్టు,numae munta నూనె ముంత , pitta pisinika పిట్ట పిసినిక, pichuka biraపిచ్చుకబీర ,guvvaku గువ్వాకు
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